注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

TYUTJYL 2022-11-09

The overall speed is acceptable. There are 8 suggestions for minor repairs for the first time, and 5 suggestions for moderate repairs for the second time.

小灰灰是只喵 2022-11-08

Editor assigned usually takes 1-2 months.

1874 2022-11-08


likk 2022-11-08

Friend, how is your article now? Has it been accepted?

999geochemoeng 2022-11-01

I submitted a paper in the first half of the year, it took more than 5 months, and I felt pretty good about it. The second paper was a disaster, it took a whole 5 months, and after the first review, there were two reviewers who gave brief comments that made me feel like they didn't carefully read the content and just made random evaluations. However, they didn't reject the paper, but instead, the editor took over a month to make a decision and finally rejected it!! Nobody paid attention to my appeal...

殴打小朋友 2022-10-30

The application was submitted in May and accepted in October. Brothers who are interested should pay attention to the timeline. There is also a slower program called "spe j", so those who are eager to graduate should definitely avoid it.

搞学术小菜鸡 2022-10-29

Wugj, are you also in this situation? My condition hasn't changed, but the date changed the day before yesterday.

Wugj 2022-10-29

Has the status behind the original poster changed again? After being invited by reviewer(s).

King 2022-10-26

I am currently also in the "decision in process" status. Just curious, did everyone who went directly to this status end up being rejected???

xx3s 2022-10-18

It has been almost a month since the required reviews were completed, but there is still no decision. I wonder if I should follow up? Can someone knowledgeable provide guidance?

流体小铁蛋 2022-10-17

It should be that among the reviewers invited by the editor, some did not accept the review, so the editor had to find another reviewer.

搞学术小菜鸡 2022-10-17

After 20 days of being under review, it suddenly changed to "reviewer invited". Has anyone encountered this situation before? Also, there are rumors that JPSE is going to change its name. There might be a possibility of downsizing by the end of the year.

annalee 2022-10-17

Have you gone through this process?

annalee 2022-10-17

You are so fast. I am currently making a decision, it has been about four or five days, and I don't know how it will turn out.

1874 2022-10-15

The word "success" in English means achieving a desired outcome or goal, often accompanied by recognition, wealth, or happiness.

超级拉姆 2022-10-13

Still the same, wait patiently.

annalee 2022-10-13

How long did it take to receive the first review comments?

Zhiqiang Mao 2022-10-12

Hello, I am also in the same situation. I have been waiting for over a month, but still haven't been assigned an editor. What is your current status?

annalee 2022-10-11

It took me about a little over a month to submit for review.

超级拉姆 2022-10-10

2022-8-30 Post
2022-9-01 Editor Assigned
2022-9-20 Editor Assigned
2022-10-13 Decision in Process
It seems like it's not going well.

annalee 2022-10-09

How long did it take for you to receive the reviewer's comments?

sky82 2022-10-08

This is my first submission to this journal, and I feel a bit confused. I received 1 attachment of Comments (containing 9 suggestions) as well as comments from 3 reviewers. The content in the Comments attachment is different from the opinions of the 3 reviewers. Can you please take a look at the feedback provided in the Comments attachment? Are these opinions given solely by the editor-in-chief as a separate review?

0.0啊哈 2022-10-06

It has been 4 months, and it is still "Editor Assigned". I have sent emails, but the editor has not replied. I only received a response from an Elsevier staff member... Is it really this difficult?

silentscar 2022-09-28

The text translates to: "There were suggestions for revisions given for 8 months, but it did not specify whether it was a major or minor revision. Now, it has been submitted for almost a month and is under review. I am a bit nervous, wondering if it will be rejected."

喝喝喝 2022-09-27

Hello, it has been over ten months since I submitted my paper. It has been stuck at the third round of review for four months now. I sent a reminder email a month ago and received a generic response saying they will invite reviewers as soon as possible. However, it has been a month now and they are still in the process of inviting reviewers. Is this journal behaving unreasonably? Should I wait patiently now?

xiaoyan fux 2022-09-27

I will share my submission experience to give everyone an idea. I submitted in August 2021, and it took one month for the first review. It came back after one month with two reviewers suggesting major revisions. The second review took three months, with an additional reviewer added. The third review took two months, with another reviewer added. The fourth review took one month, and it passed with four reviewers. The agony began from here. Subsequently, I made three minor revisions, mainly focusing on modifying references and changing one or two words, which should not affect the quality of the article. It was accepted on September 27, 2022. Others around me were faster, so this journal is open for submission. It took me 13 months, which is considered quite slow.

一只小暖喵 2022-09-26

2022-06-03 received
2022-08-05 under review
2022-08-19 major revision
2022-08-28 received in revised form
2022-09-09 accepted


2022-06-03 - Received
2022-08-05 - Under review
2022-08-19 - Major revision
2022-08-28 - Received in revised form
2022-09-09 - Accepted

学术小新 2022-09-22

So slow, what should I do?

一介caomin 2022-09-20

The manuscript processing speed has noticeably slowed down this year.

学术小新 2022-09-19

It's really slow, I don't know why the editor of this journal is so slow, it's really frustrating.

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