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半斤八两 2022-04-15

The IJP is a top journal in the fields of material processing and plasticity mechanics. Don't be silly, its recognition in the field of plasticity mechanics far exceeds that of others.

SCIADV 2022-04-15

Generally, dimensional reduction strikes are not commonly used. After a lot of fuss, this emperor from an unknown school is fixated on the "Chinese Academy of Sciences partition" issue. The evaluation system is set, and the partition released is ijp>ijss. The impact factor partition of ijp is all there, but it just keeps talking about the recognition of university subjects. Moreover, the difficulty of ijp and ijss is not on the same level, it's an exaggeration to say they are. I don't feel any significant difference in difficulty. According to your logic, many classic theories come from the Royal Society of Science journal in the UK, which is only a third-tier journal. I wonder how many articles you can publish as easily as drinking water. Also, the "Powo Wei" and the wind of representative works haven't awakened you yet. Why don't you post the units you have applied to and see which one only recognizes the Chinese Academy of Sciences partition and what level it is.

半斤八两 2022-04-14

The big basic version partition doesn't even count as a second district, and the upgraded version is at best a second district, but not top. How many volumes are there in universities now? Are you stupid? You call yourself the number one in the world, but that's only in your own home. Don't come out with the emperor's new clothes, it's embarrassing.

半斤八两 2022-04-14

Saying this is not ignorant, and comparing it to IJP, the recognition of IJP within the university's field is far greater than that of IJSS. It's not like it has never been published before. It's meaningless to evaluate this and that within a small scope. When you are looking for a job, they only recognize the division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. When you submit a project, if you have a paper in IJP that is far superior to IJSS, the difficulty of publishing in IJP is not even comparable to that of IJSS. Don't be so childish, entertaining yourself in a small pond.

SCIADV 2022-04-14

Hehe, I don't know if you are from Stanford or Yale. The top journal in solid mechanics, JMPS, is recognized as being better than IJSS and IJP. IJMS can be considered a top journal in the field of mechanics. Don't try to compete with a comprehensive study in MM. First, focus on understanding EFM and EML before attempting it.

Fantasy_VV 2022-04-13

There are three main aspects to consider when applying for funding: 1. Your academic background, including the schools you graduated from during your undergraduate and doctoral stages, as well as the number and quality of first-authored papers you have published. 2. The platform of your current institution. 3. The quality of your research proposal. Funding applications require five representative first-authored papers, and it is not possible to solely rely on one paper, such as IJSS (unknown whether it is a first-authored paper), to obtain funding. When it comes to solid mechanics, reputable journals to consider include JMPS and IJSS, both in top universities worldwide. Unless you are working in the field of materials.

Fantasy_VV 2022-04-13

I don't know which backward school you are from, but I suggest you first buy a copy of "Strategic Development of Chinese Science - Solid Mechanics" published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, edited by domestic experts like Fang Daining, and then express your opinions after reading it. It only provides statistical analysis of the publication situation in two journals, JMPS and IJSS. Alternatively, you can visit the websites of overseas mechanics experts like Gao Huajian to find out the ranking of solid mechanics journals.

半斤八两 2022-04-04

Don't stay too long in some backward schools, indulging in self-entertainment and self-perceived superiority, like a frog at the bottom of a well. Sending this now is of little use.

半斤八两 2022-04-03

To be honest, I just want to pass the days and get funding by pushing a few formulas and publishing this paper. Don't be foolish. In the field of mechanics, it's nothing special to publish this. ijp, ijms, MM are not worse than this. Don't be so naive.

幸运之星月阳 2022-04-03

A person with a master's and doctoral degree in electronic business published an article in a third-tier journal in five years. They thought it was amazing, but after prolonging their graduation, they went out to find a job and got into a second-tier university. Until now, they still haven't received any funding and are in a difficult situation.

江南梦更长 2022-03-29

Are you not a major in mechanics?

幸运之星月阳 2022-03-03

The journal's ranking is too low, the cost-effectiveness is not very high. It took a lot of effort to only get a Tier 3 ranking, which feels like a loss. The direction is not very good for breakthroughs, it's not easy to obtain funding. I'm getting older and there's nothing I can do about it. It's frustrating.

gyang 2022-02-05

2021/Oct 4 Submission
2021/Dec 22 Feedback received
2021/Dec 28 Revised feedback
2022/Feb 5 Accepted
The two reviewers and the editor were fast in handling.

九漏鱼 2021-12-05

Capture a big boss alive

江南梦更长 2021-11-28

Wishing the journal's continuous improvement.

qingruoren 2021-10-24

February 2020 Submission
June 2020 First Reviewer's Comments: One reviewer had no major issues, while the second reviewer requested significant revisions. The revisions were completed in July.

