认证评论 - Analytica Chimica Acta
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shishi 2022-11-11

Did the editor reply to you? I haven't reminded them yet...

笙歌十里 2022-11-11

I urged the editor and asked what to do if the reviewer doesn't reply.

shishi 2022-11-11

Still under review, I haven't even urged, did you urge the reviewers or the editors?

笙歌十里 2022-11-10

Shishi, have you received the results of your paper? How long can I wait before reminding them? That reviewer of mine never replies.

科研小白兔 2022-11-07

I am very fast, I submitted it on the 4th, and it was "with editor" the same day. By the 6th, it was already "Under Review." I hope for a good outcome.

笙歌十里 2022-11-04

I am still reviewing, it's so annoying. Isn't it supposed to be fast? Why is it so slow?

shishi 2022-11-04

Mine is not, what about yours? Mine is still under review.

笙歌十里 2022-11-04

Shishi, have you received the review results yet?

Lewis W 2022-11-02

The direction of fluorescence detection mainly depends on the speed and preferences of the reviewers.

笙歌十里 2022-11-02

What field are you in? How come you review so fast? Why am I so slow?

Lewis W 2022-11-01

Posted on September 14, 2022, two days later reviewed with editor on October 4, sent for review on October 10, review process completed on October 14, major revisions on October 16, received feedback from editor on October 23, revised again on October 25 (time changed), under review on October 31, required reviews completed on October 31, accepted on November 1. Overall, it was relatively fast. Thank you to the editor and reviewers!

笙歌十里 2022-10-28

How many comments have you received on the document you submitted for review on the 11th?

shishi 2022-10-27

I submitted it on August 26th, it was reviewed on September 11th, and until now there is still no result.

笙歌十里 2022-10-25

May I ask everyone how long is the review time for this journal? I submitted on September 19th and it was sent for review on the 28th, but I haven't received any results yet. Is this normal?

Lewis W 2022-10-12

Under review means that the manuscript is being reviewed. I think you can remind the editor about it.

林毅 2022-10-11

May I ask if the status of this magazine is "with editor," indicating that it has already been submitted for review, or is it still with the editor and we have to wait for the "under review" status to enter the reviewing stage? It has been almost a month and it's still in the "with editor" status. Could you please explain the situation? Thank you for your help!

林毅 2022-10-11

May I ask if the status of this magazine "with editor" means it has been submitted for review or it is still with the editor, and we have to wait for the "under review" status to indicate the reviewing stage? It has been almost a month, and it is still in the "with editor" status. Could you please explain the specific situation? Thank you!

林毅 2022-10-10

May I ask if the status of this magazine is "with editor," indicating that it has already been submitted for review, or is it still in the hands of the editor? Should we wait for the status to change to "under review" to consider it in the reviewing stage?

Lewis W 2022-09-28

It has been half a month and still no news o(╥﹏╥)o

笙歌十里 2022-09-27

I submitted it for review today, brothers. It was reviewed by editor7 within 7 days.

Lewis W 2022-09-27

Can you please provide a context or additional information about the text?

笙歌十里 2022-09-26

I really can't believe it, why is it so slow? What exactly happened? Did you guys follow up on it or not?

Lewis W 2022-09-26

It has been more than ten days with the editor, but nothing has changed.

笙歌十里 2022-09-26

Did you submit it for review later? How long did it take to assign an article number?

笙歌十里 2022-09-23

Hello everyone, can you add me and let me know about your speed? I submitted it on the 19th, and it is still with the editor.

Lewis W 2022-09-22

I have also just reached eight days...

shuiwa 2022-09-22

It has been 8 days and it still hasn't been processed with the editor.

Lewis W 2022-09-22

Does anyone know how long it usually takes with an editor? Thank you very much.

bluebell-627 2022-09-22

Hello, so may I ask if you now know the result of the article?

shishi 2022-09-03

Hello, OP. May I ask if you have any updates?

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