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123chentao 2021-02-23

It has been four months, and I have been waiting for an AE invitation all along. At the three-month mark, the editor sent me an email asking if I would like to continue waiting, mentioning that they haven't been able to invite anyone. Is there anyone who can advise me whether I should consider other options? I really can't wait any longer.

十三大狼 2021-02-22

Submitted Topic: Received suggestions for revision within a month. Now, after completing the revisions, it has been submitted. Waiting for the final outcome.

墨言 2021-02-17

After the modification suggestions were just submitted, the system status changed to "AE assigned". I don't know if it still needs to be sent for external review. The editing teacher is very responsible, patiently replying to multiple emails I sent. Thank you ?.

竹简 2021-02-17

I also need revision. I just submitted it, hoping for good luck.

jaychou 2021-02-15

Submitted in November, officially announced at the end of February, the mathematical derivation completed in the first semester of graduate school, and published after completing the experiments in the first semester of the second year. The reviewers highly appreciated my work, and I am also very happy. It is the first paper in my life.

墨言 2021-02-08

Submitted at the beginning of September
Pending approval at the beginning of February
How long does it take for pending approval to have a result?

哈哈kk 2021-02-08

Submitted on December 24.
Padding approval on January 24.
It is now February 8, and there has been no email notification yet. How much longer do I have to wait?

陆离之忆st 2021-02-08

There is only one reviewer, and the email received states "revision required." It doesn't specify whether it's a major or minor revision. Does this mean there is little chance of success?

踏实学术 2021-02-07

Some review comments should have come back.

踏实学术 2021-02-07

Yours should also have results soon. The "pending approval" status should mean that some review comments have been returned.

竹简 2021-02-07

20201208, submit
20201218, ae assigned
20210118, under review
20210207, pending approval

Does anyone with experience speculate on what this status means? I haven't received any notification to make revisions, and it's directly pending approval. Is it possible that it has been rejected without any notice? How long does the pending approval status typically last?

墨言 2021-02-03

Excuse me, 187楼主, how long did it take for you to receive a reply after your pending approval status?

冷面阎罗 2021-01-14

Why bother caring so much? It's not like we only rely on this one article. Just post several other articles and that's it.

李家小少爷 2021-01-14

Submitted for over a year, it took about a year to receive major revisions. I originally didn't want to bother, but at least it's an SCI journal. However, it seems that this journal has recently been included in the warning list of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

MorePub 2021-01-14

Submitted on November 22, 2020,
Revised comments received on December 15,
Revised comments returned on December 29,
Accepted on January 8, 2021.
Summary: This journal is better than applied science. After my submission to applied science got rejected, I submitted this one, of course with some modifications. I hope I won't be kicked out of SCI by the time I graduate.

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