认证评论 - International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

九龙塘飞天小婉儿 2022-06-02

2022.3.25 Submission
2022.5.05 Major revision
2022.5.27 Return
Waiting for the result

dxc555014 2022-02-15

All subsequent operations will be completed on Wiley. In one or two weeks, the corresponding author will be asked to sign the copyright agreement on Wiley. After that, there will be an online version of the paper for modifications on Wiley. Please register the corresponding author's account on Wiley, and every step will be notified via email.

GQing 2022-02-11

Original: 楼主,请问文章显示接受后,接下来该干什么呀
Translation: OP, may I ask what to do next after the article is accepted?

dxc555014 2022-01-10

10-Dec-2021 submission
28-Dec-2021 minor revisions requested
30-Dec-2021 revised
09-Jan-2021 accepted
From submission to acceptance took exactly one month. Wishing this journal continued success, keep up the good work!

小志419 2021-10-28

Excuse me, is the current status of this journal "awaiting reviewer assignment" or "under review"? It has been 20 days since I submitted it and the current status is still "awaiting reviewer assignment", although there have been two brief periods of "under review".

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