认证评论 - International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

NianLi1997 2023-05-22

5.20, UR again, really dragging on.

junfeng 2023-05-21

The status "required reviewers completed" has remained unchanged for four to five days, what is the situation?

violets 2023-05-20

How are you doing? It's been 15 days and I'm still with the editor.

NianLi1997 2023-05-19

5.15 minor revision - 5.15 小修改
5.19 返修 - 5.19 Rework

junfeng 2023-05-19

What's the situation when the status required reviewers completed has been the same for four or five days?

YXT-H 2023-05-17

2023.5.26 minor revision added one reviewer and made 4 suggestions. Added two experiments... This is the first time experiencing a revision and needing to add a reviewer. It's really frustrating.

董震宇 2023-05-17

2023.05.03: Submitted
2023.05.07: With Editor
2023.05.17: With Editor

zzzzer 2023-05-17

It was repaired in just 5 days. This is too fast! You are the fastest I have ever seen in terms of repairs.

YXT-H 2023-05-17

2023.4.6 submitted
2023.4.8 under review
2023.4.13 major revision, three reviewers, 15 comments, conducted additional experiments
2023.5.12 revision submitted to journal
2023.5.15 required reviews completed
2023.5.16 under review Why is it under review again? Does this mean it will be rejected?
Has anyone experienced this situation before? I'm really worried..

203203203 2023-05-16

Currently, it is still a decision in process and there is no outcome yet. It should be soon.

zzzzer 2023-05-16

How many reviewers are there, please? Are the questions friendly? Is additional experimentation required?

zzzzer 2023-05-16

How many reviewers are there? Are they friendly? Is there a need to conduct additional experiments?

203203203 2023-05-16

2023.3.23 Submitted
2023.3.24 With Editor
2023.4.2 With Editor
2023.4.9 Under Review
2023.4.25 Required Reviews Completed
2023.5.8 Decision in Process


2023.3.23 Submitted
2023.3.24 With Editor
2023.4.2 With Editor
2023.4.9 Under Review
2023.4.25 Required Reviews Completed
2023.5.8 Decision in Process

nini哈哈 2023-05-16

Has Rizwan Hasan Khan met this editor? Feels so slow.

zzzzer 2023-05-15

It has been half a month, and there hasn't been any change, always UR.

111fff 2023-05-15

zzzzer, um, okay, let me try asking.

IF100 2023-05-15

Reply: [zzzzer] Posted time: 2023-05-10 13:36:55
If 100, has the status of your major article changed now? Or is it still under review?
Reply: I'm sorry, the status of my article has not changed and I haven't visited LetPub for nearly 3 months. The status remains unchanged. Because I don't urgently need it, I haven't pushed for an update. But it's really too slow!!

雪樱子多糖的结构与功效 2023-05-15

I only replied to the questions from the editor and reviewers. I did not respond to these formal questions, and I have removed these words in the "response to reviewers" file.

WZ.. 2023-05-14

I would like to ask everyone whether the responses to the questions in the reviewer's comments should be included in the reply letter or provided as reference information for the author's revision of the manuscript. This is my first submission.

WZ.. 2023-05-14

I would like to ask everyone about the Reviewer's Responses to Questions. Note: In order to effectively convey your recommendations for improvement to the author(s), and help editors make well-informed and efficient decisions, we ask you to answer the following specific questions about the manuscript and provide additional suggestions where appropriate. Do we need to reply to questions 1-9 in the response letter, or should they be used as reference information for the author to modify the review comments? This is my first time submitting a manuscript myself.

zzzzer 2023-05-14

Then you should send an email to the editor to remind them.

111fff 2023-05-14

Customer service said that only one review has been returned, and no further invitations have been sent to other reviewers. There is also no one currently reviewing.

zzzzer 2023-05-14

Then you should ask customer service how many reviewers have accepted your manuscript for review. If you have received one review comment, are there any other reviewers currently reviewing it?

111fff 2023-05-14

"回zzzer, yes, it has not changed since 3.8."

zzzzer 2023-05-14

Has your date never changed? It has always been March 8th? Even when you came back to review the reviewer's comments, it didn't change?

111fff 2023-05-14

2.28 submitted, 3.3 with editor, 3.8 under reviewer until now there have been no changes. I asked Elsevier customer service and they said to wait for a review comment to come back, and that no other reviewers have been invited. I'm wondering if I should wait in this situation or what should I do?

沐雨澄风 2023-05-13

4.08 requires completed reviews.

沐雨澄风 2023-05-13

4.29 bedeutende Überarbeitung (German) -> 4.29 major revision (English)

水产营养 2023-05-13

May 13, 2023 Under Review

zzzzer 2023-05-13

I have been waiting for 14 days for the review, you wait a little longer.

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