注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

我又不乱来丶 2022-02-16

The initial review took three months, then there was a major revision, and after submission, it was reviewed for another three months before finally being accepted. Good luck to everyone!
25 Nov 2021 Editor Decision - Accept
26 Aug 2021 Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
26 Aug 2021 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
23 Aug 2021 Reminder to Author: Revision Due Date Upcoming
16 Jul 2021 Editor Decision - Major Revise
14 Apr 2021 PDF Built

wangxiaodi888 2022-02-08

Send it directly to the editor-in-chief, the response speed is very fast. Good luck!

13133533301 2022-02-07

Hello, may I ask who should the reminder letter be sent to?

Windy 2022-02-07

To whom should the reminder email be sent?

wangxiaodi888 2022-01-29

September 1, 2021 - Submission
October 15, 2021 - Feedback (Major revision)
October 25, 2021 - Resubmission after major revision
October 26, 2021 to January 26, 2022 - Pending
January 26, 2022 - Reminder letter
January 27, 2022 - Acceptance
It took nearly 5 months, the waiting time was a bit long. These milestones are provided for reference, and I also wish everyone success and good luck in the Year of the Tiger!

我叫泰哥 2022-01-27

I want to know how long it takes from acceptance to receiving the proof. I accepted it before, but still haven't received the proof email.

wangxiaodi888 2022-01-27

The major renovation has been in a pending state and it has been three months already as of January 26th. Currently, a reminder letter has been sent, anxiously waiting for the outcome.

noob123 2022-01-17

The first round of review comments took two months, and after the revisions were completed, it was pending for another three and a half months. It was finally accepted. This journal is a bit slow.

春天的风 2022-01-17

It takes exactly two months from submission to acceptance, with the first round of review providing minor revisions. After submitting the revised manuscript, it is accepted within two days.

Qwen 2022-01-16

Can I ask how did you solve it later, OP? Thank you.

Guosir0521 2022-01-12

Send it directly to the editor-in-chief.

夏洛不烦恼 2022-01-12

Who did you send the reminder letter to?

Guosir0521 2022-01-11

2021.7.8 Submission
2021.8.31 Major revision
2021.10.4 Rework
2021.10.5-2022.1.6 Pending
2022.1.6 Reminder
2022.1.7 Accepted

制造-老虎 2022-01-06

You just need to follow the template for publishing papers, and the statement section should include copyright issues, sponsorship issues, ethical issues, which are unrelated to the content of the paper.

wangxiaodi888 2022-01-03

7 months? Can you share the timeline? It has been pending since the major repair was completed and it has been almost 2 and a half months now... Waiting for it to graduate. Looking forward to your reply, thank you!!!

botao12330 2022-01-01

In order to catch up with the Double Tenth Day factor, it should normally be within two weeks.

loveyou-loveme 2021-12-31

Accepted on December 1st. Dear experts, how long does it take for the proof?

loveyou-loveme 2021-12-21

Hiring after major renovation, approximately 3 months.

卡卡卡卡 2021-12-21

I have voted several times, but it was returned within two days. Every time, the feedback was that someone knowledgeable knows how to operate.

* The Declarations section must be placed before the Reference section.
a. Funding (information that explains whether and by whom the research was supported)
b. Conflicts of interest/Competing interests (include appropriate disclosures)
c. Availability of data and material (data transparency)
d. Code availability (software application or custom code)
e. Ethics approval (include appropriate approvals or waivers)

feng137937 2021-12-17

This submission was relatively quick.

zzzzxxx 2021-12-16

Already graduated or come back to chat. Previously encountered a 10-month journal, these 7 months were fast (the direction of robots is slow, and the money is not enough. It's good to meet willing reviewers who are willing to read), the editors are very good, urging is useless, the speed depends on the reviewers, quality, and popularity.
16 Dec 2021 Editor Decision - Accept
09 Dec 2021 Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
09 Dec 2021 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
02 Dec 2021 Editor Decision - Minor Revise
25 Aug 2021 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
04 Aug 2021 Editor Decision - Major Revise
11 May 2021 AU - Return Submission after Technical Check
09 May 2021 Author Submission

wangxiaodi888 2021-12-14

Don't worry, my major repair has been pending for 50 days since my return. Haha, it's definitely going to be after the Christmas and New Year holidays.

夏洛不烦恼 2021-12-13

It has been two and a half months since the major renovation, and it is still pending. Why is it taking so long?

Windy 2021-12-10

It doesn't matter, if you want to share it in advance, then YES. If you don't want to, then NO.

Mz.DAFA 2021-12-10

Should I choose YES or NO when submitting?

HSYJI 2021-12-06

Add it at the end of the manuscript, you can check how others have written it in the journal.

ALLEN51717 2021-12-06

May I ask what content needs to be filled in the Declarations? Should it be added to the original text or uploaded as a separate file? Thank you.

ALLEN51717 2021-12-06

The content listed (a-h) are different sections that need to be included in the manuscript. They should be added to the original text in their respective sections.

jeiog 2021-12-06

After major renovation, it has been pending. May I ask if the next status is "under review" or directly "hired" or "rejected"? Is there still an "under review" stage?

jeiog 2021-12-06

After major repairs, it has been pending. May I ask if the next status is "under review" or will it be directly accepted or rejected? Is there still an "under review" stage?

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