认证评论 - Journal of Alloys and Compounds
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lucky-hhh 2021-11-25

8.05 submit to journal
8.20 with editor
8.26 under review
8.31 under review
9.02 under review
9.03 under review
9.13 under review
9.22 required reviews completed
9.22 major revision
11.08 submit revision and with editor
11.09 under review
11.24 accept

The process of waiting for review is a bit anxious, it feels like waiting from summer to winter. I conducted two significant experiments, luckily they were accepted, and the outcome is perfect. I hope all classmates have good luck.

JAC說好的4週審稿呢 2021-11-24

26.10 submitted to journal
2.11 with editor

When I submitted for the first time earlier this year, it went under review within a week. This is the second time I submitted, and it has been almost three weeks with the editor. What should I do? Should I send an email to follow up? I am really conflicted!

jiafeimao123 2021-11-21

Formally accepted, thanks to editor Jacques Huot and thanks to the 5 reviewers. However, the speed is still quite average, especially when it comes to the editor. I suppose the journal wants to control the circulation.

jiafeimao123 2021-11-20

I am the student from the 610th floor who got rejected in the second review. The status of my second JAC paper submission is as follows:
- Submitted to the journal on August 18th.
- Under editor review on September 2nd.
- Still under editor review on September 16th.
- Under review on September 18th.
- Still under review on September 23rd.
- Major revisions requested on October 6th.
- With editor on October 31st.
- Under review on November 4th.
- Still under review on November 5th.
- Still under review on November 6th.
- Proposal accepted on November 18th (with two formatting issues pointed out by the reviewers).

What does "proposal accepted" mean? Isn't it usually directly accepted or with minor revisions?

乘风*晨风 2021-11-19

Congratulations to the host, you completed the article modification and acceptance in 4 days, that's amazing.

认真脸 2021-11-19

9.13: Submit to journal
9.30: With editor
10.25: Under review
11.15: Minor revise
11.19: Accept

乘风*晨风 2021-11-18

The status of "under review" has changed three times already. How long will it take to receive the review comments?

跪求合金速度快点 2021-11-18

The reminder letter is useless, I have already sent it. The only solution is to wait.

守望之夏 2021-11-16

Brother, has your article been accepted? I have been waiting for three months and it is still under review. Should I send a reminder letter?

跪求合金速度快点 2021-11-16

We have the same update date, and I am also still in the process of reviewing. May I ask what field you are working in?

跪求合金速度快点 2021-11-16

We have the same update date, and I am still in the process of reviewing. May I ask what field you are working in?

ljq2020 2021-11-15

I also reviewed for a month, revised for a month, and was accepted in early November. What research direction are you in?

xiaolong139 2021-11-15

Still under review.

乘风*晨风 2021-11-15

May I ask what is the current status of your article?

菜菜027 2021-11-10

The reviewing speed is quite fast. It took one month for the review, one month for revision, and after major revisions, it was directly accepted for publication. Thank you for the editor's swift speed!

小城市 2021-11-04

Two months for editing and two months for review, there has been no progress. This journal is incredibly slow, I do not recommend submitting to it. It's too slow.

xiaolong139 2021-11-04

11.2 under review - Update in progress.

xiaolong139 2021-11-01

10.31 under review. Hope to speed up in the future.

Leo 2021-11-01

It has been 40 days since submission, and 20 days with the editor. I have sent a reminder but received no response.

跪求合金速度快点 2021-10-30

I have been submitting for three months and reviewing for two months, but they still haven't found a reviewer for me. I urgently need it, so I do not recommend submitting if you urgently need it.

Nice187 2021-10-30

Honest inquiry, is this journal so slow now?

乘风*晨风 2021-10-29

It has been 11 days with editor.

hutu 2021-10-28

I have been reviewing for nearly two months, and the editor has sent me for review two more times.

乘风*晨风 2021-10-28

The status of "with editor" has changed once, and it has been 10 days since the last time it was "with editor".

xiaolong139 2021-10-28

It has been 18 days with the editor, when will it finally make progress?

xiaoran-wang 2021-10-27

Pretty fast, it took two months, and after making some simple modifications, it got accepted. I hope it can be published in the first-tier journal, with an impact factor over 10.

enenguai 2021-10-26

Submitted on September 5th, reviewed on September 28th, and there are still no results. Waiting for graduation to use it.

跪求合金速度快点 2021-10-25

Has the review time changed?

hutu 2021-10-25

I have been reviewing for almost two months.

hqh 2021-10-24

Posted on September 13th, with editor since October 1st and still with editor until now.

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