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冯导 2021-06-09

4.5投 - 4.5 Investment
5.5小修 - 5.5 Minor Repairs
5.31录用 - 5.31 Hiring
6.8proofs - 6.8 Proofs
6.9online - 6.9 Online

冯导 2021-05-21

I am also under revision requested, still no results, do you have any results now?

miss ding 2021-05-21

I also have only one reviewer. How did your result turn out?

冯导 2021-05-20

投: submitted
Revision requested: requested for revision
REVIEWERS INVITED: reviewers invited
已经一周多没更新: It has been over a week without updates
不知道有希望没: I don't know if there is any hope.

哈囖单车 2021-05-16

Submitted in October, reviewed for 3 months, changed academic editor after minor revisions (not sure why), another 3 months passed, given minor revisions, accepted after modifications.

Overall, the time is still acceptable and not too long.

红mao先生 2021-05-12

Hello, I have also submitted the revised draft for over 2 weeks now, and it is still in the "Reviewers Invited" status. May I ask if you have received the comments for the second review? Have you found new reviewers?

大波喜 2021-05-10

It has been 22 days since the submission, and there is still no assigned editor. How can I send an email to urge the progress of this journal? I couldn't find an email entrance in the submission system either...

哈哈kk 2021-05-09

It has been two months since the submission, and it has been under review for one month. Should I remind them to review it, and how should I do that, or should I wait a little longer?

calomey 2021-05-08

The translation of the text is as follows: "Pending for less than two weeks, there will be a result, and it needs to be repaired. This means that there may be review comments, possibly incomplete."

冯导 2021-05-05

I have also submitted the revised draft, have you replied? How long did it take to reply?

大波喜 2021-05-05

I organized a very small job and submitted it here, but it has been 18 days and still no AE has been assigned. Frustrating.

霉果噶日呆 2021-04-30

Hello, are you still pending approval? Does this status refer to some review comments having come back, but others have not yet returned?

HG*Y 2021-04-20

I have been submitting for a long time, but there has been no change in status. After two months, I consulted the editor about my submission, and it was quickly processed. It took 3-4 months in total, and it was directly accepted after revisions.

calomey 2021-04-19

How long does it take for the initial review pending approval, huh? I was nervous for several days when it just started to turn into an approval, hahaha.

xiaohemiao 2021-04-19

I have also submitted my manuscript for half a month, and it has been constantly showing as "unassigned academic editor." I am feeling anxious waiting for it.

miss ding 2021-04-19

It has been half a month since submission, but it has been in an unassigned academic editor status. May I ask how long it usually takes for everyone to be assigned an academic editor?

微分方程 2021-04-14

After submission, it has been in a pending approval state for two months. I don't know how much longer I have to wait. It's frustrating.

xfkang 2021-04-12

The review process is relatively fast and the academic editor is competent. The revision suggestions greatly improve the paper. Overall, I am satisfied with the submission process and the results, except for the high publication fee.

小情绪作祟 2021-04-12

What topic are you referring to?

小确幸 2021-04-09

The modification suggestions have now come back, but I don't know how long the modification can be made.

二月之初 2021-04-01

Received the first round of comments after three and a half months, but only one reviewer provided comments. The second round of review took almost a month to return, but it has been in the "interviewers invited" status all along. Do any experts know what the situation is?

abababab 2021-03-26

Wasn't the update scheduled for Thursday? Why wasn't there an update this Thursday?

踏实学术 2021-03-23

The latest search has already reached February 13th, and it takes more than a month for online to be stored.

陆离之忆st 2021-03-23

Forgot the retrieval period.

陆离之忆st 2021-03-23

Has this not been indexed by SCI anymore? There have been no indexed articles since February...

陆离之忆st 2021-03-18

Revised on February 25th, today it has become "PENDING APPROVAL" again and I don't know if it's good or bad. Hopefully, it will be approved. Good luck to all.

踏实学术 2021-03-17

You don't need the paper anymore, you can withdraw it anytime. Don't advertise it on this official website, it's a matter of academic ethics, okay?

simplewell 2021-03-16

I recently edited an article titled "Mathematical Problems in Engineering," which discusses the application of cluster analysis in customer segmentation.

十三大狼 2021-02-26

The translation of the given text into English is: "Topic comparison is faster to vote. Are you a topic or something?"

aaaaaa所示 2021-02-24

Submitted in July, only one review comment was received in September. It has been close to half a year now and it is still under review.

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