认证评论 - Analytica Chimica Acta
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shishi 2022-08-31

Hello, may I ask what step the thread author is currently at? And how long has it been with the editor?

Dawn99 2022-08-18

Very good, hoping ACA gets better and better.

九千七的太阳 2022-08-13

The review speed is very fast.

九千七的太阳 2022-08-13

My article was rejected by Talanta directly within three days, then I made some minor revisions to the images and submitted it to ACA for a month. It returned two weeks later and was accepted ten days after that.

九千七的太阳 2022-08-09

Sent on June 20th, I forgot the account password and did not check the status. At the end of July, I emailed the editor to inquire and relogged into the account. I found that it had been in minor revision status since July 19th. It was fixed on August 3rd, but currently, it is still in "with editor" status. I feel a bit anxious. Normally, minor revisions should take a week. I wonder if the editor still finds issues with it.

chem-girl 2022-06-24

Has the OP seen any results after making a new investment?

junjuna 2022-05-24

Speechless, is the first step always this long?

junjuna 2022-05-24

Why haven't I been assigned an article number even though it's been a week?

Zebra 2022-05-18

2022-3-22 submitting to journal
2022-3-24 with editor
2022-4-7 under review, there have been several changes in the latest status, which should be the opinions returned by the reviewers
2022-5-7 interim decision, provided major revision comments
2022-5-12 revised manuscript returned, submitting to journal again
2022-5-13 with editor, under review again
2022-5-18 accepted

Hoping for a higher impact factor for ACA.

lamb2008 2022-05-17

I have been submitting for 10 days, but still haven't received a submission number. It's been really slow lately.

oO红烧茄子Oo 2022-05-16

2022.1.18: Submission;
2022.1.19: Under review with editor and assigned manuscript number;
2022.3.8: First review received, 3 reviewers, all major revisions required. Editor requests resubmission after revisions without specifying a deadline;
2022.4.26: Resubmitted, subsequently remained in "submit to journal" status without assigned manuscript number;
2022.5.16: Under review with editor and assigned manuscript number.

Well, it seems that the process has slowed down, possibly due to the impact of the pandemic and increased submissions. However, I believe that those who have chosen this journal are capable of being patient. Let's encourage each other!

aaa 2022-05-16

Has your status changed? I have been submitting for 8 days and still haven't received an article number.

123nano 2022-05-16

Date of submission: January 18, 2022
Interim Decision: March 2, 2022, received comments from two reviewers, one minor revision and one major revision. The editor provided the major revision deadline at 42 days from the date of this letter.
Returned for revision on April 14, 2022. Required Reviews Completed on May 2, 2022. This status has been ongoing for two weeks. Inquired through the Journal Article Publishing Support Center chat and was informed that this status usually takes four weeks. Please be patient and wait.

Double晶 2022-05-11

Hello, I wanted to ask if your status has changed. Mine has been submitted to the journal for two weeks and I still don't have an article number.

xinlvputao 2022-05-10

Let me add a few more details myself, located in Shanghai.
2021.12.13: Submitted.
2022.01.17: First round of comments, 2 reviewers, one minor revision and one major revision. The editor's interim decision was a major revision, which took 42 days.
2022.2.23: Revised. During this period, additional experiments and explanations were focused on the mechanism.
2022.5.5: Still under review, which is frustrating just like the situation with the pandemic in Shanghai. I have sent three reminder emails, but the editor seems indifferent. It's really disheartening.
2022.5.9: Suddenly announced acceptance, unexpected surprise. I thought they would ask me to do more experiments after keeping it for so long!
Thank goodness, overall the review comments were fair, except for the slow review process!
PS: Wishing for an early end to the pandemic in Shanghai, so that I can return to work and continue to strive!

xinlvputao 2022-05-05

Location: Shanghai, December 13, 2021. Submission: January 17, 2022. First review comments: 2 reviewers, minor revision and major revision. Editor's interim decision is major revision, 42 days. February 23, 2022: Revisions requested. May 5, 2022: Still under review, frustratingly similar to the situation with the Shanghai pandemic. I have sent three reminder emails, but the editor seems indifferent. It's a distressing situation.

aiwobiezou 2022-04-23

Does the author have a submission timeline? Submit - Review - Revise - Accept

IF>5 2022-04-20

It has been a week since I submitted it, but it still shows "submitted to journal." When will the status change?

如阳光 2022-04-16

You might be the same editor as me. It has been almost forty days since we wanted to urge for the submission, but we had to withdraw it instead. Suddenly, it was sent for review. Oh my goodness, for Talanta, feedback came back in just over twenty days, but it took him more than thirty days to submit it. If you're not in a hurry to graduate, let's wait a little longer.

科研小白兔 2022-04-11

It has been almost a week since submission, but it is still pending in the journal. Feeling frustrated.

jack stone 2022-04-08

The review process is fast, and the review comments will be given within a month. If the paper needs major revisions, the editor will reject it and invite resubmission. For this journal, if the review comments are rejection, resubmission is only allowed by invitation from the editor. After resubmission, I received the review comments on the 8th day, made minor revisions, and submitted them two days later. On the fourth day, the editor notified me of the acceptance. Overall, the speed is very fast. The journal has good influence, is free of charge, and is a top journal. It's good, and I am personally quite satisfied.

老奶瓶 2022-02-28

I would like to ask what direction is the older brother's paper about? I have not received any feedback on mine. I feel very frustrated.

byakuya 2022-01-13

The first review will come back with comments in about 20 days. There will be 2 minor revisions and 1 rejection. The editor will ask for resubmission after rejection.

After resubmission, the editor did not send it back to the original 3 reviewers but found 2 new reviewers. Both new reviewers gave minor revisions.

After making the modifications and resubmitting, the editor asked for language revisions.

After completing the language revisions, it was accepted the same day.

Scientificgarbage 2022-01-09

Oct 13 2021 9:59PM Submission
Nov 7 2021 11:40PM Rejected but suggested edits and resubmitted
Nov 24 2021 8:10AM Resubmitted
Dec 10 2021 Major revisions given
Dec 29 2021 Revised and returned
Jan 7 2022 10:50PM Accepted
The overall speed is very fast, the editor does not keep it for more than a week. Excellent!

圈圈糖 2021-12-20

Same question, if I resubmit, will there be a change in the reviewer?

YYINLJ 2021-12-20

Have you received any news? Mine has been in editing for almost a month.

YYINLJ 2021-12-16

I have been editing for more than twenty days now, it's urgent.

YYINLJ 2021-12-14

I have been editing for more than twenty days, are you busy preparing for Christmas? It's been so long.

科研小白兔 2021-12-13

Have you submitted it for review?

小呆子123 2021-12-08

Posted on November 30th, still with the editor as of December 8th. This step of the editing process is so slow. I hope it can be expedited for external review or even rejection.

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