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publish or perish 2022-11-21

May I ask if this journal requires payment? It doesn't mention open access, right?

丁小拼 2022-11-21

It has been two months without any news, and there is no email address available to send reminders.

TaoTao1998 2022-11-20

Please wait patiently. Haven't you noticed that there is no contact information for the editors in the journal? There isn't even a "send email" option in the system. You know what I mean.

吃柚子的虫 2022-11-18

I am too. Xiao Xiu has been back for two months and still no news. Have you received any updates?

丁小拼 2022-11-11

It has been one and a half months, waiting for the completion of the article graduation. Should I remind them?

TaoTao1998 2022-11-06

11.6 Submit revised manuscript, which has been modified for a week. The reviewer's evaluations tend to be positive, and some questions have been answered. Now waiting for the final decision.

TaoTao1998 2022-11-02

After submission, an email tracking the submitted manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author. The email will contain information on how many reviewers were invited, how many accepted the invitation, and how many completed the review. By observing the changes in time, the dynamics of the reviewers and the editor can be determined.

长发道人蘓沧浪 2022-11-01

The layout fee is $2250. May I ask if you can pay with Alipay or WeChat Pay?

丁小拼 2022-10-31

Where can I see the completion of the first or second reviewer's review?

丁小拼 2022-10-31

I don't dare to send an email to urge, still waiting for the article to be finished. At the moment, I still can't figure out why it needs to be revised and resubmitted instead of being rejected or requiring major revisions.

丁小拼 2022-10-31

September 26th is the status of "required reviews completed". Until now, there has been no news at all, anxiously waiting...

TaoTao1998 2022-10-30

10.29 The second reviewer completed the review.
10.30 The editor did not wait for the third reviewer and made a decision to extensively revise, to be submitted within one month.

TaoTao1998 2022-10-27

Maybe you can directly give your opinion. If you make serious revisions, the probability of acceptance after re-submission is still quite high.

丁小拼 2022-10-25

Please resubmit your first submission after making the suggested modifications. After 2 weeks of resubmission, it will show "Required Reviews Completed," and then it will remain in this status. What's the situation? Have you encountered resubmission after modifications before?

TaoTao1998 2022-10-19

There is a mistake in the timing, so all the timing will be reduced by one month. Subsequent updates will provide new timing.

TaoTao1998 2022-10-19

Record submission time
10.21 Submit to journal
10.25 Under review
10.27 The first reviewer accepts the review
11.12 and 13 The second and third reviewers accept the review
11.14 The first reviewer returns comments
Subsequent update time

深霖阳光 2022-10-15

Received at Editorial Office: 6th July 2022
Article revised: 22nd August 2022
Article accepted for publication: 8th September 2022

皮卡小白 2022-10-07

Status Update: Rejection
Out of the four reviewers, three didn't have many suggestions, but the fourth one strongly criticized the paper, highlighting issues with innovation, article logic, language, and others.
However, before submitting, the language was already revised by the Elsevier editorial department.

leeyao 2022-10-04

6.8th submission
8.16th minor revision, the editor requested to add compound ID and CSV format plot data, reviewer's comments were friendly, modified the wording of the abstract and conclusion, everything else is fine.
9.16th acceptance, it was quick, the first article, thought it would encounter difficulties, believe in yourself, efforts always pay off! Keep it up, everyone!

hs0219 2022-10-01

Be patient and do not rush the editor. Since the editor has sent it for review, there is a fifty percent chance of acceptance. If you rush them, they may become impatient and reject it directly. I submitted my article in mid-March, received major revisions in mid-May, got a response 5 days later, had another round of major revisions in early August, received a response around August 10th, and finally got accepted at the end of August. It took a total of 5 and a half months. The delay was mainly caused by the reviewers. There were two reviewers for the first review, one of whom was the associate editor (with a positive attitude, suggesting minor revisions and easy acceptance), while the other one did not seem to approve of the writing. For the second review, only the opinion of reviewer 1 was considered, suggesting acceptance after modifications. Their feedback was indeed helpful. Therefore, I recommend not rushing them! I once submitted an article to a small journal and it took 3 months for them to send it for review. When I sent an email to inquire, they rejected it directly a few days later. So, it's better to be patient. As you can see from the comments later in this journal, they are slow!

皮卡小白 2022-09-14

The month has changed once, but the situation hasn't. I didn't dare to rush, afraid of being rejected.

biyee 2022-09-13

I am too. The final deadline is 6.14. Have you reminded them to submit the manuscript?

皮卡小白 2022-09-06

Has Youyou invested in LWT recently? How is the status? I invested on June 15th and it has been under review for 77 days with no news yet...

Goodgoodstudy 2022-09-06

Hello, OP. Can you please share the format for submitting a paper to LWT? I have been unable to find the submission template for the journal.

jnn 2022-08-29

Hello, it is said that your article will be received within 40 days after minor revisions. It's been a while since my article was sent back for minor revisions in June, and I still haven't received any updates. Is this normal?

小小小頔 2022-08-08

This time is even faster than last time! Submitted on 4.19; Minor revisions on 6.6 (without major revisions, the opinions of two reviewers were very positive, one reviewer had no comments, and the other had 6 small suggestions); Accepted on 7.11 in the early morning! Hope LWT keeps improving!

dafvhrt 2022-08-05

Two months for review comments and major revisions.
Due to my own procrastination, it took me a month to make the changes and submit them.
After minor revisions, it was accepted.
Overall, the process was relatively smooth and the speed was acceptable.

majian 2022-07-18

From submission to final acceptance, it took a whole six months.

majian 2022-07-07

2022.0107投 - Submitted on January 7, 2022
2022.0315 大修-0410修回 - Major revision on March 15, 2022, revised on April 10, 2022
20220605 小修 (显示:minor revision for acceptance) - Minor revision on June 5, 2022 (display: minor revision for acceptance)
20220608修回 - Revised on June 8, 2022
到20220707 还没有消息,请问这个情况正常吗? - Until July 7, 2022, there is no news. Is this situation normal?

majian 2022-07-07

I would like to ask, it has been a month since the small repair, but there is still no news. Is this situation normal?

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