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大元1208 2022-07-17

Speed depends on luck. The first article took about a year, including a major revision and a minor revision. The editor was slow, and it was also difficult to find a suitable reviewer.
The second article was relatively fast, taking only three and a half months (Received 10 February 2022, Revised 4 May 2022, Accepted 29 May 2022, Available online 3 June 2022). It only required a minor revision.

YuanTseh 2022-07-16

2022-4-28 Submitted to Journal
2022-4-29 Editor assigned
2022-7-16 Decision in Process
After nearly 3 months of initial review, the decision is currently in process. There is a high probability of rejection. The speed is really slow, so submitting should be done carefully.

双倍帅气 2022-07-14

So may I ask why have you been waiting for so long?

路人只是路过 2022-07-14

Exactly half a year, every time the editor is assigned, it takes more than a month.

pronie 2022-07-13

2022-02-11 submitted to journal
2022-02-12 editor assigned
2022-03-01 reviewer(s) invited
2022-03-01 under review
2022-03-11 required reviews completed
2022-03-23 decision in process
2022-04-04 Major revision (two reviewers)
2022-05-15 Revised
2022-05-17 editor assigned
2022-06-02 under review
2022-06-04 reviewer(s) invited
2022-06-05 under review
2022-07-08 required reviews completed
2022-07-08 decision in process
2022-07-13 Accept
This journal has high requirements, and the innovative points need to be clear. The opinions of the editor and reviewers are very professional, and the quality of the paper has improved significantly during the revision process.

guowanjiang 2022-07-12

I have also submitted for two months, the submission date changed once on the 7th of May, but it still has not been reviewed.

八阿哥 2022-07-11

My status was also changing at that time, but the editor assigned remained the same. Later, the status date changed once every two days, a total of three changes, and then it became "Under Review".

流体小铁蛋 2022-07-09

The editor assigned has been three months already. A few days ago, the status date changed, so I asked the Elsevier staff about it. They said there is a new deputy editor. It's been so agonizing.

pronie 2022-07-09

I think the editor cannot find suitable reviewers, so when you politely send the reminder letter for the last time, recommend 7-8 reviewers who have the same professional background as yours. Then, patiently wait for good news. This journal is very good, the editor is responsible, and the reviewing level is also professional.

frgjfrghfsgh 2022-07-09

Until today, it has been a total of two months since the editor was assigned. A total of six reminder letters have been sent, but there has been no reply. We are preparing to withdraw the submission as it is really delaying things.

pronie 2022-07-08

If it has been two months since submission and it is still in the "editor assigned" status, you can write a reminder letter.

Bert474123 2022-07-08

Two months have passed since submission, but it is still in the "editor assigned" status. Only the date has been updated, and it has still not been reviewed. Has anyone else had their submission reviewed successfully?

pronie 2022-07-07

2022-02-11 submitted to journal
2022-02-12 editor assigned
2022-03-01 reviewer(s) invited
2022-03-01 under review
2022-03-11 required reviews completed
2022-03-23 decision in process
2022-04-04 Major revision (two reviewers)
2022-05-15 Revised
2022-05-17 editor assigned
2022-06-02 under review
2022-06-04 reviewer(s) invited
2022-06-05 under review
Still under review until now, it has been a month. I think the original reviewers are too busy, so I am looking for new ones. Does anyone have such experience?

kun_123 2022-07-04

It's just a normal operation. I have already gone through the second review. The reason the editor sent it back to me is that I didn't submit the highlights. But I did submit them. It's a waste of a month, and it hasn't even been reviewed!

双倍帅气 2022-07-02

Too slow, it has been over a month and it hasn't been reviewed yet.

kun_123 2022-06-27

May I ask who is the responsible editor for the original post? Please let me know, I would like to have them review my post next time as well.

999geochemoeng 2022-06-24

Can you tell me the associate editor in charge of handling your manuscript?

guowanjiang 2022-06-23

Posted on May 16th, entered editor assigned on May 18th, and still remains as editor assigned until now.

xingda 2022-06-22

I have been waiting for 2 months, and it is still in the "editor assigned" status. Is there any faster option?

妥妥 2022-06-22

Posted on May 16th, entered 'Editor Assigned' on May 18th, and it has been over a month now and still 'Editor Assigned'. Why is it taking so long?

八阿哥 2022-06-19

My status date has been updated two months later, but the status remains the same, still "Editor Assigned." I'm really afraid of waiting for another two months, only to be rejected in the end.

一朵小红花cup 2022-06-19

Mine too, it's been a month and a half already and there haven't been any updates.

追光少年 2022-06-14

Let me explain to everyone that it has been a full two months, and it is still in the "editor assigned" status. For those who have submitted to this journal, please be cautious.

追光少年 2022-06-14

The same situation as you, it has been 2 months since submission, and it is still in the "editor assigned" status. I seriously doubt if there are still people working at this journal, are they all just lying down?

sniperxiang 2022-06-13

Last year, an article took 5 months to be rejected after dragging on for a long time. In April this year, I submitted another article, and it has been two months now, but it is still in the "Editor Assigned" status. I have urged twice, but it remains in this status.

frgjfrghfsgh 2022-06-13

I have reminded four times in one month, still inviting the editor...

流体小铁蛋 2022-06-10

I tried once, but it didn't seem useful.

流体小铁蛋 2022-06-08

Two months have passed since submission, and it has not yet been reviewed.

frgjfrghfsgh 2022-06-06

It has been a month for me too, still inviting edits, and sending two reminder letters which are completely ineffective.

guowanjiang 2022-06-06

Posted for three weeks, in the hands of the editor, and the date has not changed.

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