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cquhvdezhang 2023-07-26

Excuse me, how can we contact Deputy Editor Wang?

cquhvdezhang 2023-07-26

The journal is too slow. When I sent an email to the editor's mailbox, it was returned. I don't know if it would be offensive to send it to another email address.

Byczjl 2023-07-20

Excuse me, author, is it only the corresponding author who can write "Rights and Access"? Is it possible that the link directly forwarded by the corresponding author cannot be opened? I received the link forwarded by the corresponding author, but when I clicked on it, I found that it showed an error and could not find the webpage. What is happening? Help me!!! Urgent!!!

!毛绒绒 2023-07-19

Is it important to remove references and then check for plagiarism on the official website? Because the plagiarism rate will be different when using the Chinese version to check for plagiarism, excluding the reference versions and checking for plagiarism after deleting the references.

Byczjl 2023-07-18

The plagiarism check on the official website does not include the references. Only the plagiarism check results for domestic pirate copies will differentiate whether or not the references are included. Here are two copies of the report for you!

!毛绒绒 2023-07-18

The editor said that the high repetition rate should be reduced to below 25% before sending the report to the email. May I ask if this means deleting the references and then checking for plagiarism? This is different from checking for plagiarism in the original text (excluding the reference versions).

!毛绒绒 2023-07-14

Hello classmate, I am a first-year doctoral student. Currently, the editor asked for a reduction in weight. I would like to ask if the plagiarism report includes references. Is it required to remove references so that the overall duplication rate is less than 25% and no single section exceeds 2%?

!毛绒绒 2023-07-13

May I ask if deleting the references is necessary for plagiarism check? There is a significant difference between deleting them and not deleting them.

!毛绒绒 2023-07-13

Can I delete the reference when checking for plagiarism?

!毛绒绒 2023-07-13

It is less than two percent. May I ask if this plagiarism check excludes references?

Friday彡 2023-07-09

Has the impact factor increased from 5.9 to 7.3? It has increased by a lot.

奋力爬坡的羊 2023-07-07

One draft was reviewed by six reviewers, and it took two and a half months for major revisions;
For the second review, four reviewers were assigned, and it took 28 days for major revisions;
For the third review, four reviewers were assigned, and it took 18 days for direct acceptance.
In summary, the reviews were timely, and the reviewers were responsible. Submitting a manuscript requires a good theoretical foundation and detailed experiments.

Ready 2023-07-03

2023/7/3---Submitted to the journal

ming 2023-06-27

Is it game over if the first trial takes 5 months? If the result is out, should I reply early?

dfg666 2023-06-24

This journal is super slow.

会吃石头的羊 2023-06-23

Submit Mar 20 2023 - This means that the submission should be made on March 20, 2023.
Major revision April 28 - There is a need for a significant revision of the submission by April 28.
Revised Submit Jun 1 2023 - After the major revision, the revised submission should be made on June 1, 2023.
Minor revision Jun 16 2023 - A minor revision is required by June 16, 2023.
Revised Submit Jun 17 2023 - After the minor revision, the revised submission should be made on June 17, 2023.
Accept Jun 21 2023 - The submission has been accepted on June 21, 2023.

ming 2023-06-18

January submission, 618 still no results.

Shenghuajiang 2023-06-15

I returned for repairs in mid-February and still have not received any results. The first trial also took over seven months.

ming 2023-06-15

Anyway, it has been 5 months since the first trial, and there is still no news.

dfg666 2023-06-14

Brother upstairs, why did you take so long to review? Are you scared?

dfg666 2023-06-14

Is this journal always this slow?

dfg666 2023-06-14

Posted on February 17, 2023
No results yet as of June 14, 2023

ming 2023-06-13

May I ask, who are you sending the email to? I don't see an edited email on the homepage, same as Wang Qingguo.

ming 2023-06-13

I have been waiting for 5 months without any news. I am preparing to send an email to urge them. It's too frustrating.

科研的小马 2023-06-07

The first trial took five months... and there is still no outcome.

All is well 123 2023-06-06

The translation of the text into English is: "It's the same, I submitted it in September last year and it's still under review."

jan2022 2023-06-03

The reviewer has no further comments. The editor has requested improvement in expression and deletion of the literature recommended by the reviewer, but has not mentioned plagiarism check. Is it still necessary to conduct a plagiarism check?

YYDBB 2023-05-27

Translated text:

Distributed control for a class of nonlinear systems is implemented using a distributed high-gain observer. The article was received on July 26, 2021, revised on August 24, 2022, and accepted on March 4, 2023. It is available online since March 10, 2023.

邦帅 2023-05-24

Posted on September 29, 2022, it has been under external review until now. The first review took eight months, and no feedback has been provided yet.

YYDBB 2023-05-23

It has been seven months since the first trial, feeling desperate!

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