注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

离梦 2022-08-05

Looking at others, they are all very fast, but mine is extremely slow.
Date of submission: 27th October 2021
1st revision Review Complete: 14th May 2022 (major revisions)
2nd revision Review Complete: 21st July 2022 (accepted)

XWZRBY 2022-08-04

The plagiarism check should be kept below 20%.

linyun1101 2022-08-04

I really don't know about plagiarism checking. Generally, I believe that the articles I submit are written by myself, so I assume the similarity rate is very low, and therefore I haven't checked for plagiarism.

mnx 2022-08-01

What is the plagiarism rate of this journal?

linyun1101 2022-07-30

22-3-4 submitted
22-3-5 with editor
22-3-6 under review
22-4-6 major revision Three reviewers provided many professional suggestions.
22-5-7 resubmitted
22-5-7 with editor
22-5-8 under review
22-5-30 required reviews complete
22-6-7 minor revision All three reviewers agreed to accept, AE asked for improved language.
22-6-17 resubmitted
22-6-18 with editor
22-7-14 minor revision Compress references.
22-7-16 resubmitted
22-7-21 under review
22-7-24 under review

wanggc 2022-07-29

The editor requires language polishing, but did not specify the polishing institution. How should we handle this situation?

in_process 2022-07-28

21 Feb 2022 Submitted
17 May 2022 Major revision
14 Jun 2022 Resubmit
23 Jul 2022 Accepted
The first review took about three months with six reviewers providing dozens of comments. These comments greatly improved the article, and luckily, it was accepted after one round of revisions. Happy ending.

gumpsky 2022-07-28

Finally accepted, found that the last issue was too many references! Not easy, this is my small team's first proper high-scoring article! Leaving a mark with this, as a commemoration!

gumpsky 2022-07-28

Finally got accepted, and it turns out the only problem was having too many references! It wasn't easy, but this is my small team's first proper high-scoring article!

erhgu8 2022-07-27

At least three opinions, this is still not enough.

XWZRBY 2022-07-26

Approximately mid-March submission, only one reviewer accepted and provided comments within a month. After another two months, the editor probably invited another reviewer, who also accepted and provided comments within approximately one month. Currently, there are two sets of review comments, and the status remains Under Review. May I ask if another reviewer should be invited next? Sigh! ?

1033898863 2022-07-26

May I ask if there is a way for you to reply with the LaTeX version of the paper to a specific email?

mmmasd 2022-07-25

Do all authors need to confirm their email after submitting the manuscript?

赵仕存 2022-07-22

How long did the DIP (decision in process) status last for everyone after the repair?

gumpsky 2022-07-21

Received the reviewer's comments on July 9th, and both the reviewers and the Associate Editor accepted them. However, the Editor-in-Chief requested further language polishing and compression of the references. After the language polishing agency returned yesterday, the revised manuscript was resubmitted. However, it was processed through the complete workflow again, and two additional recommended reviewers were requested. Otherwise, the submission would not be accepted. This has caused significant psychological pressure, as I am worried about another round of review and potential rejection due to different opinions from different reviewers. I wonder if anyone else has encountered a similar situation?

Ye20 2022-07-20

"Both times 'decision in process' took about a month."

Zzzz@ 2022-07-19

Not yet submitted, just assigned a number, no need for co-author confirmation.

duoduoduo 2022-07-19

Did you receive an email after submitting your manuscript? Do all authors need to confirm?

duoduoduo 2022-07-19

May I ask if after submitting the manuscript, do we need each author to confirm it via email?

duoduoduo 2022-07-18

Do authors need to confirm after receiving an email following their submission?

Zzzz@ 2022-07-18

The review process is uncertain. My classmate takes about a month to give feedback.

学渣1枚 2022-07-18

Don't worry, I have been with the editor for two months before it is under review.

Zzzz@ 2022-07-17

It has been half a month with the editor, what's the situation?

Addoil123 2022-07-17

Dear experts, do you have a journal template? I've been searching for a long time but couldn't find it. Thank you.

Mr.mystery 2022-07-15

Is this journal so fast?

十三 2022-07-14

Share the timeline: (2022)
3.2 initial submit
3.6 under review
3.17 required reviews complete
3.22 required reviews complete (estimated additional review)
3.27 decision in processing
3.30 major revision
5.3 resubmit
5.6 under review
5.17 required reviews complete
5.20 decision in processing
5.22 major revision
6.15 resubmit
6.21 decision in processing
7.13 accept

opd欧派 2022-07-11

This speed is amazing. I submitted an article in July 2021 and just received it back for major revisions in July 2022.

科研Jingwei 2022-07-07

Have you encountered situations where it is difficult to respond to the comments of reviewers? I have come across quite a few.

clare_duan 2022-07-06

The first trial took 2 days, while the second trial took a whole month.

gumpsky 2022-07-06

Congratulations on being hired, I am still anxiously waiting! At my age, I have brought along three non-computer major students and tried to submit a high-level article. Nervously, I hope that good luck will also be on our side!

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