注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

呜啦啦啦 2022-03-01

The speed of the review is not as fast as rumored. It took a total of one year. There were three reviewers in the first round, one major revision and two minor revisions. After the revisions were made, it took two months to receive the second round of comments. Some suggestions from the previous major revision were further modified. After uploading, there was no news for nearly three months. Later, an email was sent to the editorial department to inquire about the status, and the status was changed to "decision in process". Then, two days later, an email was sent to notify that the article has been accepted. The reviewers' comments were very professional and greatly improved the article, but due to the urgency of graduation, it was a cautious process.

chirs-w 2022-02-28

I am also in this situation. I submitted on 1.11, and now it is still "editor assigned". I have sent a reminder once during this period, but there has been no progress.

huhulong 2022-02-27

Starting from 2022, the review process has significantly slowed down. I submitted my paper on January 11th, and it was not assigned to an editor until February 27th. After several reminders, there has been no progress. I am unaware of any changes that may have occurred within the editorial department of this journal.

倩子 2022-02-18

Can I ask if the LaTeX template you downloaded can run? Why am I getting all errors when I run it? Can you please send me a template?

想个名字好难 2022-02-18

Submitted before New Year's Day in 2021, and still assigned to the editor on February 18th, 2022. This journal is really slow, I wonder if I should remind them?

狼腾 2022-02-12

Posted on October 21, 2021 (Polymer Materials for Oil and Gas Fields in Oilfield Chemistry)
Under review on November 7, 2021
Three reviewers on January 5, 2022, one accepted directly, one minor revision, and one major revision (raised 25 questions, responded with 43 pages of comments, strongly suspecting the reviewer to be the editor), editor gave major revision (no need for additional experiments, mostly explanations and elaborations on principles and processes for the reviewers)
Submitted revisions on January 10, 2022
Two acceptances and one minor revision on February 9, 2022, editor gave minor revision
Submitted revisions on February 10, 2022
Accepted on February 11, 2022
Overall feeling is good, got two papers published in JPSE during the first year of graduate school (back when it was still in Zone 3, felt easier to get published), another one in the first year of Ph.D., which is a good start. A good journal, hoping to be promoted to Zone 1 in the future (a bit difficult).

topaz 2022-02-10

The manuscript was submitted on New Year's Day 2021, hoping to receive revisions or rejection before the new year. However, it is now already February 10th, 2022, and it is still in the Editor Assigned status. After reading many discussions in the forum, it turns out that the process is really slow. However, I am not in a rush anymore because I don't currently need it. Nonetheless, I still hope that the review process can be expedited.

Sylvia88 2022-02-09

decision in process
When it had been a month and I wanted to remind them to review my manuscript, my classmate told me to wait a little longer. So I waited another month but couldn't bear it anymore. On January 19, 2022, I reminded them again. The journal sent a message to the editor asking them to handle it quickly. The editor replied that they had already processed it on November 12, but I didn't see any changes. After contacting the editor again, they said they had re-uploaded the processing results. However, my system still shows "decision in process". The editor said they couldn't do anything about it and told me to contact the publisher. After a few days, it finally showed some progress.

Sylvia88 2022-02-09

2021.8.14 submitted
9.5 under review
9.27 required reviews completed
10.5 decision in process
10.8 moderate revision
10.19 revised with editor
10.20 Editor assigned
10.21 under review
10.27 required reviews completed
10.31 decision in process
11.1 minor revision
11.3 revised with editor
11.5 Editor assigned
11.8 Editor assigned
11.12 decision in process
2022.1.21 minor revision (only changed a few words, but delayed for over two months)
1.21 with editor
1.22 Editor assigned
2.8 accepted

沫沫强 2022-01-17

Editor Assigned for almost a month already, urgently need it. Want to remind for the submission.

有点小闲 2022-01-17

Translate the following text into English:
"Submit on November 21st.
Editor assigned on December 6th, no changes so far.
Contacted the journal three times during this period, and they all apologized and promised to expedite the process. I am speechless.
Considering withdrawing the submission."

Mechwarrior 2021-12-20

I submitted in July, but the editing process only started in August. It is not necessary to email to inquire unless a status update has not been received for a month.

hui0212 2021-12-16

His is still under minor repairs. Haha.

