认证评论 - Analytica Chimica Acta
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科研小白兔 2021-11-24

Hello, is the reviewer you found after reapplying a new one?

是只科研废吧 2021-11-18

2021.8.20 Submission
2021.8.28 External Review
2021.9.20 Major Revision
2021.10.29 Rework
2021.11.11 Acceptance
This is my first submission, and the whole process took less than 3 months. I personally feel that the editing efficiency is very high. Moreover, the reviewers are meticulous and professional, pinpointing the flaws in the article. I am truly grateful to the editor and the reviewers!

工友们冲啊 2021-11-13

First submission, sent for external review on the second day. Three reviewers. Review period of 20 days. Feedback received, editor provided rejection and suggested resubmission.
Made revisions based on the reviewer's comments and added two additional experiments for the second submission.
Four reviewers, review period of 20 days. Result: revise.
Returned with revisions, took a little over a week for review. Two reviewers had a few more questions, editor provided acceptance after major revisions.
Returned with further revisions, accepted the next day.
From the first submission to final acceptance, it took 4 months.
Overall, my efficiency as an editor is quite high, as I don't keep manuscripts for more than two days. I am also meticulous.

打开车门 2021-11-03

Do not submit your article to this magazine if you are in a hurry to publish, no matter what.
Submitted on 23rd July 2021, it has been with the editor for over a month.
Under review since 28th August 2021, another month has passed.
Accepted after language revision on 7th October 2021, with no reviewer comments provided.
Revised on 22nd October.
Under review again on 23rd October.
As of 3rd November 2021, it is still under review.
It has been over three months, making this the slowest magazine submission ever.

yangbobo 2021-09-23

The requirement for innovation is not very high, but it needs to be relatively complete. The evaluations from the two reviewers were quite fair, with very good suggestions, and they did not request any additional experiments. The editor provided a two-month revising period, and the revised manuscript was accepted directly within a month.

OpticsAnalysis 2021-08-09

2021.5.4 Posted
2021.5.22 Under review
2021.7.2 Revisions required
2021.7.24 Revised and returned
2021.8.2 Accepted
Overall, ACA's professionalism has stood the test of time as a well-established journal. The questions raised by the reviewers directly address the pain points and can be verified through additional experiments. I also wish ACA continued success in the future!

zkl 2021-08-06

Posted on 2021.04.09, the article was sent for review approximately 10 days later.
On 2021.06.10, feedback was received, which included a minor revision, a suggestion to transfer the article as it did not align with the journal's theme, and a few questions raised. No mention of major or minor revisions was made, and a 42-day period was given for modifications. Arbitration was involved during this period, resulting in two instances of "required review completed."
The revised manuscript was submitted on 2021.07.08.
On 2021.07.28, further feedback was received. The second reviewer still recommended transferring the article due to a mismatch with the journal's theme, while the remaining reviewers agreed to accept it. The editor requested major revisions once again, granting a 42-day period.
The revised manuscript was submitted on 2021.08.02.
On 2021.08.03, the article was accepted, and the entire process took almost 4 months.

herr007 2021-07-05

First day of submission, second day with editor, third day under review. First time submitting, didn't expect it to be so fast. Hopefully there will be a good outcome.


I have been with the editor for half a month.

OpticsAnalysis 2021-05-14

Has it been slow recently?

YR Liu 2021-05-14

Unlike the speedy handling of everyone's manuscripts, I have been waiting for 15 days with no response from editor... Same as the person above.

OpticsAnalysis 2021-05-11

Brother, any new updates? It's been over a week for me too!

snoopy123 2021-05-07

Does it take 2 weeks with the editor?

yesterday 2021-04-16

The biggest feeling is that, compared to other magazines, the editors of this magazine are particularly diligent. The time for editor contact and under review is very short, and the time for completing required reviews is also very short. This shows that the editors are able to handle things quickly without delay. The timeline for the last two articles is written here for reference.

First Article:
Submitted on 191010
Major revision on 191118
Revised on 191226
Another major revision on 200201
Revised on 200310
Accepted on 200326

Second Article:
Submitted on 210201
Major revision on 210226
Revised on 210331
Accepted on 210416

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