认证评论 - Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

polymerm 2021-09-03

2021_09_03, required reviews completed; Reminder, reply: Thank you for your e-mail.

After reviewing, I can confirm that your submission is now ready for a decision. I have reached out to the editor regarding your submission, and I am confident that they will prioritize the matter.

I appreciate your ongoing patience.
If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Menas Donald Kiran
Journal Manager

polymerm 2021-08-30

Sangho Lee
Kookmin University

polymerm 2021-08-30

Even revised drafts have to wait till death...

polymerm 2021-08-30

2021_6_3: Submission;
2021_6-29: Revision, 5 reviewers, 1 rejected, 4 minor revisions, made changes according to suggestions;
2021—8-2: Submitted revised manuscript;
2021-8-3: Reviewing process completed, required reviews completed;
2021_8_8: Required reviews completed;
2021_8_24: Sent an email to inquire about the status, mentioned that the review process has been checked and is ready for a decision, contacted the editor, and believe the editor will handle it promptly;
2021-8-30: Required reviews completed.

chemeng 2021-08-05

April 29, submitted
May 7, under review
July 29, revise (requested to revise within 4 weeks)
Currently under revision, the editor is Hyojong Yoo, who handles the manuscript promptly. You can choose him as he is very efficient in the review process. The dates often change during the review, indicating that they are actively seeking effective reviewers and working efficiently.

logicalfake 2021-05-23

This journal is a huge disappointment. After one year of review, they gave a garbage reason for rejection.

Submission: 2020.04.15
The journal sent a reminder letter once, but received no response.

Review submission: 2020.07.06
Rejection: 2021.04.09

During the review period, they sent four reminder letters and two withdrawal letters, but received no response. There has been no communication whatsoever.

The rejection reason given was that the paper lacked innovation and commercial value. Both my boss and I believe that the editor-in-chief just made up excuses. If they had rejected it after a few months, it would have been fine. But after one year of review without any specific feedback, it was a great disappointment. We have decided in our laboratory that no one should submit to this journal anymore.

高原废油 2021-05-16

I submitted my article in March last year, and it was not until May this year that I received the suggested revisions. It was extremely slow, usually taking 3 months for a submission to be under review. However, even after more than 10 months, it is still in the same status. They do not respond to emails requesting withdrawal of the submission, and they never reply to emails. Of course, they did respond to the email sent to the help center. Maybe I am just unlucky. It is incredibly slow. I wish everyone good luck!

linaner 2021-04-12

Added, hired. The total time taken was 2.5 months, and the overall speed was acceptable, except for a slight delay in the second review.

linaner 2021-04-08

The first trial lasted for one month and three days, and three days after the second trial, Required Reviews Completed. I have been waiting for 3 weeks, but no one responded to my email. This is really speechless.

行走的唐老鸭 2021-03-30

2021.2.13 Submitted to journal
2021.2.19 Sent email to manager to assign my editor (When I submitted, I forgot to select an editor. Since there was no change in status for a long time, I proactively emailed to request the assignment of an editor. It was during the Chinese New Year, so I was unsure if the delay was due to the holiday.)
2021.2.20 Assigned to editor (I received an email reply stating that an editor has been assigned to me.)
2021.2.21 Under Review
2021.3.07 Revise
2021.3.21 Revision submitted to journal
2021.3.21 Under review
2021.3.28 Required reviews completed
2021.3.29 Accepted

This journal is very fast and efficient. It took 46 days from submission to acceptance, and the reviewers were also very professional. I don't think it is as bad as mentioned by others. The journal has a high impact factor of 5.3. I hope the journal continues to improve and achieves an impact factor of over 10. I will consider submitting to this journal again in the future.

浮游小生 2021-03-30

Submitted on March 17th, and until now it still hasn't reached the hands of the editor. I regret not reading the comments further down, it's really slow. Submission should be done carefully!!!

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