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0.0啊哈 2022-09-14

I sent an email to ask, and the editorial department replied with a generic response. The status has still not been updated.

calcite 2022-09-13

May I ask how long after the date changes do you submit for review as an editor assigned? It has been over a month for me and it is still in editor assigned status. The date has changed once.

八阿哥 2022-09-12

The Mid-Autumn Festival's greatest gift, paper accepted. The whole process took 5 months.
April to June: editor assigned.
July: under review.
July 31st: notified of major revisions.
August 18th: returned.
August 23rd: under review.
September 6th: review process ends.
September 10th: accepted.

calcite 2022-09-08

This journal is just very slow. There are too many submissions, and I haven't made any progress in a month. Can you follow up in three months?

0.0啊哈 2022-09-08

It has been almost three months, and it is still in the "Editor Assigned" status... Does this mean it will be rejected?

0.0啊哈 2022-09-08

Brother, how long have you been investing? I have been investing for almost three months now, and I am still in the same situation.

calcite 2022-09-07

I have never seen a journal that is so slow. It has been a month and it is still stuck at "Editor Assigned". The date has not changed at all.

追光少年 2022-08-29

It's not just a little pit, it's a huge pit. Don't step on it!

追光少年 2022-08-29

This journal must be handled with caution. Unless there are connections, the assigned editor's status lasted for over two months, and then it got rejected. If it is to be rejected, it should have been rejected earlier. Dragging it along like this is just frustrating.

喝喝喝 2022-08-23

Posted in November of the 21st year, underwent major revisions in March of the 22nd year, returned for minor revisions in May, and then spent another month on editing and allocation. From June until now, which is almost September, Reviewer(s) have been continuously invited. I wrote a letter inquiring about the status a couple of days ago, but haven't received a response. If we count it, it has been 10 months already, and I am already frustrated.

锤子王 2022-08-22

OP, which editor are you using? The processing speed seems good, I also want to find them to handle it.

xiaolin 2022-08-19

May I ask if all co-authors must register and confirm their contributions to the article according to the received email after submitting to JPSE, before the article can be reviewed?

kun_123 2022-08-10

2022-04-11 Journal submission
2022-04-18 Editor assignment
2022-05-01 Reviewers invited
2022-05-01 Under review
2022-05-21 Review request made
2022-05-26 Decision in progress
2022-05-26 Minor revisions (two minor revisions and one major revision)
2022-06-02 Revised
2022-06-17 Editor assignment
2022-06-30 Rejected (reference did not include all authors' names)
2022-07-01 Revised
2022-07-26 Editor assignment
2022-07-26 Under review
2022-08-06 Review request made
2022-08-08 Decision completed, accepted

Well, overall it has its ups and downs, but the final result is decent and fits just right. Additionally, the journal's editing process is a bit slow, so it may be worth reminding them.

微笑312 2022-08-02

You can write a letter to ask the editor what happened.

八阿哥 2022-08-01

Hello, may I ask if I received an email stating that my submission needs major revisions, but the website shows it as rejected? How should I submit the revised version? Should I resubmit the paper? (I am not very familiar with submitting papers for the first time, please forgive me.)

zsj_001 2022-07-27

2022.2.08 Submission
2022.5.07 Revision, with 3 reviewers, requested to revise by 5.27. Due to the doctoral defense, an extension was requested and revised by 6.03.
2022.7.27 Accepted
In the past 6 months, after the revision, one of the reviewers forgot to review. Contacted the editor, and after reminding, it was accepted.

宝贝要幸福 2022-07-27

Submitted for a month, the status remained as "assigned editor". After more than a month, I sent a reminder email. I received a response immediately, and then the status changed to "decision in process". This status lasted for almost a month, and in the end, the result was rejection. It feels frustrating, as it took too long. It's disappointing to be rejected after two months of not being reviewed. If they were going to reject it, they should have done it sooner.

双倍帅气 2022-07-25

I also had one time like this.

微笑312 2022-07-25

Hello, can you please tell me about your specific process and dates? Thank you!

微笑312 2022-07-25

Oh my, this is a bit tricky.

frgjfrghfsgh 2022-07-23

One reviewer for the first review, and both of them agreed to accept for the second review. During the second review, one of the reviewers who did not review in the first review gave feedback stating that the submission lacks innovation, resulting in rejection. Ultimately, the editor also rejected it, taking a total of 8 months. This journal is particularly slow and not suitable for those who need to graduate urgently. It is necessary to write a reminder letter promptly.

YuanTseh 2022-07-22

Please reply to everyone, I hope this will be helpful.

1. The "editor assigned" stage does indeed take a long time. After 2 months, I asked the editor if they had found a reviewer but hadn't updated the status. The editor's response was that the status was indeed "editor assigned".

2. The "decision in process" time for me was 3 days. The decision was rejected on Monday after it was made on Saturday.

ununun 2022-07-22

How long did it take for the OP to make the final decision? I've been waiting for two weeks, and I'm getting impatient.

锤子王 2022-07-20

What is the latest progress? Mine is similar to yours, I have been waiting for editor assignment for a long time. Could it be that the editor has already found a reviewer but it is not showing in the system?

guowanjiang 2022-07-19

Me too, submitted on 5.15, and on 7.18 it went directly from editor assigned to decision in process.

YuanTseh 2022-07-19

2022-7-18 Transfer Pending 已被拒稿 translates to "2022-7-18 Transfer Pending has been rejected."

石油抄人 2022-07-19

Recently, there have been many cases like this. I have been waiting for over two months, and my status has been changed from "editor assigned" to "decision in process."

路人只是路过 2022-07-18

Generally, the reviewer will not be changed again.

pronie 2022-07-18

There are two possibilities in this case: First, the editor hopes to obtain new ideas from your paper. Second, previous reviewers may have been too busy, so they might need to find new ones. I have also experienced this before, where after submitting revisions, it was under review for two days, and then reviewer(s) were invited. I think one of the previous reviewers was too busy, so they found another one. After a month of being under review, it was accepted. Don't worry, be patient and wait.

hjl1998 2022-07-18

The editor was assigned for two months, why is it "under review" again after minor revisions? How much longer do we have to wait? Is there anyone in the same situation as me? Can you share some experiences?

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