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Dominic 2023-02-20

As of the 20th, it has not been submitted for review and the status remains unchanged.

徐小兑 2023-02-14

Has it been submitted for review now?

sky82 2023-02-13

There should be no problem with SCI inclusion, but it will take 1-3 months after submission for it to be published. It will not be included immediately.

喝喝喝 2023-02-13

SCI can't be found.

sky82 2023-02-13

It should be no problem. You can take a screenshot online. It is clearly stated on the homepage:
About the journal
Formerly known as Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

喝喝喝 2023-02-13

Same question, what should I do if I submitted before changing my name and got accepted after changing my name? Can't I use it for graduation awards anymore?

annalee 2023-02-13

The ISSN number of JPSE journal has been changed.

annalee 2023-02-13

No zoning? Isn't that the end of it? Does the school still recognize it?

annalee 2023-02-13

The journal changed its name, I don't know what impact it will have.

annalee 2023-02-13

What was the result of your communication with the school?
I am also in the same situation as you, still not knowing what the school means exactly. Doesn't your school recognize it?

llcc 2023-02-12

Update: JPSE has been removed from the SCI directory, but GES has been added to the directory. It is currently unknown whether the school awards will be recognized.

calcite 2023-02-09

My timeline is similar to yours. I submitted the manuscript on August 5th last year and it was accepted on February 7th this year.

Dominic 2023-02-09

Same, it has been two and a half months, and it is still "Editor Assigned". I have emailed to inquire about it, and the response said that there is a large volume of manuscripts and they will process it as soon as possible. However, there has been no progress for half a month.

Dominic 2023-02-09

2022.11.21: Submission
2022.11.22-Present: Editor Assigned

hm2022 2023-02-09

2022.8.6 Submission.
2022.12.11 Received major revision comments, a total of 7 reviewers were invited, 4 of whom provided suggestions.
2023.1.14 Submitted revised manuscript, 16 pages of response.
2023.2.6 Editor's decision: accepted.

sky82 2023-02-03

When the article is first submitted, a link will be sent to the contact email for communication purposes. This link can be used to track the external review process (including the time of submission, the number of recipients, and the number of people accepting the review). If there are more than 2 people, it will be displayed as "2+".

calcite 2023-02-02

Why doesn't the system of the corresponding author display the number of people who have completed the review?

sky82 2023-02-02

No, it's not. When it shows 2+, it means all three people have returned.

calcite 2023-02-02

Two out of the three reviewers' opinions have returned, and it will display "required reviews completed". This is how mine is. The third reviewer has been delaying for a long time, so the "required reviews completed" status has been prolonged.

sky82 2023-02-02

Every time in the hands of the editor, it takes a long time, starting from two months. The external review is fast, usually taking 2-3 weeks to return. Additionally, it may be due to the journal's name change at the end of last year. After all the comments from the second review were returned, the "Required reviews completed" status lasted for more than a month, but the decision came quickly afterwards.

sky82 2023-02-02

Submit at the end of June, review after 2 months. Notify major revisions in early October (3 external review experts). Submit in early December. Accepted by the end of January.

搞学术小菜鸡 2023-01-24

Definitely can be used, DOI and issue number are both from JPSE. Even if it changes its name, the WOS retrieval still retrieves JPSE. I have seen other journals with the same situation.

加速审稿 2023-01-24

Renaming for two years without a division and impact factor, the award is definitely not applicable anymore.

welllogging1 2023-01-23

Overall, the speed is a bit slow, and it takes 8 months to be accepted after major repairs. The journal also changed its name this year. I wonder if the editorial department is too busy changing names... Finally, I would like to ask if it is still useful to graduate without knowing the previous journal ranking and impact factor after the journal has just changed its name...

shenshenivy 2023-01-20

The submission has been three months already, and it has always been an assigned editor. During this period, the status has remained unchanged.

sparksday 2023-01-19

May I ask, during this period, has the date of the assigned editor been updated?

魏晋 2023-01-19

Submitted in early October, it has not yet been reviewed.

Dominic 2023-01-18

The same, it has been two months already, and it is still in the "Editor Assigned" status, there has been absolutely no change.

sparksday 2023-01-16

Submitted at the end of October until now, it has been over two and a half months, and it still hasn't been reviewed. Sending email reminders to the editorial department only results in generic responses that don't help. How long did it take for everyone else to get their submissions reviewed? Has anyone encountered a similar situation?

小灰灰是只喵 2023-01-16

The translated text is: "It is the changed name."

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