认证评论 - Journal of Environmental Management
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dudud 2022-05-09

May I ask if you have sent a reminder email? It has been almost two weeks for me as well...

54orange 2022-05-09

What happened to this magazine... It has been 20 days and it is still submitted.

zouchao 2022-05-08

It has been more than 20 days, and there is no draft number.

bkkp 2022-05-08

I submitted it on 4.27, but I still haven't received a submission number.

zhouzhouzhou97 2022-05-08

2021-09-22 under review
2022-03-12 Required Reviews Completed
2022-05-08 Still no news

Sent an email on May 13th to inquire, but still no response after two weeks. Proceed with caution!

dudud 2022-05-07

I am also in this situation, have the two editors arrived?

迟恩 2022-05-04

May I ask how to know which editor it is?

Carcinoscorpius.rotundicauda 2022-04-29

I am too. I have been submitting for half a month and still haven't received a submission number. Urging doesn't help either.

西蒙 2022-04-29

4-28 under review translates to "4-28 is being reviewed" in English.

54orange 2022-04-28

20220422: enviado a la revista.

DUODuoduoduo 2022-04-28

It has been half a month since submission, but there is no manuscript number.

时光鸭 2022-04-25

It has been 12 days since submission to the journal. There was one formatting revision in the process. What is the situation? Still no manuscript number assigned.

Jason D 2022-04-24

On the morning of the 23rd, the highlights were revised and returned. At 2 am on the 24th, I received the acceptance notice. Due to the time difference, the journal system showed the acceptance on the 23rd. The editor is Professor Petros Gikas from the Technical University of Crete in Greece. The initial review and second review with the editor took 5 days each. The second reviewer completed the review the next day, but the second reviewer took 16 days to return the comments. Both reviews were accepted because the highlights were modified after the editor requested it. Petros Gikas, the editor, handled the process relatively quickly, while the second reviewer took slightly longer. Overall, it was considered fast. I hope this submission experience is helpful to you.

Jason D 2022-04-23

The text translates to: "Submitted on the 5th day, the first review will take a month for major revisions. After the revisions are done, the second review will take 16 days. The editor provided feedback after the modifications were made. Some highlights need to be modified. It was just submitted today and is currently with the editor. The second review is a bit slow. Not sure how long it will be with the editor."

西蒙 2022-04-23

How is your friend doing now?

西蒙 2022-04-23

Friend, may I ask which editor you are?

西蒙 2022-04-23

Friend, may I ask which editor are you?

西蒙 2022-04-23

The text "4-22 submitted to journal" means that something was submitted to a journal on April 22nd. Similarly, "4-22 with editor" indicates that something was sent to an editor on the same date.

西蒙 2022-04-23

The result of the submission is unknown.

deeded 2022-04-23

2022/04/15 under review.

Buting.Zhang 2022-04-23

04-22-2022 With Editor
04-22-2022 Completed - Reject

Buting.Zhang 2022-04-22

Just record it, hoping to absorb a bit of good luck.
04-21-2022 Submitted to Journal.

Drr. deng 2022-04-13

From submission to acceptance, it took a total of 3 months, and I was very lucky that my manuscript was assigned to Associate Editor Dr. Sultan Al-Salem. Dr. Sultan Al-Salem handled the manuscript very quickly, almost every time I submitted, he processed it on the same day, so no time was wasted in the "with editor" stage. I hope everyone can encounter such an efficient associate editor!

Submission experience:
1-11 Submit to journal, with editor
1-11 Under review
1-13 Required reviews complete
1-25 Required reviews complete
2-4 Consider after substantial revision N3
3-21 Resubmit, with editor
3-22 Required reviews complete
4-5 Required reviews complete
4-6 Consider after substantial revision N3
4-12 Resubmit, with editor
4-13 Accept

deeded 2022-04-13

Record the first SCI submission process, hoping for a good result!
2022/02/10 submit
2022/02/11 with editor
2022/03/02 under review
2022/03/17 under review

sometime naive 2022-03-14

Proof was done on the third day after receiving, and it went online on the fourth day. This aspect was very fast. The journal has a good reputation.

sometime naive 2022-03-14

The article stayed with the assistant editor for 2 months. Fortunately, the reviewer was fast and completed the review in over 20 days. The reviewer had a few minor suggestions and the editor requested major revisions, which were completed and returned within 5 days. After staying with the second editor for 20 days, the article was sent for review. Both agreed on major revisions and provided suggestions for modification. The article was revised and returned in 15 days. Overall, after consulting with peers, it can be said that this journal is slow in terms of editing but the reviewers are fast, resulting in average speed.

claire y 2022-03-10

I have been submitting for half a year, still under external review, and the editor does not reply to my emails. I'm really upset.

一若枉然 2022-03-04

Article on Environmental Economics: The Impact of Beijing's Clean Air Plan on Energy Poverty and Vulnerability of Rural Residents in Hebei Province.

The research background of this study is the 2019 "Heating Shutdown" event in Hebei. It was initially rejected by the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management during the second review and was subsequently submitted to another journal.

- December 31, 2021: Submitted
- January 3, 2022: Under review
- January 28, 2022: Consider after revision
- February 28, 2022: Resubmit
- March 3, 2022: Accepted

Overall, the review process was very fast, with three reviewers providing manageable comments. After all, the quality of the article far exceeded the journal's standards. Due to the urgency of completing the doctoral degree, the article was not submitted to a higher-level journal.

kjmooo 2022-03-03

In the same month, I was rejected by the editor for a whole month, and I have nothing to say.

yaott 2022-03-03

After one month, the editor did not submit for review and it was rejected...

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