认证评论 - Journal of Environmental Management
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1221 2022-03-03

The speed was very slow. In the fourth month, I urged once and was told that the manuscript was under review, not to worry. Then, in the ninth month, I urged again and received a rejection, along with a review comment.

winnielee 2022-03-03

It has been the same month with the editor.

feifeng 2022-03-01

It has been one month with the editor.

IDRIS 2022-02-19

After revision, it should at least be moderate, right? I have encountered it twice, and each time the reviewers did not have major concerns. After revision, it was accepted in about a month.

烤肉 2022-02-19

Hello, I would like to ask for some advice. Which one is more similar to the "consider after revision" status, major or minor? I'm quite anxious... I don't know the chances of rejection.

中啊 2022-02-16

Very soon, the editor handled it very promptly.

Nora11 2022-02-12

Submission experience:
2021.12.13 submitted
2021.12.14 under review
2021.12.31 revised
2022.02.10 submitted
2022.02.12 accepted
This journal is incredibly fast, with the reviewers and editors being the quickest I have ever encountered. It was actually my own fault for submitting the revisions a bit late due to the Chinese New Year.

新新月 2022-02-04

January 13, 2022, second minor repair, January 26, 2022, return, February 2, 2022, receive.

wanghaojie 2022-01-07

2021.10.8 投 with editor - Submitted with editor on October 8, 2021
2021.11.8 under review - Under review as of November 8, 2021
2021.12.3 first revise - First revision made on December 3, 2021
2021.12.14 under review - Under review as of December 14, 2021
2022.1.2 second revise - Second revision made on January 2, 2022
2022.1.6 accept - Accepted on January 6, 2022

Dujiajing 2022-01-02

Does "opinion return" refer to the return of the reviewer's opinions or the return of your modified opinions?

Q2以上是常态 2022-01-02

It can be said that it was very disappointing. The editing department took too long to process, wasting a lot of my time. It took three months to receive the review comments. Actually, the external reviewers only took about twenty days for their review, so their efficiency was quite high. Their comments were sharp, and they believed that there were significant problems with my article, being very strict. I had nothing to say about it. However, it stayed in the hands of the editing department for over sixty days, and it really made me lose my enthusiasm. I will never submit to this journal again. The wait was agonizing and ended up wasting a lot of time.
10/17: Submitted
11/28: External review
12/15: Received comments but the editing department did not process
1/2: Editor's handling and rejection

William 2022-01-01

New year, new atmosphere, new year, new hope.

Dujiajing 2021-12-28

I would like to ask everyone, has there been any changes in the submission status of this journal recently? Why is it taking so long? There has been no news for a while. Welcome to the students who have already submitted to discuss and communicate with each other. Thank you!

jiamaolee 2021-12-16

As of today, my "With Editor" status has been going on for 40 days. The date changed once during the first month. The final decision stated on the journal's homepage is 6.1 weeks, and I feel really unlucky!

新新月 2021-12-12

Translation: Update: Major revisions were made based on the review comments on 10.31; revised again on December 8th; second review on December 10th.

中关村应用文理学院大学渣 2021-12-09

7-25 Submit to Journal
7-26 With Editor
8-15 Under Review
8-29 Required Reviews Completed
8-30 Required Reviews Completed
9-21 Consider After Substantial Revision
10-31 With Editor
11-2 With Editor
11-8 Required Reviews Completed
12-9 Accept (Sent reminder in the morning, received in the afternoon)

HzhRS 2021-12-07

The current publication rate for editing replies is below 20%. There are too many submitted articles. Since my article is not suitable for this journal, the rejection advice suggests changing the submission.

摆渡人丶博 2021-12-06

Hello, may I ask about the current result?

IDRIS 2021-12-01

Everyone said that JEM is slow, so I didn't want to submit, but my advisor didn't allow me to submit to other journals. I had no choice but to give it a try, and the result was much faster than expected. I submitted two articles, and this time it was faster than the previous one. It took about 2 and a half months from submission to acceptance.

It seems like what some people have analyzed is true - the number of submissions has increased sharply, so editors can only prioritize those that fit the journal's theme. The priority of manuscripts that do not fit the theme well will be lower and put aside.

9/18: Submitted/With editor
9/25: Under review
10/11: Required reviews completed
10/30: Consider after revision
11/10: Resubmit/With editor
11/15: Under review
11/29: Required reviews completed
11/30: Accepted

IDRIS 2021-11-30

It's fortunate to encounter such a situation during the revision process.
After the first review, the required reviews were completed in two weeks, and then I waited for a little over three weeks... It was even more agonizing.

中关村应用文理学院大学渣 2021-11-30

After 8 days of revisions, the Required Reviews were completed, but this status has been ongoing for three weeks already, it's so agonizing.

王大锤狗子 2021-11-29

It has been a month with the editor. Should I remind them?

ztning 2021-11-29

Posted for 10 days, it is still submitted to the journal. I dare not ask or urge, after all, it has been rejected multiple times. A humble submitter...

7777KKK 2021-11-28

It has been 10 days since submission, and it was marked as "with editor" on the day of submission, and it has remained like that until now. I don't know what will happen next, but I hope it can be reviewed soon. God bless. The editor is a renowned professor from Beijing Normal University. I would like to ask if there are any buddies who have submitted for review within the past two weeks. Please reply.

Hao 2021-11-25

My 10/10 submission has been with the editor for one and a half months now..... And now it's Thanksgiving, I hope it won't be Christmas before I get any results....

jiamaolee 2021-11-24

Mine too, today marks exactly 21 days and the status is "With Editor". Several people on different floors have mentioned that they might reject it after urging, but I didn't dare to ask. If they don't like it, they should reject it sooner, as waiting makes people anxious.

sunbingyang 2021-11-23

Posting for nearly 21 days, still in editing status, multiple reminders have been fruitless, feeling melancholic.

吴妮妮 2021-11-21

8.9 Submit
8.29 With Editor
9.5 Under review
9.20 Under review
10.4 Required review completed
10.17 Major revise
11.3 Resubmit, With Editor
11.11 Under review
11.20 Accept

yyyy- 2021-11-18

Hello, may I ask how to contact Asheville Customer Service for consultation?

雅尼尔 2021-11-17

7.6 Submission
8.7 2 reviewers provided 13 comments for revision
9.4 Revised
9.8 Accepted
9.23 The web version is available for download
The entire process was very fast, and the editor was very helpful. The first SCI article was accepted, and I am very grateful for the good suggestions from the editor and reviewers. The suggested revisions were very reasonable, addressing some unclear explanations in the article and improving the language.

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