注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

苏二 2021-06-08

Today I received an invitation to review this magazine, and when I opened it, I realized. You guys think the review is fast, but this editor is really pushing it. The review time can only be chosen within 7 or 10 days. Although as a contributor, I am happy with the speed, it's really not possible to read the article thoroughly in just seven days. I guess the experts are not willing to review, that's why they invited a doctoral student like me to review.

biluhelumi 2021-03-29

Now there are two versions in December 2020, the upgraded version and the basic version. They are quite different. One is in Zone 3 and the other is in Zone 2. According to LetPub, it is listed as Zone 2, but the upgraded version in December 2020 is listed as Zone 3. So, which zone does it actually belong to? If it is in Zone 3, it is not useful for our professional title evaluation. Please help clarify!

breeding 2021-03-06

The basic version of JCR in 2020 is classified as Zone 2. The subcategory is Zone 3.

Forestry genetic breeding 2021-03-06

Submitted to the IJMS journal with an impact factor of 4.556 on December 17, 2020. Received major revision comments on December 20. Received minor revision comments on December 31, and received acceptance confirmation on January 13, 2021. Published on January 16, and available online on January 18. I am grateful for conducting all the experiments mentioned in the paper and for writing the full manuscript myself. I am fortunate to have encountered such an efficient journal, and I greatly admire the editors and reviewers for their efficiency.

Monica001 2021-03-06

Submit the manuscript to the journal IJMS, with an Impact Factor of 4.556. Submitted on December 17, 2020, received major revisions on December 20, received minor revisions on December 31, and received acceptance letter on January 13, 2021. Published on January 16 and available online on January 18. I would like to express my gratitude to myself for working hard on the experiment and writing the paper, as well as to the efficient reviewing speed and manuscript handling efficiency of the reviewers and editors!

编辑决定一切 2021-01-24

Compared to some traditional journals that often ignore people for several months, the efficiency is very high. The first review comments are returned in a little over half a month, and the reviewers' opinions are relatively professional and comprehensive. If there is not enough time for graduation, it is a good choice after all. After all, encountering procrastinating editors is quite nauseating.

youling92 2021-01-22

The submitted article is in the field of molecular biology, and the expert's comments are very serious and accurate, which greatly improves the quality of the article. It is a good choice for students who want to graduate on time.

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