认证评论 - Journal of Hydrology
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

lizhi_tao 2021-08-23

Submitted in September last year, received two major revision suggestions in January this year, which were rejected by the editor. After making major revisions based on the external reviewer's suggestions, resubmitted in April this year and received minor revision suggestions in July. Finally accepted in August.

Ahhhh 2021-08-18

What is the current status of your paper? I have also encountered the situation of being invited for review again after it was under review.

青山依旧 2021-07-19

2021.3.4 submitted to journal
2021.3.7 Editor Assigned
2021.3.22 Editor Assigned
2021.3.23 Reviewer(s) invited
2021.3.24 Under Review
2021.3.26 Reviewer(s) invited
2021.3.28 Reviewer(s) invited
2021.3.29 Under Review
2021.5.27 Decision in Process
2021.6.9 reject

Geo-oeG 2021-06-29

To be honest, recently in our group, JH had three submissions and three acceptances, WRR had three submissions and one acceptance (with JH's rejection being accepted by WRR), and WR had two submissions and one acceptance. Regardless of the difficulty in publishing, the quality of articles, or the level of reviewers, JH cannot be compared to the other two. It can't be said that JH is a low-quality journal, but calling it a dream journal would be too exaggerated.

泡泡 2021-06-28

In my personal view, there are three major journals in the field of water resources. Among these three journals, one has the highest number of published articles. It is edited by an Italian editor-in-chief and a vice editor-in-chief from a university in China. The handling speed of manuscript submissions is relatively fast. The entire review process is as follows: within 1-2 weeks after submission, the manuscript is under review; it takes 1-2 months for the review to be completed; after the review, it takes about 1 week for the editor to make major revisions; then, the manuscript is sent back for revisions within 3 weeks; after another 3 weeks of review, the editor provides minor revisions, which need to be completed within 5 days; finally, after about 1 week, the editor accepts the manuscript. There are two reviewers who are experts in the field, although they may have some deviations in understanding the details of the articles, they have provided some useful suggestions for the overall contribution and logic of the articles.

resercher 2021-06-24

Haha, you are not good at criticizing. Why don't you say that the articles on science and nature are also poorly done? As for water resources, being able to publish an article in the three major journals WR, WRR, and JH would be such a perfect dream.

yiqiwashiyou 2021-06-22

I don't know about other areas, but I've seen a lot of articles in the field of oil and natural gas that have long been outdated and completely lacking innovation posted here... It feels quite lackluster.

herunze 2021-06-19

My editor assignment has been almost a month now, with a slight change in the middle of the date, and currently it remains in this state.

djdykk323 2021-06-18

Excuse me, has the status of your submission changed now? I submitted mine in late May, and it has been around twenty days, but it is still "editor assigned". I'm thinking of sending an email.

Anniwy 2021-06-15

I sent an email two months after being under review to inquire about the status. They mentioned that the comments from the first reviewer had come back, but they were still searching for the second reviewer. It took three months to find the second reviewer, and then another three months of waiting before the first round was completed. I also emailed to inquire about the status, and the result was a major revision. I completed the revisions and resubmitted within one and a half months. After forty days, I received the second round of feedback, which required minor revisions. I resubmitted on the same day and received acceptance within 10 days. In summary, the first round of review took six months, and the overall process lasted for more than eight months. My suggestion is that if a manuscript remains in the same status, such as "under review," for two months, you can email the editor-in-chief to inquire about the responsible associate editor. You can then consult with that associate editor, remembering to maintain a respectful and polite attitude. Generally, you should receive a response.

jackielw 2021-06-13

May the impact factor increase every year!

It took a total of 7 months! The wait of over 3 months after revision was truly agonizing!

herunze 2021-06-12

A teacher from a vast land of China

djdykk323 2021-06-11

Which editor are you looking for?

herunze 2021-06-11

My manuscript has been assigned to editors for more than 10 days. Does anyone know what the situation is?

earthresearch 2021-06-07

This comment is a scam, don't read it. The dates are all fake, and it's a trick to add people on WeChat.

菲菲2022 2021-06-05

20210405, submit
20210406, editor assigned
20210410, reviewer(s) invited
20210411, under review
20210516, reviewer(s) invited
20210618, under review
20210704, with editor
20210715, decision in process
20210816, reject

李济舟 2021-05-28

No 'required reviews completer' has appeared. I feel the feedback was given quickly, within a little over a month.

ZhangSlb 2021-05-26

Have you received the notification 'Required reviews complete' before? How long after did you receive the feedback?

李济舟 2021-05-21

The review comments have come back, and the reviewers and editors are very responsible. The comments are very meaningful.
At the same time, many of the comments were previously discussed as necessary during the research but were not completed.
Currently in the process of making revisions...

李济舟 2021-05-05

06 Apr 2021 - submit
02 May 2021 - under review
04 May 2021 - Reviewer(s) invited

It seems that during the first review, there were both positive and negative comments from the reviewers, so they decided to invite additional reviewers to make a decision. Have any of you experienced this situation before? What is the usual outcome?

resercher 2021-04-25

I have sent you a friend request, let's communicate JH.

柠檬不甜 2021-04-25

20210305, submit
20210306, editor assigned
20210310, Reviewer(s) invited
20210311, Under Review
20210316, Reviewer(s) invited
20210318, Under Review
20210404, With Editor
20210415, Decision in Process
20210416, reject

Jch 2021-03-04

May 15, 2020, Submission
November 16, 2020, Received reviewer comments, moderate revision required. Three reviewers provided feedback and gave one month to make revisions.
December 13, 2020, Revised
January 16, 2021, Submitted for second review
February 14, 2021, Review process completed
March 4, 2021, Accepted for publication
Waited for six months, received feedback without rejection, and was given a chance to make moderate revisions. All three reviewers responsibly raised practical questions and provided suggestions on improving the quality of the paper. There were no negative comments, only advice on enhancing the paper. It was very helpful. Spent a month carefully revising and today all three reviewers provided positive feedback, acknowledging the thoroughness and carefulness of the revisions, resulting in direct acceptance for publication. It wasn't easy working on this paper, so I am very happy with this outcome, and my advisor is also satisfied. Now I can proceed with the next phase of work with peace of mind.

Jun225453 2021-03-02

The date provided is already in English format, so it does not need to be translated. However, the phrase "With Editor" remains the same in both languages.

陈鸭鸭 2021-02-28

I submitted it on the 22nd, and now it has been sent for external review.

陈鸭鸭 2021-02-28

2021.2.22 submit - Submitted on February 22, 2021.
2021.2.23 editor assign - Editor assigned on February 23, 2021.
2021.2.24 review(s) invited - Review(s) invited on February 24, 2021.
2021.2.25 under review - Currently under review as of February 25, 2021.

Snail_O 2021-02-28

2021.02.09 submit
2021.02.28 editor assigned
It has been more than half a month since the editor was assigned, does this mean that the chances are not high?

Hydro-RS 2021-02-23

November 2020 Initial submission
Early December 2020 Overhaul, given one month
January 29, 2021 Return
February 23, 2021 Accepted

Jun225453 2021-02-16

2021-Jan-19 Under Review

ailyn 2021-02-05

May I ask where to write the previous submission number when resubmitting a rejected article?

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