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loveLZF 2021-03-28

The text translates to: "OP, are there any results now? I am in the same situation as you."

暴走的海海海 2021-03-27

August 20, submitted.
November 20, major revision. February, major revision at the beginning.
End of February, minor revision and return.
Status unchanged for one month after minor revision.
Accepted on March 25 after being urged.
Apart from being slow myself and delaying approximately one and a half months, the overall efficiency is not considered fast. Graduates should be cautious. The application for defense was accepted on the second day of submission, which is also due to bad luck.

永远17岁 2021-03-26

This... is really slow.

nanacui 2021-03-24

August 20, submitted
December 9, received major revisions after being reminded
January 10, revised
January 13, Under review
March 9, reminded
March 24, still Under review
Graduation is approaching, and I don't know what to do...

wondring 2021-03-22

3.15 After minor revisions, accepted for publication.
3.16 Revised.
3.17 Accept.
3.20 Online.
In summary, it took 6 months from submission to acceptance. I am grateful for being accepted and hope LWT continues to improve.

wondring 2021-03-10

under review changed from 1.14 to 1.22, and has remained unchanged until today (3.10), just as slow as rumored. It is possible that it encountered that slow editor.

Bing666 2021-03-07

Hello, has the date of your submission's "Under Review" status changed? Wishing you a successful acceptance!

wondring 2021-03-05

Submitted on September 25th,
Major revision given on December 1st
Revised on January 10th
Under review since January 14th
It's already February and still under review, which is truly slow.

mi命运 2021-02-20

December 22, 2020 - February 18, 2021
Submitted on December 22.
Major revision on January 28 (the editor had strict requirements for formatting and details, raised about 8 formatting issues, and there were a total of 6 comments from 3 reviewers: English expression, unclear descriptions, image problems, and experimental suggestions). Luckily, there was no need to conduct additional experiments.
Revised on February 15 (took a break during the Spring Festival).
Minor revision/revised on February 16.
Minor revision/revised on February 17.
Accepted on February 18.
Editor Harold Corke was very nice. There were several occasions where the editor seemed annoyed due to formatting issues, which were minor details (references/instrument and reagent manufacturers) that I didn't handle well. Overall, it was a hard work that finally paid off. Wishing LWT (journal name) the best and hoping everyone's submissions go smoothly!

laoyang 2021-02-02

This journal has a slow review process, with two reviewers. The first reviewer provided constructive comments and suggested major revisions. The second reviewer basically did not understand my paper and wrote nonsensical comments, suggesting rejection. It made me very angry, and I will not submit to this journal again in the future.

WWWWWWWWWW 2021-02-01

First submission, so I am cautious. Each stage of the article is also clearly documented, hoping to be helpful to everyone.

Submitted to Journal: 2020.12.30
With editor: 2021.1.2
Under Review: 2021.1.4
Required Reviews Completed: 2021.1.26
Reject: 2021.1.30

There are three reviewers. The first one only pointed out that the data needs to be supplemented with another processing method. The opinions of the second and third reviewers can also be explained, and the issues they pointed out can make the article more complete. There are no major issues in expression, but both reviewers mentioned errors in my references. I feel this is fatal. I must carefully follow the submission guidelines and gain valuable experience.

However, the final decision from the editor is that the probability of this article being included in this journal is very low. I am preparing to supplement it and submit it to another journal. I am currently searching for a suitable journal.

鹿与飞鸟 2021-01-31

11.14 Submission
01.04 Major revision
01.16 Revision
01.25 Minor revision
01.26 Revision
01.29 Minor revision
01.30 Acceptance

Overall, it took two and a half months. The editor had quite a few requirements for the figures.

Jerryjjj 2021-01-30

Posted on July 28th, 2020, under review three days later. The first review result came out on December 29th, with a major revision and only one reviewer's opinion. The questions asked were relatively easy to answer, a total of six questions. Revised on January 27th and accepted on January 28th. It took a total of six months, so I do not recommend submitting if you are in a hurry to graduate. The review period may vary, but the quality of the journal is very good. Those who have no time constraints can give it a try.

KC90 2021-01-18

The LWT journal is pretty good, but the handling speed of manuscripts is truly as slow as it claims to be...

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