注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

坏男孩 2022-06-23

2022.3.8 Submission
2022.4.12 Under review
2022.5.22 Major revision and reconsideration
2022.6.15 Upload revised manuscript
2022.6.20 Accept
It took a little over two months, which is quite fast!

当年万里觅封侯 2022-06-22

3.31 Submission
5.2 Major overhaul
5.11 Revision
5.31 Major overhaul
6.6 Revision
6.14 Acceptance

大盘兔子吖 2022-06-09

I would like to ask, is the layout fee paid after being hired? Is it 14,000 RMB for each article?

糊涂人 2022-06-07

The layout fee is 14,000 RMB.

lxz@123 2022-05-25

Excuse me, may I ask how much the review fee is approximately?

Neilababab 2022-05-12

My submission has been under review for 6 weeks now, and it still hasn't changed. Comrades, what are your opinions on revisions? Has it been accepted?

andy623love 2022-05-06

Okay, thank you. Today, I saw that the status has been updated to "decision in process". Do you have any information about this status? It feels like it has a negative implication.

作业发霉了 2022-05-03

Please wait patiently, my request for repair is under review and it has been 70 days since it was submitted.

andy623love 2022-05-02

It has been almost two months and my status is still "under review". I want to send an email to remind the editor, but I couldn't find any link to their email in the system. I would like to ask if any of you have sent a reminder email before? How can I send an email to the editor? Thank you.

小黑 2022-04-15

Submission: 2021.12.10, under review after 1 week.
Major revision: 2022.1.24, two reviewers. One mentioned language issues and suggested the abstract and conclusion needed to be revised. The other raised more technical questions and requested additional experimental design content. One month was given for major revisions. Revised version submitted on February 22nd.
Minor revision: 2022.3.23, revised version submitted after March 25th.
Acceptance: 2022.4.5
Online: 2022.4.15

小幽夜 2022-04-12

Submission: 2021.6.2
Major Revision: 2021.6.31
Minor Revision: 2021.7-8
Acceptance: 2021.9.11

chengjh 2022-03-29

Excuse me, do we have to pay for everything now? There are no more options, right?

andy623love 2022-03-20

It seems like it's charging now, how long does it take for your manuscript review?

每天进步一丢丢 2022-03-07

Hello, when filling out "Rights and Access", is there only the option of Open Access now? Does "APC为0" mean that there is no publication fee? Or does it mean that after completing "Rights and Access", the publisher will send an invoice, and then I can apply for a waiver? Please enlighten me, experts!

windy2016 2022-02-11

May I ask if the images are included in the manuscript when submitting, or should they be uploaded separately in the system? Thank you.

MYB 2022-01-17

1.11 becomes Under Review.

MYB 2022-01-11

1.11 becomes "with editor"

MYB 2022-01-07

It has been one week and the manuscript is still submitted to the journal.

三杯花作和 2022-01-04

Will they still send invoices to pay after accepting submissions before October?

知你冷暖zly 2021-12-08

Hello, after selecting and submitting, but not paying the submission fee, may I ask how to solve the follow-up problem? I ask for advice from experienced individuals.

Estelle 2021-12-03

Send an email and then just wait. The journal will send you a new link, and on that link, it will show $0.

哈哈发 2021-11-29

Hello, is the invoice you received a physical copy or an electronic version? When I submit the Complete rights and access information, there will be some options regarding remuneration. If I don't select any, will it affect the process?

哈哈发 2021-11-29

Hello, I would like to ask where I can see your invoice note? How long does it take for you to reply after sending an email? What else do I need to do later? I'm seeking advice from experts. I'm in a hurry to graduate.

哈哈发 2021-11-29

Hello, I would like to ask where can I see your invoice note? I have completed all the required selections, including the part where I need to pay the submission fee. However, I haven't paid the fee yet. Will this affect anything?

舒纨 2021-11-25

Based on personal experience, the steps to cancel the Open Access for articles submitted before September 30th are as follows:

1. Click on the bottom email link:

2. Select the content of the email as follows: Based on the LWT announcement, explain why the article does not need to be paid for. Clearly state the article's submission, revision, revised submission, and acceptance dates. Include the article reference number. Finally, include the Customer reference, Invoice number, and Invoice date from the Invoice note. Attach screenshots of relevant documents such as submission-to-acceptance dates, payment notifications, and Invoice notes.

3. Proceed to fill in personal information and click send. It is recommended to fill in the email address of the corresponding author.

kyriewang 2021-11-24

Can you guys, the experts, please tell me if you have solved this problem? I humbly request your guidance.

kyriewang 2021-11-24

Excuse me, have you solved this problem, may I ask?

舒纨 2021-11-24

Hello, I also encountered the same problem. The publisher sent me an invoice to pay, but they did not reply to my email. I'm afraid my submission will be withdrawn if I don't pay. May I ask how you dealt with this?

星空大海 2021-11-23

I submitted my paper on August 26th and it went online on November 20th. The article was submitted before September 30th, and the journal stated that no APC (Article Processing Charge) is required. However, after transferring the copyright today, the publisher sent me an invoice asking for payment. I would like to know how you handled this situation? Did you ignore it or send an email to inquire? What was the outcome? Should I just ignore it?

星空大海 2021-11-23

I submitted my LWT on August 26th and it was released on November 20th. However, after transferring the copyright today, the publisher sent me an invoice asking for payment. The article was submitted before September 30th, so there is no need to pay APC. May I ask how did you handle this? Did you ignore it or send an email to inquire? What was the result?

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