认证评论 - Journal of Cleaner Production
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

TrRick 2021-06-25

No change in editing. I also don't understand the problem you mentioned.

lft 2021-06-24

Hello, may I ask if there will be a change in the editor after the modification is submitted? If there is a change, is there still a high chance of acceptance?

snn1412 2021-06-19

2021.4.7 Submitted
2021.4.11 Under review
2021.5.28 Under review
2021.5.31 Under review
2021.6.3 Under review
It's still under review until now. I feel so anxious. With so many changes in the process, does it mean it's not going well?

杜ee 2021-06-15

2020-12-28 submit
2021-03-22 major revision
2021-04-21 resubmit
2021-06-10 accept

Translated into English, the text is as follows:
2020-12-28 - Submitted
2021-03-22 - Major revision
2021-04-21 - Resubmitted
2021-06-10 - Accepted

andesi_chen 2021-06-14

People just want to prove that this journal is not low-quality, why do you have to expose them? It makes everyone unhappy.

江亭sky 2021-06-11

After two major revisions, three out of four experts have agreed to publish the article. However, this time, during the under review process, it seems that additional reviewers have been added.

朴美丽 2021-06-11

5.19 Submission
5.20 With editor
6.2 until now, decision in process
It's definitely rejected, but they just won't reject me, which affects my submission to other journals. Speechless...

朴美丽 2021-06-11

5.19 Submission
5.20 with editor
6.2 until now, decision in process
Really annoying, can't they be quicker? If it's a rejection, reject it already.... Anybody else had a similar experience?

雨落凡尘 2021-06-10

2021.05.02 submission
2021.05.10 external review
2021.06.10 transfer submission = rejection, only one reviewer's response received.
Reviewer: The topic of this manuscript is interesting. However, the manuscript needs to be revised before publication. Some general comments as follows. Maybe the final decision will be rejection.
This is my second submission this year, the first one is currently under major revisions, and this one is a tragedy. Overall, it took about a week with the editor, and a week under review.
I hope to have better results next time.

yaobiye 2021-06-10

I can connect the latest references on the official website.

vvvvvnice 2021-06-04

On the 22nd, my reminder letter was already prepared. I held back for two days and didn't send it. Then on the 24th, it was finally submitted for review. It has been 10 days since the review started.

黑暗邪神 2021-06-04

I returned for repair on March 20th and it is still under review until now... I couldn't help but write a reminder letter, but there is still no response. Has anything changed for you now?

独孤求爱007 2021-06-02

JCLP stands for Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Pathology.

Mar 07, 2021 Submitted to journal
Mar 08, 2021 With Editor
Mar 24, 2021 With Editor
Apr 01, 2021 With Editor
Apr 01, 2021 Under Review
Apr 19, 2021 Under Review
Apr 27, 2021 Under Review
May 10, 2021 Under Review
May 12, 2021 Under Review
May 31, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Jun 01, 2021 Decision in Process
Jun 01, 2021 Transfer Pending

Waited for three months for nothing, three reviewers, two revisions, one rejection, and finally rejected. It seems that JCLP is not suitable for me.

qiushi1993 2021-05-31

Excuse me, which editor is it?

ruokaizilai 2021-05-28

Gave it to Xiaoxiu, but the status hasn't been updated since March 8th. It's been almost three months now, and still no update.

拉格朗日中值定理 2021-05-28

I have been editing for several days, but there is no result yet. How about you now?

TrRick 2021-05-25

2020-09-03 sub
2020-09-06 und rev
2020-10-11 und rev
2020-12-14 und rev
2021-01-28 und rev
2021-02-07 und rev
2021-02-26 maj
2021-05-19 resub
2021-05-25 und rev
Overall, the current JCP is different from before, and all the steps give people a strict feeling! References need to be cited separately, not together. This is the biggest change. There will be at least three reviewers, and six reviewers in the same group.

My manuscript received evaluations from four reviewers. I waited for half a year, and the revisions took about three months. It has been almost a year, and I guess the experts who reviewed it at the beginning have forgotten about this article. Currently, the revised manuscript has been sent for review again.

The responsible editor is Professor Chen Bin. Professor Chen should have reviewed this manuscript himself, as it is difficult to find reviewers. One of the reviewer's comments in the returned feedback sounded like the editor's tone. Thank you very much for the help you have provided for the manuscript.

The speed of JCP has slowed down a lot now, but it is not a bad thing to select some high-quality articles at a slower pace. The impact factor has increased, and the journal will also develop in a positive direction.

Attached is the review process, hoping it can provide assistance to everyone.

gsq嘿嘿 2021-05-22

Brother, my condition is the same as yours. May I ask how you're doing now?

gsq嘿嘿 2021-05-21

Under review for approximately 20 days, the current status is "required reviews completed" for 3 days now. May I ask, esteemed ones, is the probability of rejection high?

vvvvvnice 2021-05-20

Posted on April 15, 2021
With editor on April 17, 2021
With editor on April 18, 2021

And until now, it has been over a month, still with editor...
May I ask you experts if I should send an email to inquire about the situation?
This is the second time submitting to JCP, and the first article received the initial review results in 40 days. I don't know why it's so slow this time! I suspect that I encountered some divine editor...

独孤求爱007 2021-05-19

What was the final result?

独孤求爱007 2021-05-19

The text "under review时间变过几次了" translates to "How many times has the review period changed?" in English.

独孤求爱007 2021-05-19

How many times has the middle time under review changed?

独孤求爱007 2021-05-19

It took me nearly a month to submit it for approval at that time.

遥感人xd 2021-05-19

Post on 2021/04/29, still with editor today, it has been 20 days.

简单 2021-05-18

"Suggestion to switch to another submission = rejection"

Jeremy 2021-05-17

It has been almost four months, still undergoing external review.

GuN 2021-05-15

Same experience, with 20 days of isolation, and then started a long period of undergoing. Currently, it has been undergoing for 4 months (with a few date changes during this period), but still haven't received any feedback. Ah, the pressure of evaluation is high, so be cautious when investing!

qiushi1993 2021-05-14

Already submitted for a month and still with the editor.

xzpscu 2021-05-11

The article submitted at the beginning of January underwent two months of review, one major revision and one minor revision. The timeline was within the normal range, and it was fortunate to have been accepted just before the defense.

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