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dennnis 2022-06-05

Editor Assigned for two whole months. Do you all know if pushing for an article submission is effective?

八阿哥 2022-06-02

Submitted for a month and a half, still in the hands of the editor, difficult to endure.

追光少年 2022-06-02

The situation of me submitting to FUEL is very similar to yours. The first time, there were three reviewers, and one of them casually rejected it for no good reason, and they seemed inexperienced. So, I appealed and successfully continued to submit to FUEL. But unexpectedly, the same person who rejected it before was assigned to review it again, and they rejected it with the same reason. They are both irresponsible and procrastinating editors!

追光少年 2022-06-02

No review has been submitted, it has been over a month, and it is still with the editor.

Bert474123 2022-05-31

Excuse me, has it been submitted for review? I have already submitted it for a month, but it is still in the status of assigning an editor.

Tiger brothers 2022-05-30

I submitted the article in early February this year and it has been under initial review ever since. I have urged them twice. After waiting for two months, they responded in early April saying that the similarity index was higher than 20%. So, I checked it myself using Turnitin and found that the similarity index was only 15%. I made some changes and managed to reduce the similarity index to 11%. Then, I submitted it again and waited for nearly a month with no updates. I urged them twice again before it finally moved to external review.

After a month, on May 30th, I received the external review results. The first reviewer asked me to provide more explanations regarding the figures (minor revisions or approval). The second reviewer thought it was written quite well and suggested minor revisions. The third reviewer rejected it outright, stating that the article lacked novelty and had too few samples, only 8. They mentioned a bunch of other things, all indicating that there were too few samples and insufficient evidence. The problem is that I conducted a thermal simulation experiment, where the same sample was tested 8 times at different temperatures, so there were 8+1 (initial) = 9 samples. I felt that this expert was extremely perfunctory and uninformed. Finally, I received the rejection message with a suggestion to revise and resubmit.

The opinions of the first two reviewers were acceptable, and I will make the necessary revisions as per their requirements. However, I will not choose this journal again. Firstly, the speed is extremely slow. Secondly, some reviewers are extremely careless and irresponsible. Thirdly, I'm afraid that if I submit it again, it will end up in the hands of the same reviewer and be rejected again.

Please be cautious when selecting this journal as there is too much uncertainty and the speed is extremely slow.

hjl1998 2022-05-25

How long will it be until it is published?

追光少年 2022-05-23

Another procrastinating editor. It has been almost a month since I submitted. It is still in the editor's hands. If they want to reject it, they should do it earlier instead of dragging it for another two months and rejecting it with some random reason!

zlian 2022-05-20

Submitted on March 26, status changed to Reviewer(s) invited on May 17.

dangzheng 2022-05-11

Is it faster to choose the open source option? This one is too slow.

dennnis 2022-05-06

I have been assigned as an editor for a month now, but I haven't made any progress. Still, it was COLSUA's recommendation that I came over here. Any experienced person, please comment on whether it is useful to switch from other magazines.

sniperxiang 2022-05-06

It has been half a month and it is still editor assigned. Does anyone know how long this status will last?

ardow 2022-05-04

Last year, I submitted two articles and felt that the process was quite fast. They were published in just four to five months.

xx3s 2022-04-29

It has been nearly 1 month since I submitted it, and it is still assigned to the editor. I really don't know what the situation is.

jc0723 2022-04-29

Did you check for plagiarism before submitting your work?

byshimmer 2022-04-24

Posted on 20210629, the translation and proofreading were all done by LetPub's advanced proofreading service, costing over 20,000.

On 20210905, a reminder was sent, and it was notified that the submission had not been sent for review. Then, a new associate editor was assigned, and the plagiarism check showed 17% similarity, mainly due to words like "Basin" and "stone." LetPub mentioned that the American editors couldn't help reduce the similarity, so I changed all of them to abbreviations, and the crosscheck showed 7% similarity, and it was resubmitted.

Returned on 20210923.

On 20211127, during the second round of revisions, there were three reviewers, with two minor revisions and one major revision. One of the reviewers was a recommended reviewer. However, the associate editor pointed out that the language structure was a bit verbose. The review comments were sent back to LetPub, but LetPub stated that the reviewers did not mention any grammar issues and refused to provide further proofreading unless additional payment was made. Therefore, I made the revisions myself using Grammarly and Deepl and had an English major friend check for any errors.

Minor revisions on 20220127, and both reviewers agreed to accept. One of the reviewers was an acquaintance and not a recommended reviewer. The associate editor made handwritten changes to over 100 words and uploaded the PDF. It was quite difficult to read.

