注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

azure 2022-04-27

What is the general process of its state change?

qq572020211 2022-04-06

This journal is very friendly, and the reviewers are also very accommodating. It went quite smoothly.

趴趴猴子 2022-01-14

The review comments came back after three weeks. After making minor revisions, I was notified of the acceptance within one day. I am grateful to the editor, Prof. Brandi Cossairt, for providing a very positive evaluation.

小Ni 2021-12-02

Give Xiao Xiu three weeks, accept in one month, the speed is very fast. Thank you to Deputy Editor P. Shiv Halasyamani, wishing Inorganic Chemistry even better!

zhaixu 2021-10-22

Overall, it is still very fast.

红果果的锦鲤 2021-08-11

Where did all of you see the progress? Why can I only see "under review"?

leslieizx 2021-08-08

7.20 review proof - This refers to the process of reviewing and verifying something, likely a document or publication.

7.21 published online - This means that something was made available or released on the internet on July 21st.

8.2 published in issue - This indicates that something was included or released in a specific edition or volume, likely of a magazine or journal, on August 2nd.

lesliehsong 2021-07-13

4.3 submitted
5.8 major revision (3 reviewers/A: minor revision B: minor revision C: rejection)
5.29 submitted
6.22 minor revision (A and B accept, C changes attitude, minor revision, editor asks for weight reduction)
6.30 submitted
7.7 to be accepted (make some formatting changes, revise)
7.12 accept

旺旺~ 2021-04-20

Hello, I would like to ask, what is the current status of your thesis?

kacykings 2021-04-16

1.29 Submission
2.22 Communication revised completely, minor revisions twice
3.12 Submitted after modification
3.30 Two agreed to publish, one continued to revise
3.31 Revised submission
4.2 Accepted

科研小硕 2021-03-14

2.3 Submission
2.5 Assigned to Co-Editor B.C
2.8 Added description to TOC, directly Under Review
2.25 Reviews received, all minor revisions, given 2 weeks' time
3.10 Revised
3.12 Assistant to Co-Editor replied, about to be accepted, requested minor formatting changes, also changed the font color of the highlighted minor revisions back to black
3.13 Accepted
Summary: From being rejected by Angewandte Chemie, ACS journals have shown professionalism in terms of quality, efficiency, and the attitude of their reviewers. This is my first article, although the impact factor is not high, I believe the work was done decently. However, it took a long time of back and forth. Thanks to my senior colleagues, thanks to ACS Inorganic Chemistry for giving me this opportunity, and thanks to Co-Editor B.C for the high regard towards this work!

Fan_G 2021-02-23

Posted on 2021.02.22
Under review on the same day
Hopefully, there will be a good outcome.

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