注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

phipai 2021-02-07

Round 3:
(1) 2020-11-19: With Editor
(2) 2020-11-20: Editor Assigned
(3) 2020-11-22: Under Review
(4) 2020-11-29: Required Reviews Completed
(5) 2020-12-27: Decision in Process
(6) 2021-01-07: Minor revision

Round 4:
(1) 2021-01-11: With Editor
(2) 2021-01-11: Editor Assigned
(3) 2021-01-12: Editor Assigned
(4) 2021-01-18: Reviewer(s) invited
(5) 2021-01-18: Under Review
(6) 2021-01-29: Required Reviews Completed
(7) 2021-02-05: Decision in Process
(8) 2021-02-07: Accept

phipai 2021-02-07

After more than 8 months, 4 rounds of review have been undergone.

(1) 2020-05-18: With Editor
(2) 2020-05-20: Editor Assigned
(3) 2020-06-09: Under Review
(4) 2020-07-19: Under Review
(5) 2020-08-01: Under Editor Evaluation
(6) 2020-08-08: Decision in Process
(7) 2020-08-12: Major Revision


(1) 2020-09-01: With Editor
(2) 2020-09-02: Editor Assigned
(3) 2020-09-08: Under Review
(4) 2020-09-27: Decision in Process
(5) 2020-10-16: Major Revision

WZZ@163.com 2021-02-07

July 2019 submission
Completed 6 times
8 reviewers
Many irrelevant references were requested
Still waiting
It has been 1 year and 7 months already

WZZ@163.com 2021-02-07

Posted in July 2019, 8 reviewers, still waiting. Many people ask me to cite unrelated papers, can't the editor-in-chief see it? Sigh.

摸鱼 2021-02-05

Same here, I also submitted on August 26th, and still haven't received any news.

水兽化石 2021-02-05

I have submitted two articles to JPSE. One of them has been under the "Under Review" status for four months, while the other one has been under the "Editor Assigned" status for almost a month. Has the review process slowed down this much? My last submission was accepted and published within three months. Can I send an email to inquire about the progress? Will this lead to a direct rejection? Or is it related to the editor or reviewers (taking a break, selectively reviewing, not finding reviewers, or reviewers on vacation)? I would appreciate any advice from fellow colleagues.

风光的石头 2021-01-26

Construct geological-related content, submitted in June 2020, received formal acceptance notice on January 25, 2021. This is my third article published in JPSE, and I have always been very satisfied with the speed of peer review and the comments provided. I also wish for the journal's impact factor to reach a higher level!

笨小孩 2021-01-19

1. Submitted on 2020.8.26
2. Under review once during this period.
3. Reviewer(s) invited from 2020.11.1 until now.
Sent two emails to the editor asking for updates, wording in the emails was to process as soon as convenient for the editor.

安纳西的城 2021-01-16

2020.08.10 Submission
Returned to Reviewer 1 for one and a half months: Chinese revision
Completed revisions in five days, returned for further revisions for one month. Added Reviewer 2: Chinese revision
Completed revisions in three days, returned for further revisions for one month. Accepted on 2021.01.16
Overall, it went quite smoothly!
During this period, I also reviewed two articles for the same journal. It's a good journal!

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