注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Ewan 2022-10-17

I'm really anxious. Is there anyone who understands and can contact me (WeChat: bulkspeed) to urge the academic editor?

Ewan 2022-10-17

Oh my, I've been submitting for a long time. It feels like every step is much slower than the average speed on their official website. It is still in the "reviewers invited" stage now.

学术菜鸟1 2022-10-14

Waiting for the academic editor's response.

学术菜鸟1 2022-10-14

Reviewer's comments have been addressed with minor revisions. It has been three days since the changes were submitted, but it is still pending approval.

孤军奋战的人 2022-10-14

13 days have passed and the academic editor is still not assigned! Is this normal? What is the next stage status?

宇航村 2022-10-10

The displayed AE assigned currently, I don't know what it means.

孤军奋战的人 2022-10-08

May I ask if your academic editor has been assigned?

孤军奋战的人 2022-10-08

How long did you wait in total before ending the Academic Editor Unassigned status?

gangji 2022-10-06

Just wait, the first-instance opinions have come back now.

糖豆Baooo 2022-10-05

May I ask how things are going now? My situation is the same as yours.

糖豆Baooo 2022-10-05

I and your status are the same. It has been two months, and it has always been AE Invited Academic Editor Unassigned. What is the situation? May I ask if there is any news now?

涛SCU 2022-10-04

This is wrong. Many intermediaries are deceiving people, right? I just fell for it.

宇航村 2022-09-14

It has been four days since it was submitted, and it has not been assigned to an editor yet.

魔术周先生 2022-08-31

Is this journal so inefficient that we have to spend money to find an intermediary to submit? I see many intermediaries recommending this journal.

瑞妹妹 2022-08-28

I am also like this, I don't know what's going on. How is the author's current condition?

论文快发表~ 2022-08-16

Hello, may I ask what's your current situation? Have you accepted it? After my minor repair, it turned back to "ae assigned" again after a month.

论文快发表~ 2022-08-16

Hello, I received the same email as you today. How are you doing now? What is your current status?

论文快发表~ 2022-08-12

Classmate, may I ask what is your current situation?

论文快发表~ 2022-08-09

Hello, may I ask how long it took for you to receive the acceptance after the minor repair? It has been one month since I returned from the minor repair, but it still shows as pending approval. They said it is under technical review.

论文快发表~ 2022-08-09

Excuse me, is this message sent to you by Xiao Xiu? It has been over a month since I submitted the revised draft to Xiao Xiu. I sent an email asking the editor about it, and they said it is undergoing technical review and encountered some issues. I am feeling very anxious now.

xjsword 2022-08-09

The article was accepted by two reviewers, but the academic editor rejected it, stating that the topic does not align with the journal. One reviewer claimed that the topic is appropriate for the journal. Trashy journal.

中啊@ 2022-08-03

Posted on March 24th, revised on May 24th, accepted on June 17th.

gangji 2022-08-01

Posted on 6.21, today is 8.1, it has always been "AE INVITED + Academic Editor Unassigned", what's the situation?

论文快发表~ 2022-07-10

May I ask how things are now?

迷茫A 2022-07-07

What does this mean?

鲁迅 2022-07-02

This journal has a huge number of articles, many of which are hydrology-related. However, it has a poor reputation. It is suitable for students who need to graduate.

luo219 2022-06-29

Has the editing been assigned now? My situation is the same as well.

WYSYL 2022-06-21

It has been nearly a week, and the Academic Editor is still unassigned. Why?


It has been 2 years, and I have searched.

文文文文 2022-05-29

I am speechless, a few days ago the editor sent an email:
During our post-acceptance checks we have unfortunately identified a potential issue with the handling of your paper during the peer review process.
In order to progress your paper, therefore, we have invited another member of the Editorial Board to reassess your manuscript and its peer review thus far.
The new Editor will either invite additional reviewers, if necessary, or you will be notified of a decision as soon as possible.

Currently, my status is "REVIEWERS INVITED." I am really unlucky.

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