注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

just in time 2022-11-13

The contributor's email will have

maomao11 2022-11-11

May I ask where can I track the website? I have been under review for a month and have not received any emails.

307tc 2022-10-26

From submission to acceptance takes half a year, the review speed is really... The publication number is also scheduled for next year. It can only be said that those who are anxious to graduate should consider carefully.

茂儿 2022-10-24

22.10.19: 投稿 - 22nd October 2019: Submission
10.24: Submitted to Journal
Seems slow, doesn't it?

just in time 2022-10-19

How is the review speed of the submissions recently?
9.5 submitted for review. The tracking website shows that an invitation has been sent to a reviewer, but they have not accepted the review for a month and a half. Did it get ignored?

just in time 2022-10-10

I submitted it in September and it has been under review for over a month. However, the current tracking status shows that an invitation has been sent to a reviewer, but the review has not been accepted yet. May I ask if your assigned reviewer has accepted the review?

伊一大王 2022-10-09

Previously, it used to take around two months for submissions to be accepted. However, a paper that was submitted in June this year has already been under review for 120 days. When asked about the progress, the response was that it is still undergoing normal peer review, and it is unclear what the situation is.

mm 2022-10-02

Hello, it has also been two weeks for me and it is still with the editor. May I ask how long did it take for you to submit it for review?

just in time 2022-09-18

Hello, may I ask how long does it usually take for the reviewer to accept the manuscript under review? It has been 14 days since I invited the reviewer, but they have not accepted the review yet.

just in time 2022-09-18

Hello, may I ask how many reviewers are there under review? How long does it take for the reviewers to accept the review?

imr.0716 2022-07-26

5.2 Submission
5.6 With editor
5.19 Under Review
6.4 Required Reviews Complete
6.8 Major Revision
6.18 Revised Manuscript Submitted
6.24 Under Review
7.5 Reviewer Approved
7.13 Required Reviews Complete
7.25 Completed Accept.

Second article International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, thank the editor and reviewers, a very good journal, wishing it continuous success.

SGGGGS 2022-06-14

How long does it take for this journal to be reviewed with the editor? It has been almost two weeks and it still hasn't been reviewed!

imr.0716 2022-06-06

How long will it take for the editor to process after the Required Reviews Completed?

小鱼ppp 2022-05-27

Do all authors need to log into the system to confirm after submission?

cyc01 2022-05-24

2022.4.15 Submitted
2022.4.17 Edited and processed
2022.4.25 Under review
2022.4.30 In review
2022.5.16 Minor revisions
2022.5.23 Accepted

Special thanks to Associate Editor Andrew J. Gant and the reviewers. The reviewers provided constructive comments, and the editing process was very fast. Wishing the journal continued success!

imr.0716 2022-05-12

How many days to submit for review?

撒盐少女 2022-05-12

The questions raised by the reviewers are very pertinent and professional, and the editors are also very helpful. It is a reputable journal and I highly recommend it.

imr.0716 2022-05-08

How many days will it take to review yours?

gyurin 2022-05-01

May I ask which editor you have chosen?

撒盐少女 2022-03-23

However, I don't know why some people say that they are quite fast. Maybe it is related to the editors who review and approve the content. Sigh.

撒盐少女 2022-03-23

Until now, it is still under review status, which is indeed a bit slow.

samsam 2022-03-22

The editor is very responsible. The repair is done on the same day and the employment is done on the same day. It is the first time to encounter a fast review, and it is accepted by a fast journal. Welcome everyone to submit and cite multiple papers on the research of hard alloy materials.

Daive Hu 2022-03-21

Wait until you doubt your life!!!!!! Anxiously and cautiously submit the manuscript.

撒盐少女 2022-03-13

I submitted the article in December last year, and it has been almost three months now. The review process is taking quite a long time, and I have sent two reminders in between for an update on the status. However, it is still under review until now. I check the status multiple times every day, and after waiting for so long, I am eagerly anticipating good news.

imr.0716 2022-03-07

2021.12.26 Submission
2022.1.2 Editing and review
2022.2.14 Minor revisions
2022.3.4 Rework
2022.3.7 Acceptance
Thanks to Associate Editor Andrew J Gant for the very fast handling. This is my first SCI paper, wishing the journal continuous success.

guoguo2018 2022-01-04

May I ask if all authors need to confirm before submitting for review?

guoguo2018 2022-01-04

I heard from people who have invested that there is no need for confirmation, just wait a few days. May I ask if you haven't confirmed the delivery for review yet?

阿斗 2021-12-28

Do you need the consent of all authors?

20200415 2021-12-18

The text translates to: "After two days of submission, it is still 'submitted to journal'. May I ask how long it will take to become 'with editor' and undergo review? This is my first submission, so I would appreciate any guidance from you experts. Thank you!"

Rhapsody 2021-11-20

The speed of review is very fast, approximately one to two weeks. The opinions of the reviewers also come back relatively quickly. One reviewer is very efficient.

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