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Heng Li 2022-07-27

How do you know which editor you are assigned to?

Shibaowu_hit 2022-07-22

The first time I submitted to this journal, it was rejected by the m.w. editor in less than 10 minutes. Then, recently, on July 1st, I submitted again and until today it is still "with editor" and has not been sent for review. I don't know what's going on...

Joe 2022-07-22

First time submitting to this journal. The manuscript was assigned to Marian Wiercigroch.
Submitted on July 19th, and in less than 10 minutes, it became "Decision in Process," which is quite efficient. But it's been two days already, and they still haven't sent a rejection letter. They're not following the usual procedure.
To be honest, this editor-in-chief is considered good. I once encountered another ridiculous associate editor from a different journal who held onto my manuscript for over two months and didn't even review it.

Gambler 2022-07-21

The editor-in-chief of IJMS doesn't know if he is strict or irresponsible. The paper was revised according to all these detailed requirements before being submitted to the journal, but it was rejected the next day. The email I received is probably the same as what you guys received. I know someone who graduated from the same department, and they barely made any changes and submitted again. It was directly assigned to another associate editor, and then immediately sent for review, and all three were accepted! When did it become a matter of luck to submit to SCI journals?

Mr. Fang 2022-07-17

2022/4/14 Submission
2022/5/15 Major revision
2022/6/9 Revised
2022/7/2 Editor's formatting modification
2022/7/11 Revised
2022/7/12 Accepted
The editor has strict requirements for the figures and various sections of the entire article. They patiently made modifications and accepted it quickly! After all, it is in the first district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the impact factor is increasing rapidly. Many people are watching, so a little delay is inevitable.

conghun 2022-07-13

It has been almost two weeks since submission, and it is still "with editor". Could it be that the chief editor has not found a reviewer? Awkward...

304 2022-07-10

The first trial has been three months now. It was filed in April.


It has been two months since the first trial.

啤酒小王子 2022-06-23

Hello, may I ask what is the plagiarism detection rate for this journal?

michaelgaoy 2022-06-21

How long does it usually take for the first review of this journal? Can anyone give a specific date and time? It feels a bit slow.

nuaay 2022-06-13

2022-3-21 Submission
222-4-24 Arbitration
2022-5-8 Major revision, Reviewer 1 rejects, Reviewer 2 minor revision, Reviewer 3 arbitrates major revision
2022-05-31 Revision
2022-06-12 Minor revision
2022-06-13 Submitted in the morning, accepted in the afternoon
Thank you to the editor, Reviewer 2 and 3!

科研狗子222 2022-06-13

2022-2-13 Submitted
2022-4-18 Review comments are out, minor revisions
2022-4-22 Revised
2022-6-6 Accepted
The result of the revision took a bit longer than expected, and I even thought new reviewers were invited, but the outcome was still good.
Wishing everyone a smooth submission as well.

逍遥的拽哥 2022-06-12

I am just like the senior brother upstairs, I haven't submitted it. It has been stuck with the editor-in-chief. They said it was not modified according to the requirements, so I made the modifications and sent it to the editor. It has been a week and I still haven't received a reply email. I feel helpless.

zhengzzzz 2022-06-08

February 17th submitted
February 21st under review
March 27th major revision Three reviewers, two reviewers raised a lot of questions, and the other suggested acceptance.
May 15th revise under review
May 31st minor revision Editor suggests modifying all image curve formats.
June 8th revise, accepted one hour later.

HHool 2022-06-02

This is considered as not being submitted, as it has been stuck with the chief editor. It was my first submission, and the editor provided an email for me to contact him privately to inquire about suggested revisions. The revisions mainly focused on the format, icons, and content depth... without specifying the exact areas to be modified. After submitting the revisions, it took half a day before it was rejected, stating that the modifications were not all made according to the suggested revisions. Some modification points were pointed out this time. After working overtime to make further modifications for the second time, I submitted it after 2 days. Just a minute after submitting, it was rejected (within a minute, the cover letter and completed template letter were read), stating that the requirements were not met without giving any specific revision suggestions. I am completely at a loss.

Chris Tian 2022-05-24

The editor, Professor M.W, has extremely strict requirements for paper publication. More than 20 questions were raised, and they must be completed one by one in order to have a chance of acceptance. My paper went through four rounds of major and minor revisions, which was a painful process, but the result was good. I wish IJMS continued success! Attached is the submission process:

January 16th: Submitted initial manuscript
January 21st: Under Review
February 8th: Major Revision
March 30th: Submitted revised manuscript
April 1st: Under review
April 2nd: Required review completed
April 10th: Minor Revision
April 20th: Submitted revised manuscript
April 20th: Under Review
April 29th: Required review completed
April 30th: Minor Revision
May 18th: Submitted revised manuscript
May 18th: Minor Revision
May 23rd: Submitted revised manuscript
May 23rd: Accept

zhengzzzz 2022-05-21

February 17th submitted
February 21st under review
March 27th major revision
May 15th under review for corrections

LOvenr 2022-05-20

May I ask how long it took from submission to revision review?

zhengzzzz 2022-05-19

March 27 major revision
May 15 under review

LOvenr 2022-05-18

This journal is a bit slow. The homepage states a review time of 2.4 weeks, but it has been under review for over 2 months now.

木有名字 2022-05-15

12.26 with editor/under review
2.9 major revision
4.10 under review
5.13 accept
Assigned to a new editor from Cambridge, meticulous about formatting and layout, but the results are always good.

牛魔阿进 2022-05-07

Yesterday it was submitted for review...

zhushuai0723 2022-05-05

I have been with the editor for 10 days too, and there has been no progress. Has yours changed?

Oyovan 2022-05-04

Brother, we actually submitted our contributions on the same day.

牛魔阿进 2022-04-25

It has been two weeks with the editor, I don't know what's going on.

剑若江风舞 2022-04-24

Yes, this chief editor is very efficient, both in rejecting and accepting submissions.

剑若江风舞 2022-04-24

2.5 Delivery
3.10 Major, but the opinions are all very good
4.20 Revised
4.24 Accepted
This journal is considered a very good publication in mechanics. I hope everyone will have a smooth process.

sbushsu 2022-04-15

12.23 with editor/under review
2.23 major revision
4.6 under review
4.9 minor revision
4.10 accepted
I was assigned to the chief editor, and he requested that my comments be similar to everyone else's. As long as I make the required modifications, there shouldn't be any major issues. The chief editor is quite efficient.

SCI_Paper 2022-04-13

When the rejection occurred, the editor-in-chief provided his email, so it was a direct contact via email. As for how long it takes to reply, there is no definitive answer. I contacted three times:

The first time was to ask the editor-in-chief for revision suggestions, and they replied about 3 days later.

The second time was to show the modified version as requested, and surprisingly, they replied within a few minutes (I strongly suspect they didn't carefully review the modifications). They said the article had improved but still needed further revisions, but frustratingly, they didn't specify where further modifications were needed.

The third email was sent to inquire about the specific areas that still required further revision, but the editor-in-chief never replied again.

Oyovan 2022-04-13

Brother, how did you contact the editor-in-chief and how long did it take for him to reply to you? I have encountered the same situation, can you please provide some reference?

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