认证评论 - Analytical Methods
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Joyce_chem 2022-01-23

A smooth submission, the editor was very efficient. The first review took 2 weeks to get the results, with 3 reviewers - 2 major revisions and 1 minor revision. The reviewers provided many constructive opinions. After making the revisions, it was sent back to one reviewer, possibly due to the New Year holiday, and it took over 10 days to receive feedback. The cover was also requested. Hope little AM keeps getting better.

科科君 2022-01-03

2021.11.29 Submitted
2021.11.30 With Editor
2021.12.03 In peer review
2021.12.10 Three reviewers, minor revisions required
2021.12.22 Revised
2022.01.02 Accepted

云竹云中生 2021-11-08

Oh my, I have also been waiting anxiously for a month for the review.

fandy 2021-10-09

6.30 Submission
9.8 First review comments, major revision
9.20 Revision
9.28 Acceptance
10.1 Galley proof
10.3 Galley proof completion
10.6 Publication

The editorial department is highly efficient, and they always respond quickly to emails, resolving my issues. I feel that the journal is very interested in spectroscopy-related articles. Overall, the waiting, anxiety, constant revisions, and continuous improvement during the submission process made me realize the maturity and professionalism of the publishing process of the Royal Society of Chemistry journals. It was a happy and rewarding submission experience!

biosenser 2021-10-08

It has been almost a month, and the situation hasn't changed. The slowest magazine I have ever submitted to.

fandy 2021-09-30

Very good journal, fast review speed!

nalu 2021-09-28

8.2 Submission
8.20 First review comments, revised on 8.31
9.6 Minor revisions for second review, revised on 9.8
9.14 Accepted
Maybe I was lucky to encounter reviewers who are relatively lenient and efficient, fingers crossed~

biosenser 2021-09-27

The editing is too slow, it's been over half a month and it's still with the editor.

GeogriaF 2021-08-01

I received the employment notice in the afternoon of that day and was directly accepted after the major renovation, which took 16 days.

Thuamr 2021-08-01

Excuse me, have you received the employment result?

空山幽谷 2021-07-26

Submitted on 2021.05.16, received revision comments on 2021.7.15, took a week to make revisions, returned on 2021.7.21 after making revisions, and received editing notification on 2021.7.23.

GeogriaF 2021-07-23

First trial took 19 days to repair, but it has been 16 days since it was returned for further repairs and there is still no result. It seems like everyone else is being hired quickly, why is it so slow now...

刘蒙蒙 2021-05-11

May I ask how long it takes for the publication to be released after receiving it?

刘蒙蒙 2021-05-11

The time from submission to acceptance is about two months. It has been two weeks since acceptance, but there is still no DOI number, and no email has been sent for proofreading. I would like to ask, how long does it usually take to be published after acceptance?

jianghe 2021-05-09

Hello, may I ask who is the editor-in-chief and editor of your paper submission? I would like to refer to yours.

jianghe 2021-05-08

May I ask if your paper has been accepted? How much time did it take in total?

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