注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

accept西柚 2022-11-21

May I ask how this journal is charged? Is it 100 for the first 8 pages and 300 for each page after the 8th page?

accept西柚 2022-11-21

May I ask how this journal charges? Is it 100 for the first 8 pages and 300 for the pages after the 8th?

REMOVEKEBAB 2022-11-17

Three reviewers provided their comments, and the editor requested a major revision. After making the necessary changes, the paper was accepted. Overall, the process felt quite formal, although the speed was relatively slow.

小学僧真多 2022-11-16

Looking at the reviewer's wording and comments, the same reviewers should be used.

静心轩 2022-11-14

Hello, may I ask if the second review is the same as the previous reviewer?

小学僧真多 2022-11-09

This journal's review speed is okay, but each process editor strictly follows the time schedule to handle it. The review process seems fast, but when all the steps are added up, it is not quick. Those in a hurry should be cautious when submitting. The following time schedule is for reference.

3.28 submission
3.30 with editor
4.16 under review (submitted for half a month+)
5.12 required reviews completed
5.14 decision in process
5.16 major revision
6.19 revision submitted
7.5 under review
7.20 required reviews completed
8.05 decision in process
8.06 minor revision
8.10 revision submitted
9.04 under review
9.21 required reviews completed
10.6 decision in process
10.9 accept

一汀烟雨丶 2022-10-15

2022.10.12 reject

Two reviewers, the first one provided detailed comments and many suggestions; the second one had fewer suggestions, but recommended major revisions. However, the editor rejected them.

ocean shine 2022-10-06

Hello, may I ask if you have received the notice for the layout fee that needs to be paid now?

ocean shine 2022-10-06

Hello, may I ask if there is a reviewing fee or a layout fee?

老虎今天吃草 2022-09-22

What's the rush? Don't expect any results in less than eight or nine months. While this journal has a faster review process, finding editors and waiting for results can be quite slow.

老虎今天吃草 2022-09-20

2021/12: submit
2022/2: Major revised
2022/7: Minor revision
2022/9: Accept
Overall, the journal review process feels quite fast, but the overall time is not short.

一汀烟雨丶 2022-08-19

2022.08.01 Posting
2022.08.17 Under review

Lyapunov_stability 2022-07-13

I have experienced a total of four rounds of repairs: two major repairs and two minor repairs. Thankfully, the outcome is good. Those in a hurry should proceed with caution when investing.

wangzhe66653 2022-07-08

May 30, 2022 Submitted to Journal
June 2, 2022 With editor
July 8, 2022 Editor Invited

KACTUS 2022-06-29

How long does it take for this journal to be indexed in EI/SCI after acceptance?

KACTUS 2022-06-29

May I ask how long does it take for this journal to be indexed by EI after acceptance?

静心轩 2022-06-29

I have already invited reviewers for over a month, but even after reminding them, it's still the same... Too slow.

Lyapunov_stability 2022-06-15

It has been two weeks, should we remind them to submit the review? It's the second round of revisions...

等待 2022-06-08

2021.08.17 Submission
2022.01.8 Major revision
2022.03.8 Revision submitted to journal
2022.03.22 Under review
2022.06.07 Accepted

吴迪小小刘 2022-05-27

Does anyone know how to urge a manuscript for this journal? I have submitted it for half a year now, and still have not received any updates. It is really slow, and I am getting annoyed with the lack of response from the editor.

KACTUS 2022-04-29

Hello! I would like to ask how to add the section on conflict of interest disclosure? I have looked at the instructions for authors but couldn't find it. The editorial department has rejected it several times.

yj611 2022-04-21

Submitted in July 2021, the first review took two months. I played and made revisions for two months. The second review was received in two weeks. The speed is acceptable. The reviewers' comments were fair and as long as the writing is not too bad, they will pass you. However, until now, they haven't sent me an invoice to pay for the extra pages...

等待 2022-04-14

May I ask how long it will take to receive feedback after the first revision is submitted?

李振猛 2022-03-31

How is this journal? I heard that the reviews have always been not very good. Because the content is not very solid, it's difficult to find good international EI journals, so I submitted to this one. I don't know if it's good or not. Just submitted.

kaka 2022-03-30

Received in September 2021, still not published. Too slow.

江北小明 2022-03-26

How much is the layout fee?

江北小明 2022-03-26

Is it $300 in total for up to 8 pages? Or is it $300 per page?

liujianguo 2022-02-20

2021.05.06 accept
2022.01.05 proof
2022.01.25 Notice of payment and official invoice. The typesetting fee for this journal is US$300; for each additional page beyond 8 pages, there is an additional fee of US$100 per page.
The review process and the wait time for official publication of this journal are relatively long, so please be cautious if you are in a hurry to publish.

吴迪小小刘 2022-02-06

My current situation is still the same. It has been a month, and I am still with the editor. May I ask how long it takes for you to have a new status?

吴迪小小刘 2022-02-06

2022.1.3: Submitted until now, it has been a month, and the status has been "with editor" all along. It is really too slow.

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