February 2021 Second Reviewer's Comments: The second reviewer was not satisfied with the response to a specific question and requested further modifications.

May 2021 Acceptance: The paper was accepted after a total duration of 15 months. It must be said that the second reviewer is an experienced expert in the field. They only raised 5 questions, but each one hit the core issues. The combined review comments amounted to almost 20 pages. It's just the speed of the review... Anyway, their academic expertise is top-notch, and their attitude is also exceptional.

今天不跑堂 2021-10-06

Received on June 26th, Revised on September 26th, Accepted on September 27th. Fortunately, I managed to get one article accepted, and the review process was very fast. I received feedback within a month, and made three revisions afterwards. One of the reviewers was very meticulous, and the publication process was also very fast.

大河东流涛涛 2021-06-24

Being rejected is normal. This journal originally has a low publication volume and focuses on mechanics. There are not many theoretical researchers currently, and it is difficult to make breakthroughs. It takes time and is not easy to publish papers. Therefore, most of the papers published in this journal are related to pure mechanics. Some of these papers also have references in various engineering processes and mechanical aspects. Designing in pure mechanics is generally difficult and requires a deep understanding of mathematics and mechanics.

倒拔垂杨柳 2021-06-24

The long-established mechanics journal has high requirements for innovation in mechanics. A solid theoretical foundation is needed. This journal is suitable for students who are engaged in mechanics to publish their work. However, it is difficult to solely focus on mechanics, making it challenging to obtain funding. The publication quantity is not high.

sisisi 2021-06-24

Although the review process is slow, it does have strict theoretical requirements and strong innovative demands in the field of mechanics. I look forward to continuing to work hard on the next article. Some of the articles in this journal have a high citation rate. The reviewers are well-known scholars in the industry, and their comments are very pertinent. It is normal to be rejected since it is purely mechanics, which is not easy and has high difficulty.

打扫垃圾 2021-06-24

Peach and Plum: First, take a look at yourself in the mirror, you look like a treacherous and ungrateful fool.

打扫垃圾 2021-06-24

I have submitted several times but have been rejected each time, it's really speechless.

奔腾入海 2021-06-24

The first article, ah, was really not easy. Now that I see the accepted article, it brings tears of bitterness. I have to continue working hard, although it's not easy, my theoretical foundation has been improved, and my understanding of this field has become clearer. The reviewer is very proficient in deriving formulas and has their own judgment on the coherence and rationality of the article.

学术圈郭靖 2021-06-24

This journal has many theoretical articles with high citation rates. It imposes strict requirements for theoretical innovation and breakthroughs in research. I once submitted a paper from our research group, but it was not accepted. From the feedback of the reviewers, it can be seen that the rigor of formula derivation is highly valued, even if it is simplified, there must be sufficient reasons.

多发几篇 2021-06-24

I feel that this journal has very high requirements for innovation. The theoretical requirements are very strict. My research is about collision mechanics. I have invited four reviewers throughout the process, and three of them required major revisions. These revisions focused on the logical basis and derivation of the formulas, as well as the simplification and modification of the formulas. I wrote a response of about 10 pages, providing detailed explanations and supplements. In the end, two reviewers requested minor revisions for acceptance, while one reviewer asked for the organization of images and formulas. Throughout this process, I gained a great understanding in this area. Although the expert review process was a bit slow, this journal is highly recognized in the field of mechanics. Many prestigious researchers have published their articles in it.

学术圈太深了 2021-06-24

Stop messing around and go do some scientific research. PS: The so-called junior brother is better off not existing, as long as there is no backlash.

篇篇都录用 2021-06-24

I wrote for six months, and then my teacher revised it for two months. The teacher said to submit it for review. There were three expert reviewers in the first round of review, which took three months. The first expert mainly pointed out logical issues in the deduction and the basis for simplifying the formulas. The second expert mentioned issues with the conclusion and the formulas, and provided sharp feedback. The third expert pointed out logical issues and areas that need further refinement. In the second round of review, the first expert had no objections, the second expert requested image organization, and the third expert had no objections. The whole process took six months.

雪山飞雕 2021-06-24

The requirements of this journal are quite high, with a deep theoretical foundation in research content. The journal is an established one and the articles emphasize innovative breakthroughs in mechanics.

打扫垃圾 2021-06-24

Don't you sing? Speak with facts.

桃李 2021-06-24

People who dare to try are always a hundred times stronger than you, who are here to ridicule your junior brother. To be frank, your basic academic literacy is not even up to the threshold of higher education, and you even look down on second-tier universities. You are unworthy!

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