认证评论 - KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Cure丶zzz 2021-12-07

A bit slow, it has been over three months without any news. It has been continuously under review...

icantfly 2021-12-06

Posted on 8.20
Returned for revision from 9.25-10.16
Accepted on 11.27

dujer 2021-09-24

On the official website, there seems to be a guide that includes some submission instructions and so on.

dujer 2021-09-24

Posted on December 4, 2020
Received first revision notice on April 13, 2021
Received second revision notice on May 27, 2021
Accepted on July 27, 2021
Published in September 2021

dongsongshou 2021-09-04

Can you add me as a friend to discuss this journal?

邱阳阳 2021-08-26

Excuse me, have you replied? How do I know my editor? I can only see that ADM is Shim, Minju.

sobber 2021-06-04

Got accepted for two papers, and one of them hasn't been published online yet. Let's talk about the one that is online.

The paper was submitted in December 2020.
Received the first review in February 2021, and it got accepted with some changes.
Submitted the revised paper in March 2021.
Accepted in April 2021.
Now it's already published online.

Also, the other paper has been accepted as well, and it took about four months. It's relatively easy to get accepted if you write well.

lxl2021 2021-05-20

Hello, may I ask where I can find the submission guidelines for this journal? I couldn't find them on the official website. If possible, could you please send me a copy? Thank you! QQ: 1260610097

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