认证评论 - Biomaterials Advances
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

shuier 2022-06-02

Does this magazine currently not have a classification from the Chinese Academy of Sciences? When will it be classified?

Dgjkl 2022-05-17

Does anyone know the contact email of the editor-in-chief? Why haven't I received any response for what I sent? Can someone please share it with me? Thank you!

Dgjkl 2022-05-17

Hello, may I ask what is the email address of the editor-in-chief? Can you please share it with me? The one I sent seems to be incorrect. Thank you!

Dgjkl 2022-05-17

Hello, I would like to ask, what is the editor-in-chief's email? I haven't received any response from the email I sent.

笑忘书 2022-05-16

The Master Journal List of Clarivate has already included the new name. Only the title and ISSN have been changed, but the Impact Factor is still inherited, so there is no need to worry. If everything goes well, the latest JCR2021 in June this year should use the new name.

You can find more information about it at the following link:

匿名投稿 2022-05-10

The editor also mentioned that it is the impact factor of the old journal name. In other words, the new journal, Biomaterials Advances, does not have an impact factor.


Regarding the issue of renaming the journal and inclusion, I have asked the editor-in-chief and received the following response. There is no problem, so everyone can confidently submit their work. The change of title will not affect the Impact Factor (IF), which is projected to be even higher this year. We will also be indexed in the Web of Science and maintain the impact factor of the previous journal name.

I believe the review time is not excessively long; it is standard for high-quality journals.



匿名投稿 2022-04-12

Currently, it has been included in SCIE and can be retrieved in Web of Science. However, it has not been included in JCR, so it does not have an impact factor inheritance. You can ask the editor or publisher if there is any inheritance or when it will be included in JCR. If the graduation from school requires an impact factor, it is recommended to communicate with the school to avoid any graduation issues.

匿名投稿 2022-04-12

Currently, it has been included in SCIE and can be retrieved in Web of Science, but it is not included in JCR. Therefore, it will not inherit any impact factor, so there may be no impact factor in the next two years. Please be cautious!

shuier 2022-04-12

The editor said that the impact factor remains the same after the magazine's name change, but it seems that it is currently not indexed by SCI. I don't know what the situation is.

YANA YUN 2022-04-12

Original: 楼主,我刚修回,建议撤稿吗?
Translation: Original poster, I just revised it. Do you suggest withdrawing the submission?

YANA YUN 2022-04-12

Just revised it, should I withdraw the manuscript? The magazine unexpectedly changed its name, really caught me off guard.

nino182 2022-04-11

Send an email to the editor to ask and there should be a result. Ask when the new article will continue to be published and about the impact factor and partition.

nino182 2022-04-11

The original magazine's official website has many articles "in press", and the new magazine's official website also has some articles "in press". Does it mean they are being explained or updated respectively?

匿名投稿 2022-04-11

It took 7 months for the manuscript to be notified of major revisions, and it has been a month since the revisions were made but there has been no progress. Furthermore, the journal's name has been changed. Currently, it has no impact factor and is not included in JCR (Journal Citation Reports). Therefore, be cautious when submitting.

According to the customer service of Web of Science, the journal "Materials Science and Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications" was renamed "Biomaterials Advances" in late March this year. However, the data collection for this year's JCR was completed in early March. Therefore, under normal circumstances, there will not be any records for the renamed "Biomaterials Advances" in this year's JCR.

When calculating the impact factor next year and onwards, JCR will create a new record for the renamed journal, and the impact factor will be calculated based on the principles of journal renaming. It is expected that the impact factor will be available in the second year.

xunM 2022-04-06

I am too, waiting to graduate. Is there any way to ask about it?

nino182 2022-03-29

It has been 3 months online. The official website of the magazine shows "in press" and "corrected proof" status. When will it be published? I am eager to obtain the indexing proof. The magazine has only published 6 articles in January this year. I am anxiously waiting.

匿名投稿 2022-03-28

Currently, Biomaterials Advances is already indexed in SCI, but it will not have an impact factor in the next two years. It is advised for everyone to be cautious when submitting manuscripts.

ghost8469 2022-03-28

The journal "Biomaterials Advances" has been indexed in the Web of Science, and it can be searched online.

匿名投稿 2022-03-20

As of now, the new journal name has not been indexed by SCI, so it is also impossible to have an impact factor. It will be difficult to explain when looking for a job and unable to provide indexing proof. Therefore, it is recommended for those who have not accepted it to consider withdrawing the submission.

匿名投稿 2022-03-20

Looking for a job, graduating without any prospects, and the new journal doesn't have any impact factor.

ghost8469 2022-03-19

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que solo se está cambiando el título de la revista; los Objetivos y el Alcance, así como el Factor de Impacto, se mantendrán iguales. Estamos trabajando en la producción de su artículo bajo el nuevo título de la revista y lo publicaremos completamente en línea en unas pocas semanas.

ghost8469 2022-03-19

The published paper belongs to the journal that was published and appeared at that time, and there are no issues. It is still included in SCI. If the article is directly published in a new journal, the first year can indicate the previous journal name (Formerly known as: XXX) and attach the Impact Factor (IF). From the second year onwards, it can officially indicate its own IF data. When the old journal name is completely replaced (i.e., no longer has an IF), it can indicate its new journal name and the latest IF.

小牛216 2022-03-19

How can I contact the editor-in-chief? The email address that the editor-in-chief provided me with is rejecting my emails. When will the article be available for indexing confirmation in the new journal?

zhiyao121 2022-03-15

I also accepted in February, it's been almost a month now, and I still haven't received the online email. I don't know what the situation is. However, this journal does not require any publication fees, right?

shuier 2022-03-12

The editor said that after changing the name, the impact factor remains unchanged, but it is unknown how the Chinese Academy of Sciences will categorize it.

ghost8469 2022-03-01

The magazine name has been updated to "Biomaterials Advances." I wonder if this will affect the inclusion and impact factor.

shuier 2022-02-28

It has been a few days and it is still submitted to the journal. There isn't even a manuscript number. Has it become this slow now?

匿名投稿 2022-02-20

It has been half a year since the submission, and there is still no news. Should I continue to wait or withdraw the submission? Feeling tired.

prettyboy465 2022-02-10

2021/9/6 submitted to journal
2021/9/13 with editor
2021/9/23 under review
2021/10/24 under review
2021/11/21 major revision
2022/01/13 with editor
2022/01/19 under review
2020/02/09 accept

Overall, it feels a bit slow. A reminder letter was sent for the first review, and soon after, the comments for revision were received. The review comments are indeed quite professional!

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