加油文章人 2021-12-13

Mine too, it's been almost a month since the editor was assigned. The date is updated, but the status remains unchanged. Sigh, I was still planning to use it to find a job.

byshimmer 2021-12-13

How is your article now?

科研aa 2021-12-07

Original: 楼主,请问期刊多久会送审呢,投稿已经一个月了,还在editor assigned。
Translation: Hi, may I ask how long it takes for the journal to send the manuscript for review? It has been a month since submission, and it is still in the "editor assigned" status.

科研aa 2021-12-07

Original text: 楼主,请问期刊多久会送审呢,editor assigned已经快一个月了

Translation: OP, may I ask how long does it take for the journal to be reviewed? It has been almost a month since the editor was assigned.

Mechwarrior 2021-11-29

I had originally planned to wait for a long time, but unexpectedly, the submission in July came back after the first review during the National Day holiday. Then in November, it came directly, and there were no revision suggestions after the second review. I feel that the main reason is the lack of reviewers, and this thing depends on luck.

Eddie_Lyu 2021-11-22

The speed is fast, the first round of review takes half a month, with one major and one minor revision, and after the revision, it is accepted. The speed of the review process largely depends on the direction you are working in, and it may be difficult to find reviewers for many directions.

14 Nov 2021 submitted
01 Nov 2021 moderate revision
10 Nov 2021 Article revised
21 Nov 2021 Article accepted

RogerH7 2021-11-22

You can search for a reminder template online, I just randomly searched on Baidu and sent one over. The editor's attitude is very good, and the review will be arranged quickly.

持续性混吃等死,间歇性凌云壮志 2021-11-21

Can chat directly with customer service to inquire about progress.

磕西瓜子的西瓜 2021-11-18

Hello classmate, sorry to bother you!
I have been assigned as an editor for almost a month, and I would like to ask how to send an email to consult the editor. I have no previous experience in this area.

BOBOBOBOBO 2021-11-18

Return the review results in one month and accept the revised version within two days. The whole process takes about two months.
The review comments are still very fair.

tianyingzuo 2021-10-20

I am similar to you, from February 2019 to April 2021, a whole year and two months online~ It feels related to direction, some directions are fast, while some directions are extremely slow!

inner peace 2021-10-19

Am I the one with the longest time? First round of major revisions, second round of major revisions, three revisions submitted and received.
Received at Editorial Office
16 Aug 2020
Article revised
29 Sep 2021
Article accepted for publication
18 Oct 2021

RogerH7 2021-10-16

Just finished writing an article, the overall speed is okay. It has been almost a month since I submitted it for review and it hasn't been reviewed yet. I sent an email to the editor to remind them, and the editor's attitude was very good.

In the first round of revisions, there were quite a few and detailed comments from the reviewers, and I need to reply carefully.

Overall, JPSE is a very good journal in the field of petroleum engineering. I hope it will continue to improve.~

25 Jun 2021 Submitted
21 Aug 2021 Major revision
26 Sep 2021 Revision submitted
15 Oct 2021 Accepted

zby1111 2021-10-10

The first trial takes one month, the second trial takes half a month, totaling two and a half months.

黑头呆鱼 2021-10-08

I really can't remember the first trial, the second trial was 2 days.

jushuang 2021-10-08

May I ask how long your article has been in the hands of the editor before being sent for review?

黑头呆鱼 2021-10-08

February 24, 2021 Submission
May 29, 2021 Major Revision
July 24, 2021 Minor Revision
July 26, 2021 Status: Editor assigned
July 27, 2021 Status: Reviewer(s) invited
July 28, 2021 Status: Under Review
August 11, 2021 Status: Reviewer(s) invited
August 12, 2021 Status: Under Review (Reviewer(s) invited again during previous review)
September 19, 2021 Status: Reviewer(s) invited
September 22, 2021 Status: Under Review (However, the new status time still shows September 19)
September 27, 2021 Minor Revision
September 28, 2021 Minor Revision Resubmission
October 5, 2021 Acceptance
Thank you to the reviewers for their comments and to editor Silviu for their work.

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