认证评论 - Journal of Environmental Management
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言上 2021-10-23

Oh my god! I'm exactly the same as you, I submitted it two days ago and it got rejected. Sigh, it's been four days now and there's no change. How about you? Did you submit it for review?

jjjkkk 2021-10-22

My manuscript is definitely not good enough. After the editor received it, it went directly into "Decision in Process" and is being handled by the editor-in-chief, Dr. Janardan Mainali. I am prepared for it to be rejected and will make substantial revisions. I hope to receive detailed advice. Best wishes to all.

阿hao1 2021-10-17

How long does the external audit take?

chaq163 2021-10-10

I have also submitted for a month, and it is still "with editor". I don't know what happened to this journal recently.

麻城阿宝 2021-09-27

It has been a month, and the status is still "with editor", but the time has changed to 9.26. What's going on?

Qingjie Li 2021-09-26

It has been 35 days since I submitted it for review.

sparks 2021-09-26

8.23 submitted to journal
8.29 with editor
Later, I felt that it had been delayed for too long, so my teacher asked me to write a letter to the editor. On 9.23, I sent an email.
9.25 reject, the reason being that it did not fit the theme. Hahaha, interesting.

Qingjie Li 2021-09-23

Still with the editor, how long did you send it for review?

sparks 2021-09-21

Has your condition changed?

Qingjie Li 2021-09-16

It has been one month since submission, and it is still "with editor". How long did it take for everyone else to get their manuscripts reviewed?

一若枉然 2021-09-15

An article in the field of environmental economics, it is innovative. Previously submitted to Journal of Public Economics, it was rejected after three rounds of review, which took me 13 months. Then, I resubmitted it to Journal of Environmental Management. There were four reviewers and the review process was very fast. This is the fastest article I have ever submitted, maybe because the journal's level is relatively low. The reviewers' comments were mostly about figures, formatting, grammar, and all seemed to be from domestic reviewers.
6.24 Submitted
7.7 Under review (No "With editor" displayed)
7.17 Reviews Required Completed
7.21 Reviews Required Completed
7.24 Reviews Required Completed
7.27 Major revision
8.3 Revision submitted
8.5 With editor
8.24 Under review
9.3 Reviews Required Completed
9.5 Reviews Required Completed
9.9 Accept

陌上雨涵 2021-09-15

A week has passed and the status is still "Submitted to Journal". I'm really fed up!

远叔 2021-09-13

7.13 提交 - Submitted on July 13th
9.2 接收 - Received on September 2nd
The editing was done very diligently and responsibly, and the speed was very fast. After submitting the major revision, it was accepted directly after two days of being under review. Wishing JEM to get better and better.

小白儿 2021-09-04

Classmate, has the status of your article changed?

ysh_huang 2021-09-01

Overall, it's quite fast.

2021-05-06 Submit to journal
2021-05-21 Under review
2021-07-18 Received review comments (the status will change approximately once every two weeks in between), the editor provided 1.5 months of time, with no specific major, minor, or medium revisions mentioned, only "consider after revision" given.
2021-08-13 Revised with editor
2021-08-23 Under review
2021-08-31 Accept

如汤沃雪 2021-08-29

It has been 25 days, and it just turned into "With Editor." The speed of this journal is unbelievable.

新新月 2021-08-29

8.13 with editor, until now there hasn't been any changes, anxious to graduate.

Rengar 2021-08-27

Still submitted to the journal, not sure what's going on.

小白鼠的心路历程 2021-08-27

7.11 submitted to journal
7.21 under review
8.16 consider after revised
8.18 resubmitted
8.21 under review
8.27 accept

Previously, the manuscript was rejected by four reviewers who provided around thirty comments. After making revisions, it was submitted to the Journal of Environmental Management. Both reviewers provided positive feedback, with one suggesting acceptance and another raising a question that was addressed during the revision. Overall, the external review process took around 20 days, and the manuscript was accepted within a month and a half from submission. The efficiency of Editor-in-Chief Mingming Sun was truly impressive.

Dujiajing 2021-08-26

May I ask if there has been any change in the status of the manuscript, OP? Has there been any issue with this journal recently? Or is it because the submission is incorrect, why does it always show "submitted to journal"?

不搞科研了 2021-08-25

5.26 Submission
6.21 Mid-term repair
7.20 Return for rework
8.19 Minor repair
8.24 Handover

sparks 2021-08-25

Can I send emails to the journal homepage editor?

Dujiajing 2021-08-25

What happened to this journal recently? It has been several weeks and it has remained in the "submitted to journal" status.

如汤沃雪 2021-08-25

Is everyone recently in the state of submitting to a journal? It has been three weeks for me and I still can't use the submission system to send reminder/withdrawal emails = =

Rengar 2021-08-23

It's ridiculously slow, submitted to the journal since the 12th and still no response.

如汤沃雪 2021-08-22

It has been almost three weeks, and it is still submitted to the journal. I am seriously amazed.

Lvpori 2021-08-20

The text submitted on August 6th has always been submitted to the journal and has not been assigned a number.

小白鼠的心路历程 2021-08-18

My opinion is also the same. There are only two opinions from the two reviewers. How much did you revise?

念念啊 2021-08-18

Have you changed?

念念啊 2021-08-15

It's really slow. I am also very slow...

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