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lallllll 2021-10-14

Hello, may I ask how your research paper is coming along?

luyuan1994 2021-09-08

Until today, the status is still "with editor" and there has been no change. Previously, I saw that others' submissions were processed quickly, so I don't understand why it is so slow for me.

luyuan1994 2021-09-03

Last month on the 10th, I submitted the manuscript, and it reached the editor on the 11th. Then on the 24th, the status date changed a bit, but it still says "with Editor".

You must win 2021-08-31

I am also like this, no change. Are you still in this situation now?

luyuan1994 2021-08-25

It has been more than 10 days since I submitted, and it is still "with editor". Is anyone else in the same situation as me?

化工小哥 2021-07-10

2021.5.2 submission
2021.5.4 under review
2021.5.27 minor revision
2021.6.25 revision submission
2021.6.27 under review
2021.7.6 required reviewers completed
2021.7.9 accept

2021.5.2 submission
2021.5.4 under review
2021.5.27 minor revision
2021.6.25 revision submission
2021.6.27 under review
2021.7.6 required reviewers completed
2021.7.9 accept

heyouki 2021-05-19

Sorry, all the years mentioned should be 2021.

heyouki 2021-05-19

The editor, Curt Wentrup, from the University of Queensland School of Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience, is very professional. The invited reviewers have carefully reviewed the manuscript and provided valuable and targeted comments, showing their genuine intention to optimize the article. However, if the submitted article involves novel techniques or experimental techniques that have not been fully introduced in this journal, it is necessary to be prepared for detailed inquiries from the reviewers.

2021.2.20: Submission
2021.3.12: Received reviewer comments - one major revision and one minor revision. The reviewer asked many technical questions for the major revision. The editor's overall assessment was given to the minor revision, and there is a two-month period for revisions.
2021.5.8: Revised submission
2021.5.12: The editor discovered a submission oversight and requested a minor revision.
2021.5.12: Revised submission
2021.5.18: No re-review was requested, and the editor directly accepted the manuscript.

蛋黄且蓬松 2021-03-18

Hello, may I ask if proofreading requires an additional fee? How much is it usually?

heyouki 2021-02-06

2021.1.14 Submission
2020.1.15 With editor/Under review
2020.2.1 Minor Revision
2020.2.4 Revision Submission
2020.2.5 With editor
2020.2.6 Accept

Because it is a special issue for the year 2021, the overall review process was very fast. There were two reviewers in total, and they carefully reviewed the manuscript and provided constructive feedback.

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