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Dominic 2023-03-17

Similarly, it has been four months without review. In the third month, the editor was reassigned, and then it was rejected directly without any reason given.

Dominic 2023-03-17

Under the reminder email, reassign the editor on 28th February 2023. On 17th March 2023, it was rejected without review and without any reasons given.

Four months were wasted in vain, genuinely cautious about wanting to submit the manuscript.

FDD 2023-03-16

Is it the same for me? Have you tried again?

FDD 2023-03-16

Hello OP, may I ask if you have re-submitted it? What was the reason for the rejection?

FDD 2023-03-16

C-2019 Hello, OP, my editor also asked me to resubmit. Did you resubmit?

Ha 2023-03-16

How long does it take for this "Decision in Process" status to enter the stage of returning modified opinions?

c-2019 2023-03-15

Did the editor not give you any advice on the resubmission? I previously received a rejection and a request for resubmission.

c-2019 2023-03-15

After changing the name, the speed of reviewing manuscripts has improved.

c-2019 2023-03-15

The reviewing speed is relatively fast.

sky82 2023-03-13

Very normal, the review process is relatively fast.

Zengyao Wang 2023-03-13

The most disappointing journal.
Submitted on 11/28, the assigned editor took three months to review, and the journal even changed its name during that time.
They rejected it without providing any constructive feedback.
If they wanted to reject it, they should have done it earlier. It wasted so much time. Please consider carefully.

Ha 2023-03-11

How long does your external audit take?

Ha 2023-03-11

I would like to ask if it is normal for the status to change to "Required Reviews Completed" after being under review for a month.

加速审稿 2023-03-10

Confirmed, it is SCI, but without a partition. It should not count for awards, but it counts for graduation.

加速审稿 2023-03-10

Can I have a convenient exchange with an alum here? q44064388

加速审稿 2023-03-10

Excuse me, if it is found, does it mean that it is SCI? Can I know which quartile it is in?

竹叶沙沙 2023-03-08

Is it normal for it to take 40 days for the submission to be assigned to an editor? Can I request for the manuscript to be expedited?

机投桥程序员 2023-03-07

Has Lao Tie been evaluated?

listen to me 2023-03-05

How long does it take to submit for review?

努力吧 2023-03-03

Lasting for one year, after undergoing major revisions, the received feedback from the expert reviewers was professional. We replied to more than 30 pages of reviewer comments, made revisions accordingly, and resubmitted the manuscript, which was then accepted directly.

wzr2233 2023-03-02

Is the award based on the classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Can the Chinese Academy of Sciences' classification be included this year?

你可真牛逼 2023-03-01

I won't mention the recent slow processing speed, but the most idiotic thing is all sorts of inexplicable operations.

你可真牛逼 2023-03-01

Last September, I submitted the paper, and it showed in the tracking system that three reviewers had finished reviewing it three months ago. However, the editorial department did not process it and directly rejected it after three months in the system. The Decision Letter asked us to revise the paper's format and resubmit, stating that there were formatting issues with the paper, but there were no comments from the three reviewers who had completed the review. I understand that the editorial department was busy with changing its name, but can they not be so ridiculous?

板蓝根的泡面 2023-02-28

Guys, please share and communicate more about the situation with the school.

板蓝根的泡面 2023-02-27

I will not be able to use it by the end of March.

板蓝根的泡面 2023-02-27

How about another sympathetic person who updates and communicates constantly?

搞学术小菜鸡 2023-02-23

The WOS database can indeed be searched, and the version number for searching the new name is still the same as the original version number (https://mjl.clarivate.com:/search-results?issn=2949-8929&hide_exact_match_fl=true&utm_source=mjl&utm_medium=share-by-link&utm_campaign=search-results-share-these-results), but the version number for the original name has changed. I predict that it is highly likely that it will not affect scholarships. Graduation is imminent.

朦胧的时间 2023-02-23

Can the awards be used when we are both major oil producers?

小灰灰是只喵 2023-02-23

Compared to the data in January 2023, the SCIE database for February 2023 has included "geoenergy science and engineering" and "gas science and engineering" as new SCI journals due to a change in ISSN. However, they have not been categorized within the past two years. Whether they can be considered as graduation requirements and for bonus points in evaluation can only be confirmed by inquiring about the policies of the college. Generally speaking, it should not be a problem for graduation, at least at the Beijing University of Petroleum.

机投桥程序员 2023-02-22

How is the situation now, buddy? Are there any issues with awards and graduation?

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