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疆龙 2022-03-24

If you're lucky, it will be about within a week.

疆龙 2022-03-24

You can choose either the basic version or the upgraded version, whichever is the highest. However, starting from next year, only the upgraded version will be available.

再见钱学森 2022-03-18

The warning from CITIC Securities is fake, and it has been recalled now. Feel free to invest, encountering a reviewer who completely doesn't understand the field is a rare event.

SDE-PDE 2022-03-09

This magazine is really trash. The editorial board is irresponsible. Out of the three reviewers, two had good opinions, but one of them clearly had no knowledge and gave me random comments. Then they rejected my submission. The editorial department rejected me and ignored my letter of rebuttal. They are very unreliable. They had someone who is not an expert in the field review my work and waste my time, and they still didn't consider my feedback. The editorial department is truly garbage.

jjj111221 2022-03-04

How long does the editor usually take to update?

asfev 2022-03-03

That warning list is fake, it was made by a university in Hebei.

JiaWei Ju 2022-03-02

Will the warning affect the delivery?

再见钱学森 2022-02-24

Did China CITIC Bank issue a warning directly? District one changed to district two and then issued a warning.

xstsz 2022-02-12

Now, let's look at the basic version or the upgraded version.

Niy 2022-01-15

Hello, may I ask if after receiving the acceptance notification, do I need to submit the final draft for this journal? Or should I just wait for the proofreading process? In most cases, there is a step to submit the final draft after the acceptance of an article, but I can't find the submission section in the system. Could you please help me clarify this? Thank you~

波三金 2022-01-11

Weak question, second review is done, Decision in Process, how long does it usually last... ORZ

SDE-PDE 2022-01-10

The following text translated into English: "Same, the decision started on December 20th and there is still no result. It's too slow."

windzzz 2022-01-08

Hello, I have been here for many days too. What were the results in the last few days? How did it go? Thank you.

小橙子 2022-01-05

From submission to acceptance took about 8 months, my first research paper, very fortunate.

SDE-PDE 2021-12-22

So annoying. The upgraded category has been reduced to Zone 3. I have been waiting for over 5 months, and just received a decision. Now I am hoping for a rejection. I want to submit to Zone 1 or 2 instead.

wgdstar 2021-12-11

First revision, direct employment for the second revision. I only made modifications for a month and the review process didn't involve many stages, but 10 months is a bit too long. I hope the reviewing speed can be improved in the future.

WeileChen 2021-09-19

It was submitted in approximately April, and went through two rounds of revisions. The first round of initial review had many comments, with a total of more than ten suggestions from three reviewers. The revisions were made as required, resulting in only one or two comments during the second review. After about a month in the third review, it was accepted for publication. The whole submission process took a total of 5 months.

夏日夕颜 2021-09-15

Why haven't I received any news after submitting to the journal for 4 days? Any experienced individuals who have submitted before, can you share if this is normal?

Jack_Chen 2021-07-13

The first trial has lasted nearly 8 months, there probably isn't anything slower than this. If you are in a hurry, please be cautious about investing, as the cost-effectiveness is very low.

mier520 2021-06-07

It has been a month and there is still no result in the decision-making process. I am really speechless from waiting.

鱼肠 2021-05-11

The first review took three months, and I was given three months to make revisions. I went back in the second month and was hired in less than a month. There were eight reviewers in the first review, and I felt that as long as I responded seriously to their comments, I would be accepted.

鱼肠 2021-05-11

I am similar to you, just a little faster than you.

kyw 2021-05-09

It has been almost half a year since the submission, and there is still no arrangement for an assistant editor. I can only withdraw the submission.

hmdie 2021-04-21

Hello, may I ask what is the email address of the editor? Can you send it to me?

mier520 2021-03-31

Very slow, the first trial took over 7 months, and the second trial has been 3 months without any news. The wait is driving people crazy, wuwu~

控制小生 2021-02-07

Well-regarded journal

我是胖可乐 2021-01-14

How many reviewers does the OP have?

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