注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

linyoona 2021-07-02

What is the current status of the paper?

linyoona 2021-07-02

28 Jun 2021 Editor Decision - Accept
31 May 2021 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
31 May 2021 AU - Return Submission after Technical Check
26 May 2021 Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
26 May 2021 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
18 May 2021 Editor Decision - Major Revise
09 Mar 2021 PDF Built
09 Mar 2021 AU - Return Submission after Technical Check
09 Mar 2021 Author Submission
09 Mar 2021 PDF Built

28th June 2021 - Editor Decision: Accept
31st May 2021 - AU: Revised PDF Built by Author
31st May 2021 - AU: Return Submission after Technical Check
26th May 2021 - Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
26th May 2021 - AU: Revised PDF Built by Author
18th May 2021 - Editor Decision: Major Revise
9th March 2021 - PDF Built
9th March 2021 - AU: Return Submission after Technical Check
9th March 2021 - Author Submission
9th March 2021 - PDF Built

南门的花海 2021-07-01

30 Jun 2021 Editor Decision - Accept
01 Jun 2021 Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
01 Jun 2021 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
30 Apr 2021 Editor Decision - Major Revise
15 Mar 2021 Author Submission
15 Mar 2021 PDF Built

I found three reviewers, one of whom provided me with 28 questions. They are likely a peer and asked very detailed and precise questions. The editor was very good and responded to emails warmly and enthusiastically. This journal requires papers with industry applications, and my friend's purely theoretical paper was rejected.

sesame 2021-06-28

Mine is the same.

MASTERXD 2021-06-28

Is this journal still in the "without editor" status? It has been one week since submission.

夏洛不烦恼 2021-06-23

Brother, may I ask what was the final outcome for you?

xiaosheng 2021-06-17

Does this journal have preprints? Can my paper be found online? Will it have any impact on my submission to another journal?

你好呀321 2021-06-15

Thank you XDJM (Xiao Dian Jia Mei), for not hooking up with Pre-print in a timely manner.

你好呀321 2021-06-15

I didn't receive any news about the one I submitted a week ago. Seeing your response, I feel cool and refreshed for this cycle.

TravorY 2021-05-30

After minor revision, the editor assignment is still pending. It has been 32 days and there is still no news. Are there any friends who have had a similar experience?

W 2021-05-07

Is the self-citation rate of this journal too high at 40? Will it be kicked out?

风吹那蓝 2021-05-06

When submitting, there is an option asking if you agree with pre-print, you should have clicked yes.

AIscience 2021-04-27

My submission is also the same as yours.

jingxiubing 2021-04-02

Just like you, what's going on?

日月之行 2021-03-30

Speed is not a concern. Maybe your paper aligns very well with the theme of the journal, and it is easy to find responsible reviewers. You are lucky, good luck.

斜月横 2021-03-30

Will there be any problems if the review is completed in one month at such a fast speed?

HuangZhuo 2021-03-24

I have been back for more than 20 days after my minor repairs, and it has been pending all this time. How long do I need to wait for the results?

绛河 2021-03-24

Hello, have you received your results? I edited it six months ago and replied that there was a reviewer who didn't review it and another minor revision. The final decision was a minor revision. Currently, it has been one month since the revised manuscript was submitted, and it is still in the pending editor status.

日月之行 2021-03-24

How to check the publicly available manuscripts on the official website? Wouldn't that be leaking confidential information?

建坤 2021-03-23

Similarly, the status is also under review, and my manuscript has also been made public.

薰衣草の爱恋 2021-03-20

12 days have passed since submission, and the status is "under review". However, my article manuscript has been made public on the official website, and it can also be seen on ResearchGate where the full text is available for download. I would like to ask if anyone else has encountered this situation?

水也先森 2021-03-17

There shouldn't be any restrictions. You go ahead and submit it. The editor is friendly and will discuss any issues if there are any.

论文暴击者 2021-03-16

How many articles did you admit? Why are you reading comments here? Why are you always paying attention to AMT? Are you jealous?

小小笑 2021-03-10

On the official website, I only see a word limit from page 12 to page 15. Currently, my word count is 9000, with a font size of 12. It takes up 30 pages. May I ask how you think I should handle this? 1. Reduce the word count? 2. Decrease the font size? Thank you very much in advance for your response.

小小笑 2021-03-10

May I ask if there is a word limit for submitting to this journal? I only saw 12-15 pages on the official website. Currently, my word count is 9000 with a font size of 12, which occupies 30 pages. What do you think I should do? 1) Reduce the word count? 2) Shrink the font size? Thank you very much in advance for your response.

小小笑 2021-03-10

Is there a word limit for submissions? I couldn't find the answer on the official website. Thank you very much in advance for your response.

水也先森 2021-03-03

22 Nov 2020: Editor's decision - accepted
16 Oct 2020: Acknowledge receipt of revision
16 Oct 2020: AU - revised PDF built by author
22 Sep 2020: Editor's decision - major revision required
12 Jul 2020: Author submission
12 Jul 2020: PDF built

keiai 2021-03-03

Thank you for your response. Good luck! It has been a month since my major repairs returned. How long have you been waiting?

水也先森 2021-03-02

Just have to wait, sending emails to hurry is useless.

keiai 2021-02-27

Good luck! Have you replied yet? I am also unsure whether I should send an email to ask.

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