注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

ohaba 2023-06-17

Hello, due to the positive opinions of all three reviewers, the paper was directly accepted after major revisions.

zzz328 2023-06-16

Hello, may I ask if the feedback given to Xiaoxiu after the major renovation was returned?

ohaba 2023-06-16

Three reviewers provided more than 20 comments, which greatly helped improve the article. After the major revision, it took two months to submit and the editor assignment is still pending. After five days of reminding, the editor replied and directly accepted the article. Thank you!
Submitted on 2.23;
Major revision on 3.10;
Major revision returned on 4.7.
Accepted on 6.16.

jackzhang1 2023-06-14

The editor said that they have only received comments from one reviewer now, but they don't want to wait anymore.

jackzhang1 2023-06-14

I am also a reviewer. I don't have many opinions, but the editor gave it a major revision.

asdasdasdfasdf 2023-06-14

May I ask for the result +1, I just encountered this situation as well.

asdasdasdfasdf 2023-06-14

Am I a part of this too?

Leo 2023-06-13

Is there any expert who can answer why I received a trivial comment from only one reviewer during the first review, but the editor gave me major revisions? I am a bit panicked and seeking clarification. Thank you.

Leo 2023-06-12

I'm the same. May I ask how to see the comments given by other reviewers?

福怪 2023-06-12

I am in the same situation... May I ask, how did it go for you, my friend?

Advancing_1 2023-06-10

2022-11-26 Submitted
2023-01-06 Major Revision
2023-02-17 Resubmitted
2023-06-04 Minor Revision
2023-06-04 Resubmitted
2023-06-10 Accept

Translated into English:

2022-11-26 Submitted
2023-01-06 Major Revision
2023-02-17 Resubmitted
2023-06-04 Minor Revision
2023-06-04 Resubmitted
2023-06-10 Accept

ybybb 2023-06-10

6.05 Reviews Completed

eatateate 2023-06-10

It has been reminded three or four times.

eatateate 2023-06-10

Submitted in November 22nd, it has been almost seven months and it is still under external review.

GaZ 2023-06-05

I submitted the manuscript on May 23rd, but it seems that I uploaded a PDF file... The editor didn't return it to me for revisions, and now it is "Under Review." Does this mean they are ignoring me and not proceeding with it? It's not looking good...

zhuweiba 2023-05-17

26 Sep 2022 Author Submission
11 Dec 2022 Editor Decision - Major Revise
21 Jan 2023 Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
07 Apr 2023 Editor Decision - Accept
I know this journal is slow, and they have never pushed for the submission.

ybybb 2023-05-16

5.15 Editor Assignment Pending: This means that the assignment of an editor is currently being processed or awaited.

5.16 Under Review: This indicates that something is currently being examined or considered for evaluation.

ybybb 2023-05-12

Is the editor still not here?

ybybb 2023-05-12

2023.05.12 Submitted

邶风天羽 2023-04-20

It has been over a month and there has been no way to contact the editor-in-chief. Is there anyone who knows the contact information of this journal's editor-in-chief? Please help!

Zh-Xiyi 2023-04-14

2023 April 14th Submitted

Zh-Xiyi 2023-04-14

2023 April 14 PDF Built

Paddy123 2023-04-06

May I ask how to contact the editor of this journal?

wang feng 2023-04-06

Posted on December 26th, 22
Under review since February 10th, 23
Major renovation on March 25th, 23
Major renovation completed and returned on April 5th, 23

wang feng 2023-04-06

Why do I have only one reviewer for my major revision, and all six or seven comments are about the formatting (font, layout, etc.)? Is it because the first reviewer rejected it? I am a complete beginner and sincerely seeking advice.

fbedgn 2023-03-27

It has been a week, and "Under Review" has not changed.

讨厌等待 2023-03-27

Are you back now? Has there been any changes in the review date under "under review"?

ck向北飞 2023-03-07

The review speed of this journal has visibly slowed down. It has been nearly four months since the first review, and it is still "under review." This speed is really making people anxious! Praying for it to speed up, as I sent a reminder email and they said the reviewers haven't returned the reports yet.

録上 2023-03-04

September submission
Major revision by the end of November
Return for repair on December 25th
Pending in between
Directly accepted in early March

bryantstar 2023-03-03

2022-06-28: Submit initial draft.
2022-11-02: Receive comments from the first review. It feels like the first review took a bit too long.
2022-11-20: Submit revised draft.
2023-02-16: Decision to accept the submission. It was quite a pleasant surprise to be accepted directly, but the second review process is also not short.

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