认证评论 - Journal of Cleaner Production
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PunChYoo 2021-05-08

The first external review has been almost 4 months... Still no news, I'm fed up... It's too slow...

amao 2021-05-06

It has been nearly 3 months since the second review, and it is still under review. Should I send an inquiry email? The reviewing process is too slow.

流落de小奶牛 2021-05-06

2021.01.11 submitted
2021.01.12 with editor
2021.01.23 under review
2021.02.25 under review
2021.03.16 required reviews completed
2021.03.17 major revision
2021.04.17 revision submitted
2021.04.19 with editor
2021.04.21 under review
2021.04.26 decision in process
2021.04.27 accepted
2021.05.03 proof

Submitted JCLP for the third time, received reviewer comments in two months, accepted in 3.5 months. The reviewer comments were very professional and the editor's efficiency was very high! I would like to thank editors Thokozani Majozi, Kahleen Aviso, and the reviewers for their work. I hope the JCLP journal continues to improve! I will continue to submit and support JCLP with further research advancements in energy and the environment.

something_ 2021-05-02

Just to explain, the editor has received feedback from the reviewers and the number of feedbacks has reached the minimum requirement. Perhaps the opinions are contradictory, and the editor may have to wait for other reviewers. It could also be that the editor is too busy and hasn't had time to process them yet. Just wait patiently.

lhxlhx 2021-04-27

I also re-submitted on the 20th and have been working with an editor.

Krypon_N 2021-04-24

Hello classmate, I am the submission from April 20. It has now been passed to a relevant editor. I would like to know what your current status is.

Asueyi 2021-04-23

On April 21, it showed "under review" again. After the revision, the chief editor handed it over to the managing editor. I don't know if it was given back to the previous reviewer or if a new reviewer was assigned.

雨落凡尘 2021-04-22

Posted on 2020.12.05, under review after one week and the timeline has changed multiple times.
Revised on 2021.02.14, with two reviewers. The main issue was that it had too many Chinese characteristics, with over ten questions in total.
Revised again on 2021.03.15.
Accepted on 2021.04.22.
I have previously submitted two articles, one was rejected by the editor and the other was rejected by an external reviewer. Finally, this article has been accepted.
Thank you to the editor, Dr. Cecilia Maria Villas Bôas de Almeida.

xinzhou_ 2021-04-22

Just wait patiently. Mine is a small one, two large ones. I submitted the second revision on 3.21, and it was due on 3.29. As of 4.22, there have been no changes or updates, and there is no news either.

限量版小笼包 2021-04-22

May I ask who is the editor responsible for this direction (green sustainable development technology)?

密码123456789a 2021-04-22

Still no news, my manuscript was given to an executive editor, and now it's under review. I heard before that it might have been sent for external evaluation again.

xinzhou_ 2021-04-22

I am also like this, may I ask if you have accepted it?

小学渣是我 2021-04-22

2021, 4, 11 Submission
2021, 4, 21 Suggested resubmission
Suggested resubmission = Rejection

qiushi1993 2021-04-21

How long is the submission cycle, please?

给自己加油 2021-04-20

First time submitting to this journal, there were too many reviewers, a total of 9, some required major revisions and some required minor revisions. After making the revisions once, there were further minor revisions. Finally, it was accepted. It was not easy at all. At first, I thought the reviewers' opinions had no value, but later I realized that their suggestions greatly improved the quality of the article. The journal is good, it took a lot of effort to get accepted, thanks to the editor-in-chief, and I hope the journal continues to improve.

Zhang张 2021-04-19

Translated into English: "2021.4.19 required reviews completed. The date has been updated. Does anyone know what this situation is about?"

等一个梦 2021-04-18

2019.11.21 Submission
2021.04.18 Accept

After a major revision and two minor revisions, it took 18 months, but finally got accepted. It was really difficult.

Zhang张 2021-04-18

2021.3.12 Submission
2021.4.14 Required Reviews Completed
There are still no results now.
May I ask, is this situation hopeful, dear experts?

全幼儿园最可爱123 2021-04-15

It has been half a month and still no news.

全幼儿园最可爱123 2021-04-15

May I ask how long does it take for you to return the external audit opinions?

Asueyi 2021-04-14

I first handled it as an associate editor, then passed it to the editor-in-chief, and the review was completed in the hands of the editor-in-chief. In total, there were three people involved. After the revisions, it first went through the editor-in-chief's hands and now it is back in the hands of the associate editor.

独孤求爱007 2021-04-14

It took me nearly a month to submit for review, so please wait patiently.

独孤求爱007 2021-04-14

Which editor is in charge? How many reviewers do you have? The speed is quite fast.

Asueyi 2021-04-14

21.02.27 Submission
21.03.10 External Review
21.04.06 Major Revision
21.04.07 Revised
Then a week passed, still with the editor
However, there is one thing I don't know if everyone has encountered. Initially, it was handled by Editor A, then transferred to Editor B, who conducted the external review and decided on the major revision. Now, after the revision, it was first reviewed by Editor B and then transferred back to Editor A. What is this operation?

WeiHeng 2021-04-13

It has been one week with the editor, I don't know how long it will take to arrange the reviewers.

@#$ 2021-04-13

Excuse me, is there any news about your article now? Mine has also been 20 days, also with the editor.

zyx2020cau 2021-04-12

It has been over a year since the submission, and recently there was another minor revision, but still no result.

密码123456789a 2021-04-12

It's been almost a month since the minor revision was sent back for review. It has been under review this whole time. I wanted to ask if anyone has experienced a similar situation, and if a new reviewer has been assigned.

fengdu 2021-04-12

Okay, thank you. Do we need to make any adjustments to the reference citation format before submitting it?

Janson-lu 2021-04-11

Recommend switching to the new journal under "Journal of Cleaner Production":
* Cleaner and Responsible Consumption
* Cleaner Environmental Systems
* Cleaner Engineering and Technology
* Cleaner Production Letters

I don't know the relationship between Cleaner Engineering and Technology and "Journal of Cleaner Production". Are they all not SCI?

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