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zju_zht 2022-05-29

Iron, I wanted to ask you if you got accepted?

文文文文 2022-05-27

What is your current status, classmate?

国宾 2022-05-26

Has it been retrieved now? How long did it take to retrieve?

国宾 2022-05-26

How long does it take from publishing to retrieval?

myh1 2022-05-26

Is there no time limit for revising papers in this journal? Why do I always only have one reviewer?

StevenNI 2022-05-19

No, after submitting, it will directly display "under review." There is a link in the email where you can check the actual status.

论文快发表~ 2022-05-18

May I ask how long it took for the status to change to "pending approval" after you submitted it? I submitted it on April 4th, it was "under review" on April 22nd, and "pending approval" on May 4th. It has been like this until now, and I don't know if it's been rejected.

一个就好 2022-05-11

After the submission on October 5th, it is currently showing "Under Review" today. Does this mean that the journal directly displays "Under Review" after submission and does not indicate that the paper has been sent for review?

文文文文 2022-05-10

May I ask what does it mean when Little Xiu returns and the next day it becomes "pending approval"?

不会写文章 2022-04-12

Received the review comments on November 4th and was rejected.

不会写文章 2022-04-02

After the 3.5 delivery, it quickly went into pending approval, and then there was a month of waiting, currently with no news at all.

zouchao 2022-02-11

It has been two months already, and I don't know when I will be able to retrieve it.

厶月双匕 2022-02-09

The text says: "It was sent out at the end of October last year. Now it's February, almost four months have passed, and it has not been indexed by SCI. I don't know what's going on."

lililuo 2021-11-24

How can I check the email address of an academic editor? I want to send an email to remind them.

鹜三 2021-11-21

Personally, I don't think the early warning system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is of much use. This is an American magazine, and their SCI database. The key point is that they use this to easily make money from us. So it's better to invest less.

坦然 2021-11-12

The speed of journal review feels so slow. I submitted it in May, received major revisions in July, minor revisions in August, and then two months later it was revised again. Now it has been three weeks and the outcome is still unknown. Waiting has exhausted my patience. Can anyone tell me what is going on?

inner peace 2021-11-09

What's the reason for not retrieving for over a month? Only retrieved until before September 3rd, does anyone know?

是崔崔呀 2021-09-19

Just like you, but I can't do it. I'm in a hurry to graduate. I only learned about the mid-term warning after I got it. But the warning periodical is not that unbearable! Some people are just like that when they hear the warning. In fact, I feel like there are many people like this. I neither confirm nor deny it. It's really annoying. Fortunately, the teacher (first author) doesn't need to be evaluated for a professional title, and the communication school doesn't care either. Otherwise, I really wouldn't know what to do.

是崔崔呀 2021-09-19

There is a Figures, where you can import the compressed file, and there are instructions in the email provided for editing.

是崔崔呀 2021-09-19

Not very happy, anxious to graduate, senior brother suggested to apply for this, didn't expect to find out it was a warning after being accepted, I feel so miserable! Fortunately, my advisor (first author) doesn't need to evaluate the professional title, and senior brother (corresponding author) doesn't care about this at his school, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do. Two reviewers, the problem is really a lot, went through three rounds of revisions, lasted for five months. The quality of the paper did improve with each revision! The entire laboratory helped me with the English grammar revisions.

sww111 2021-09-16

May I ask how many reviewers are there for the job position? I only have one reviewer, Xiao Xiu. I have already submitted the revisions and it is currently pending approval. I am unsure if it can be accepted.

派大星不穿鞋 2021-09-14

In the case of having only one reviewer, requesting minor revisions and then changing to "reviewers invited", does this mean adding more reviewers? Is there a higher chance of acceptance after minor revisions?

派大星不穿鞋 2021-09-14

Similarly, with only one reviewer's opinion, after minor revisions, the status changed to "REVIEWERS INVITED." Does this mean that additional reviewers are required, or is it possible to proceed with just one reviewer?

逍遥王 2021-09-08

Hello, I would like to inquire about where to check the submission status after submission. Does this situation mean that the submission was successful?

我是磊磊呀 2021-08-21

Already won, but couldn't be happy at all. In the middle of the warning, I talked to the college leaders and sure enough, they all looked down on it. Now I'm thinking whether to withdraw the manuscript and submit it to another journal. The paper has gone through three reviews by four reviewers. I'm a bit reluctant to give up...

DustHeart 2021-08-08

After Little Xiu returned, the next day it became "pending approval". What does this status mean?

TokgoWalker 2021-07-24

Under review 2020.11.14
Modified comments 2021.02.17
Accepted 2021.03.06

miss ding 2021-07-21

I would like to ask you a question. After being hired, the editorial department asked me to upload editable charts, but I couldn't find where to do it. If you know, could you please teach me? Thank you so much!

xiaohemiao 2021-06-30

Did the original poster withdraw the manuscript in the end or continue to wait? My editor also emailed me, asking if I should continue to wait. I don't know what to do.


I submitted it in June last year, and it has been a year now. I made two revisions in between, the first one being a major revision, and the second one addressing two minor issues. It has been over a month since the reviewers were invited. Could it be that they changed the reviewer for the third time? What kind of journal is this? Can someone who knows come and guide me?

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