注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

violetcxx 2022-11-15

My application, which has been over a month, was just prompted a few days ago. Yesterday, it changed to "Decision in Process."

保佑Accept 2022-11-07

2021.9.15 - Submitted to the journal.
2022.1.10 - Major revision.
2022.4.5 - Submitted again.
2022.6.29 - Minor revision.
2022.7.5 - Submitted again.
Sent an email reminder in between.
2022.10.10 - Decision in process.
2022.11.4 - Accepted.

MING1003 2022-10-20

It has been one month since the Required Reviews were completed.

KYguang 2022-10-18

One month, I don't know how much longer.

西瓜98 2022-10-10

By the way, I would like to ask how long it takes for everyone to retrieve.

真猪乃猹_ 2022-09-20

It has been half a month with the editor.

西瓜98 2022-09-19

From submission to acceptance, it took a total of over ten months. The reviewers raised quite a few questions, and their suggestions greatly improved the article. Overall, it was a good submission experience. The first round of review took 4 months, with a total of 35 comments from 7 reviewers. The second round took a little over 2 months, with 7 comments in total. The third round until acceptance took a little over 2 months. The only drawback was that the speed of the editor's handling was slightly slow.

woshifuhongpo 2022-08-30

Received at Editorial Office
7 Nov 2021
Article revised
25 Apr 2022
Article accepted for publication
29 Aug 2022

Received at Editorial Office
7th November 2021
Article revised
25th April 2022
Article accepted for publication
29th August 2022

SCF_* 2022-08-18

How long is required?

再见钱学森 2022-07-07

Translated into English:

2021.09投2022.07录: Applied in September 2021 and recorded in July 2022.
返修两次,第二次三个问题,一个半月才给意见。太慢。: Two rounds of revisions, three issues in the second round, it took one and a half months to receive feedback. Too slow.
中科院给2区,性价比不高。: The Chinese Academy of Sciences gave a rating of Zone 2, but the cost-effectiveness is not high.

\Sum 2022-06-23

Has anyone been informed during the proofing process that their paper has been assigned to a special issue? Can this be indexed by SCI? P.S., It has been over a month since the proofing, but Web of Science still cannot retrieve it.

学渣1枚 2022-06-22

2021.12 Submission
Received review comments at the end of April 2022
Replied in early May 2022
Accepted in mid-May 2022

GZA 2022-06-09

Hello, what is the email address for this journal?

GZA 2022-06-09

If you want to urge the manuscript, please use that email.

guolei 2022-05-27

The editing level of this journal is relatively high, and there is a considerable proportion of foreign editors. Overall, it is good!

wkobev5 2022-05-22

Agree with the original poster regarding the authenticity of the data. I have been submitting contributions for over two years, and now the third round of review has just begun.

wkobev5 2022-05-22

First trial takes one year, second trial takes one year, I don't know how long the third round of review will take now.

TriSun 2022-05-20

May I ask what is the required repetition rate for this magazine?

Fighting!! 2022-05-16

Has the decision been made? I changed from "decision in process" to "5.10". I am very anxious.

科研小怪 2022-05-13

This journal is very good. Usually, there are five reviewers, and their review comments are very professional.

科研小怪 2022-05-13

The Journal of the Franklin Institute is known for publishing high-quality papers in the field of engineering and applied mathematics. Its content covers various key areas such as control systems, complex networks and dynamic systems, signal processing and communication, and their applications. It is an internationally renowned academic journal published by Elsevier. Papers on related topics, such as Einstein's gravitational waves, have also been published in this journal. Founded in 1828, the Journal of the Franklin Institute is widely recognized as an important journal in the field of engineering and applied mathematics. In conclusion, it is a well-established magazine.

SCF_* 2022-05-09

It's too slow to not submit for three months.

M_ZY 2022-05-05

Have you got any results?

M_ZY 2022-05-05

Hello, may I ask how long you have been waiting for "Decision in Process"?

暮烟水 2022-04-26

Isn't it changing from the second district to the third district?

\Sum 2022-04-21

The manuscript was submitted on July 8, 2021 and returned for revisions on December 13 of the same year (no specification on major or minor revisions). There were three reviewers, but they didn't provide any constructive suggestions and gave a three-month revision period. The revised manuscript was returned after one and a half months, and there was an arbitration during the second review. Fortunately, it was finally accepted by the end of April 2022, which was quite surprising! Overall, although the process was slow, it was reassuring to see that the editor was still working on it. I hope they can be faster in the future. (P.S. The editor's assistant responsible for handling the manuscript clearly finished reviewing it but delayed providing feedback!)

violetcxx 2022-04-18

It has been a month and we are still inviting editors, it's really slow!

SCF_* 2022-04-01

Brother, has the editor declined the invitation update? How long has it been?

SCF_* 2022-03-30

Editor declined the invitation for over a month, does it mean it's over?

violetcxx 2022-03-30

May I ask how long it will take to get results with the editor?

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