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lyf0215 2022-02-11

Excuse me, do you have any updates on this matter? How long does it take for the situation to change? I'm also in a similar situation.

lyf0215 2022-02-11

The submission has been five days, and it is still in the "submit" status. Is this situation normal?

zyoungl 2022-01-13

Can I please take a look at the paper you published? I also work on drug-resistant bacteria. The editor rejected my submission citing poor effectiveness against drug-resistant bacteria, but they accepted papers with less effective results than mine. It's strange.

longdidi 2021-12-15

Mine too, have you received any news?

Paper will be accepted 2021-12-01

Can I take a look at your article about antibacterial mechanisms?

大朋友 2021-11-24

Do you need to submit the raw data?

缺月疏桐 2021-11-23

I have already hosted and submitted two articles to JEP, both of which were submitted to JEP after being rejected by phytomedicine. Overall, the number of journal submissions is sufficient. There are approximately 4000 submissions, and only over 480 articles are accepted in a year, which is about a 9 to 1 acceptance rate. If the formatting, data, graphics, and other details are handled well, the speed will be faster. Our research focuses on the folk use of plants, the chemical explanation of their constituents, modern pharmacology (against drug-resistant bacteria), in vitro and in vivo activities, and antibacterial mechanisms. That's why they were accepted within three months.

lily CC 2021-11-03

Hello, may I ask if this magazine needs to provide original data?

二十不喜欢胡萝卜 2021-09-22

One week after submission, is it normal for the status to still be "submitted to journal"? And there is no article number yet? Why is it taking so long...

我想当教授 2021-07-27

Can you tell me the content of the article? Download it and take a look.

樟树坡 2021-06-05

Finally, it's time for me to share my experience of submitting my manuscript. Because this is my first article during my master's stage, and it is also a review article, it was not easy to come by, and the process was a bit challenging. I hope it can be helpful to everyone. The experience is as follows:

October 30, 2020: Submission
November 27, 2020: Article assigned a reference number
December 24, 2020: First round of revisions
March 16, 2021: Second round of revisions
May 8, 2021: Third round of revisions
May 24, 2021: Fourth round of revisions
May 29, 2021: Fifth round of revisions
June 1, 2021: Acceptance

It took 8 months. It was not easy, and the article was truly improved through revisions. I am very grateful to the editor-in-chief and the reviewers for giving me this opportunity. Thank you!

成都刘亦菲 2021-03-31

May I ask, what is the title of the article you posted? I would like to download and take a look.

是鱼不是鱼 2021-01-28

12.18 Submission
1.10 Review comments returned, 4 reviewers, very professional, provided minor revisions and edits, one month for revisions.
Revised on 1.17
Under review on 1.18, completed required review after a week, lasted for 2-3 days.
Accepted on 1.26
Everyone advised me that this journal is slow, but I thought I would take it slowly. I didn't expect to be lucky and the process was fast. I hope everyone has good luck and smoothly publishes their articles~

橘子大人 2021-01-08

May I ask what is an "annotated table of contents" needed for when submitting a review article?

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