Another round of minor revisions on 20220326, only a few words were changed, and it felt like a waste of time.

Accepted on 20220422.

Throughout the process, there were ups and downs, but seeing the acceptance, it truly felt like a natural and expected outcome.

crystal holder 2022-04-23

2021-08-07 submitted to journal
2022-01-07 minor revision (2 reviewers, one rejection without any specific comments, one minor revision with 7-8 suggestions; the review process took six months, during which the under review date changed multiple times, indicating the need to find additional reviewers)
2022-01-19 minor revision resubmitted
2022-02-16 major revision (new reviewer assigned, provided extensive revisions, but easier compared to the first round)
2022-02-17 major revision resubmitted
2022-03-09 under review
2022-04-09 required reviews completed
2022-04-11 decision in process
2022-04-22 accepted

流体小铁蛋 2022-04-16

You are so fast!

phipai 2022-04-16

2022-02-27 Submitted to Journal
2022-02-28 Editor Assigned
2022-03-04 Reviewer(s) invited
2022-03-04 Under Review
2022-03-17 Required Reviews Completed
2022-03-23 Moderate revision
2022-04-03 Revised and resubmitted, With Editor
2022-04-05 Editor Assigned
2022-04-06 Under Review
2022-04-07 Required Reviews Completed
2022-04-12 Minor revision
2022-04-13 Revised and resubmitted, With Editor
2022-04-14 Editor Assigned
2022-04-16 Accept
Total 50 days

西游菜鸟 2022-03-31

I submitted it on December 2nd last year, and it has been under review until now.
I sent an email for the first time to inquire, and they said it was transferred to the editor.
Three months later, I asked again and was told that they haven't received feedback from one of the reviewers.
Based on everyone's comments, it seems that the editors have been very slow in recent months.

MikeLi 2022-03-24

11/23: Submit initial draft
12/21: Display under review
1/20: Send a letter inquiring about the current status
1/21: Receive a reply stating that it is currently under review
2/20: Complete initial review
2/28: Inquire about the current status again
3/1: Receive reviewer comments, 3 reviewers, 1 major revision, 2 minor revisions
3/17: Submit revised draft
3/23: Review process ends
Currently waiting for the second review results.
Overall, this journal is really slow, but they are relatively quick in responding to emails. The reviewer comments are very professional and overall can help improve the quality of the article.

羊肉汤 2022-03-21

Received on December 20, 2021, Revised on March 1, 2022, Accepted on March 16, 2022, Available online on March 21, 2022.
Three months online is indeed fast.

chirs-w 2022-03-16

This journal is not as good as before. I suggest being cautious when submitting to this journal in the future!

huhulong 2022-03-16

Submitted for 2 months, no external review, received a suggestion to submit elsewhere, the journal it was recommended to submit to is not indexed in SCI, feeling dizzy.

huhulong 2022-03-14

It seems like everyone's submission process for 2022 is the same. I'm thinking of submitting ahead of time. It's too time-consuming.

想个名字好难 2022-03-13

Two months after the editor was assigned, I sent a reminder for the manuscript. It went directly to "decision in process," which indicates a likely rejection. However, it has been half a month since the decision was made. This journal is truly frustrating, and I strongly discourage it.

chirs-w 2022-03-07

I have also submitted for two months, but it has still not been reviewed. Urging for submission does not work either. I don't know what happened to this journal.

Galactic Hearts 2022-03-06

Submitted in late December 2021, it has been 2 and a half months until March 6, 2022, and it still hasn't been reviewed. I sent an email to inquire, but only received an automated reply. The status of the paper submission has not been updated. It is evident that urging for a review is completely useless.

guowanjiang 2022-03-06

The speed was fast. The manuscript was submitted at the end of November 2021, and feedback for revision was given in early January 2022. There were three reviewers, all of whom suggested major revisions. The initial draft had poor quality with numerous grammar errors and even misplaced images. The author is very grateful to the reviewers and editors for giving the opportunity for revision. The revised manuscript was submitted two weeks later. On February 7, 2022, feedback for the second review was given by two reviewers, with one accepting the paper and the other suggesting major revisions. After careful modifications, the revised manuscript was resubmitted in mid-February. On March 5th, one reviewer agreed to accept the paper.

成长是目的 2022-03-03

I am too... It has been a month and I am still assigned as an editor, and the dates haven't changed. Last year was quite fast.

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