认证评论 - Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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张真 2022-07-14

May I ask which district this JCR is in? What are the steps between "Accept" and "Online", and how long does it usually take?

HouWen19970320 2022-07-10

When I upload, I delete the original manuscript, highlight the modified areas in red, and upload the response letter.

Cai20 2022-07-10

May I ask, when uploading a revised manuscript, do I need to delete the original manuscript?

HouWen19970320 2022-07-08

It is difficult to find reviewers... it greatly affects the speed of the review process.

xiao星 2022-07-08

2022.3.4 Submission
2022.5.12 Reviewers Assigned
No changes in the past two months.

HouWen19970320 2022-07-05

Wish everyone a smooth submission!

HouWen19970320 2022-07-05

Share the submission process:
2022.4.5 New submission
2022.4.9 Under review
2022.6.20 Minor revise
2022.6.29 Submit revision
2022.7.5 Accept

HouWen19970320 2022-07-05

Accepted on the 7th of May
Submitted on the 4th of May, accepted on the 7th of May, took a total of three months, received minor edits and suggestions for a little over two months, and were accepted within around 5 days after submitting the revised draft.

HouWen19970320 2022-07-03

Yes, it's a minor repair that will take two months.

HouWen19970320 2022-07-03

Yes, the suggestions will be given for minor revisions after two months, but it is also possible to be slow, depending on the editing processing speed and the availability of reviewers...

Dahai_succeed 2022-07-02

Brother, do we submit the first draft for feedback after two months?

HouWen19970320 2022-06-20

6.20 Minor repair, review time is two months.

HouWen19970320 2022-06-17

Hmm, well, there's no need to rush, he's been constantly changing his mind... Bro, can I add you as a friend? It doesn't feel very convenient to communicate on here, why can't I send messages...

吃个冬瓜瓤 2022-06-15

6.15 accept

大熊子 2022-06-14

The first SCI paper took about half a year in total, and I received the acceptance comments around April. I reminded once to send it for external review, and I estimated that I contacted a total of 8 experts according to their identification numbers. It is quite suitable for beginners.

autumn1660 2022-06-08

Same situation as the original poster, the current status assigned by reviewers has been going on for 4 months, anxiously waiting.

HouWen19970320 2022-05-30

This...is too annoying, right?

小憨憨93 2022-05-30

5.30 Editor rejected the submission directly.
It took nearly 40 days, and it was assigned to an editor throughout.
I was wondering why it was not under review for such a long time, but now I am relieved.

哈哈1 2022-05-16

After the minor repairs, Editor has been invited for two weeks. I wonder how much longer I have to wait?

哈哈1 2022-05-11

Sorry, that means "handling editor" in English.

哈哈1 2022-05-11

The editor in charge has taken over and is currently processing it. The results should be available soon.

太湖水 2022-05-06

I want to ask, when your paper was in the first draft, was it only assigned to a reviewer, or was it also under review?

太湖水 2022-05-06

I want to ask, when you submitted your paper for the first time, did it only show "reviewer assigned" without "under review"?

小憨憨93 2022-04-28

4.22 Editor Assigned

吃个冬瓜瓤 2022-04-28

4.27 Révision Soumise
4.27 Revision Submitted

吃个冬瓜瓤 2022-04-26

The translation of "4.25 revise" into English is "Review 4.25."

小憨憨93 2022-04-12

4.9 nueva presentación (Spanish)

4.9 nova submissão (Portuguese)

4.9 nouvelle soumission (French)

4.9 nuova presentazione (Italian)

4.9 neuer Einreichung (German)

4.9 novo envio (Portuguese - Brazil)

4.9 новая подача (Russian)

吃个冬瓜瓤 2022-04-09

How many reviewers do you have?

黄仁杰 2022-04-08

Suitable for the first article, quite good.

jeiog 2022-04-06

It has been 3 months since the manuscript was reviewed, and it has been a week since the reviews were completed. There has been no progress yet. Why is it so slow? Comrades, how much longer will this journal take?

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