认证评论 - Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
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leefinder 2022-09-29

I have been repeatedly searching for reviewers, and a few days ago I urged for it once. The response from the editor was that they cannot guarantee enough reviewers. I also wanted to ask the senior colleagues if they have encountered this situation before. It has been a month and I still haven't entered the review stage. What should I do?

读博无望 2022-09-20

The review speed can be fast.

BOSH 2022-09-17

The editor is very responsible, and the information is updated in a timely manner.

DALiYT 2022-09-13

Two months, Editor Decision Completed. Continue waiting.

ding_yr 2022-09-09

March submission, one month later received the review comments, requested to revise and resubmit;
In early May, resubmitted the article, after one month of review, received feedback from two reviewers in early June, after addressing 17 points of feedback, it was accepted in July and published in August.

DALiYT 2022-09-08

Submitted for two months, the review process has been ongoing for 38 days and has not yet been completed. The speed is a bit slow. Our fellow classmates have already met the graduation requirements.

艾师傅 2022-09-05

0904 has been assigned to the associate editor, so the next step should be finding reviewers, right?

艾师傅 2022-09-03

I am also in this state now.

艾师傅 2022-09-03

0902 submission, the journal has completed the review, it seems to be quite fast, not sure when it can be sent for review, will update the status next, hoping for acceptance.

Missing1 2022-09-03

Submission Check by Journal Office Completed 30-Aug-2022 13:28:09
I don't know when the status will be updated. I check it every day.
Recommended for Submission to AIP Advances (editorial reject) / 04-Sep-2022. It was rejected, quite fast.

ljmwinner 2022-06-16

I have been looking for a reviewer and submitting articles for a month now, and I'm crying.

ljmwinner 2022-06-15

If I had known earlier, I would have submitted this directly at the beginning of the year. It was submitted in mid-May, and now it has been a month, still looking for reviewers. It feels a bit slow.

ljmwinner 2022-06-15

"Seconded. I also feel that finding a reviewer is taking too long. It has been one month since submission, and it took ten days to find a reviewer, but now it is back with the editor. How long did it take for you to find one at that time?"

ljmwinner 2022-06-15

Hello, I am also looking for a reviewer. It has been one month since I submitted my manuscript. I had been searching for a reviewer for ten days but couldn't find one. Now the manuscript is back in the hands of the editor for a week. I am a bit anxious. What was your situation at that time?

Wapadar 2022-06-08

Closed-source journal... If the paper has enough innovative points, there should be no problem with general issues...
February 28, 2022, submission
March 14, 2022, rejection with encouragement for resubmission after revisions
March 22, 2022, submission (new number)
May 9, 2022, major revisions
May 31, 2022, acceptance
June 2, 2022, online publication
Note: 1) This journal does not have a standardized format. For initial submissions, the requirements for paper formatting are not very strict. It is recommended to use single-column layout; however, it is required to insert "line numbers" on the left side of each line (Word has this function).
2) Chinese names should be translated in the format of "Given Name + Surname," for example, "张三" (San Zhang).

ZYX & WCX 2022-06-06

Request for Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy submission word template, q351633492.

BOSH 2022-06-01

The editors of the journal are very responsible. However, it is time-consuming to find reviewers. The review comments are fair, and if revisions are made, the paper will be accepted within a month. One week after that, proofreading will be done, and a few days later it will be published online by Google.

Zhiqiang5587 2022-05-06

Please provide me with the word format template of the journal of renewable and sustainable energy, QQ: 1594278749. Thank you.

徐磊 2022-04-19

Submitted for the first time on January 14, 2022, received major revisions on March 25, 2022, and resubmitted on April 4 after completing the revisions. It was quickly sent for review, and the reviewer was also responsible, providing feedback within two to three days. The decision in the associate editor's hands took more than 10 days, and in the end, it received an editor's pick.

Angelazyqonly 2022-04-10

Hello, do you have the layout requirements for this journal? I couldn't find them.

执念~ 2022-04-06

Submitted on November 16, 2021, received reviewer comments on February 6, 2022 (minor revisions). Both reviewers provided relatively simple questions. Uploaded revised version on February 20, 2022. Accepted on March 14, 2022. This is my first SCI paper. It seems that the journal does not have a fixed formatting style, so I used the formatting of another journal for submission. If the article is accepted for publication, the publisher will handle the formatting and final proofreading, so there is no need to send a message requesting formatting. For other requirements, please refer to the journal's official website. Thank you.

难啊,太难了 2022-02-16

From December 2020 to February 2022, no news for 14 months, feeling dizzy.

铁胆詹姆士 2022-01-11

Without a journal template, just find one yourself.

budding 2021-12-13

May I ask how much is the layout fee?

BEN BEN 2021-10-17

Can you please help me send the Word template? Thank you. 276096138

s4425838 2021-09-22

May I ask if the dataset needs to be submitted in the end? Or is it required to submit the source code?

syjc 2021-06-09

Hello, can you share the Word format template of the journal of renewable and sustainable energy? Thank you!

杰杰老师 2021-01-23

May I ask if this journal charges any publication fees?

zqj 2021-01-11

The choices above are all forced choices. Recently, I want to submit to this journal and hope to obtain your LaTeX template. My QQ number is 903464910. I hope to receive a reply.

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