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人在皮天在看 2021-11-05

The decision of the first trial is in process and will take only about two or three days. The second trial lasted for 20 days, which delayed my application for the national award before the 8th. The editor's decision-making time is very unpredictable. Good luck to you!

Veileno 2021-11-05

Has it really been 20 days of waiting? I have only been waiting for 3 days now, and I am nervous.

Pisc 2021-11-01

I have reminded several times, for example, during the second review, I reminded the editor once, and then reminded again later. The second review took four months, so I reminded twice. In the end, only one review comment was returned and it was accepted.

Frank90 2021-10-28

8.14 committed
8.16 with editor
8.17 with editor
8.17 under review
8.18 under review
8.25 under review
9.1 under review
10.28 transfer pending

Frank90 2021-10-28

10.28 Rejected

ko 2021-10-28

"凉凉,建议转投" translates to "Cool, I suggest switching/redirecting."

人在皮天在看 2021-10-27

2021.7.31 Submit
2021.8.19 Required reviews complete
2021.8.21 First review by four reviewers, all minor revisions
2021.9.6 Submit
2021.10.1 Required reviews complete
2021.10.4 Decision in process
2021.10.24 Accepted
The entire process took 85 days. Before submitting the paper, I knew that the publication cycle for this journal was quite long, with someone from our team taking one and a half years to get accepted. So I consider myself relatively lucky. The journal has high language requirements, so everyone should thoroughly revise the language before submitting.

1936352208@qq.com 2021-10-27

May I ask how long after the article enters the review process does the author remind for the manuscript?

wale 2021-10-26

May I ask how long the second review takes, and if there is any reminder for the second review?

Pisc 2021-10-20

Hired after revision, a total of 7 months, delayed for 2 months due to the overlapping versions, and only one reviewer returned for the second review. Urging for submission was effective.

Frank90 2021-10-17

What happened in the end? Was it revised extensively or rejected?

Frank90 2021-10-17

"Does the appearance of 'decision in process' mean it's going to end badly? Is it either going to be a tragedy or should I consider switching?"

Frank90 2021-10-12

What happened in the end? Did it undergo major repairs?

Frank90 2021-10-12

What happened in the end? Did they switch sides or did they end up with nothing?

Pisc 2021-10-08

The review process went quite smoothly. Urging for the manuscript was effective, and after the second review and revision, the editor requested further polishing. Apart from that, there is nothing else. Does anyone know a reliable proofreading organization? How about Elsevier?

Frank90 2021-10-06

9.24 Required Reviews Completed
10.4 Decision in Process

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-10-04

I would like to ask the original poster how they polished it? Did they hire an organization?

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-10-04

What is the outcome for the original poster? Did they win?

ko 2021-09-29

8.28 Decision in Process translates to "8.28 Decision in Process"

Frank90 2021-09-25

9.24 Required Reviews Completed

Sir Lang 2021-09-24

In the past four to five years, the number of articles included each year has exceeded 500. This year, over a thousand articles have already been accepted!

Joie 2021-09-23

How long did the state of "with decision" last?

ko 2021-09-22

8.05 submit - This means that something needs to be submitted by 8:05.
8.29 required reviews completed - This indicates that the required reviews have been finished by 8:29.

Frank90 2021-09-20

It has been a month since the Under View, but there still hasn't been any result.

opd欧派 2021-09-15

It's been almost a month with the editor, and the review speed is really disappointing.

Frank90 2021-09-14

8.14 Commited
8.16 With Editor
8.17 With Associate Editor
8.17 Under Review
8.18 Under Review
8.25 Under Review
9.1 Under Review

xhcvvvv 2021-09-13

Can't believe it!! I used to see new posts every two to three days on the first few floors, but I didn't expect it to be so slow here. Is it because of the start of school...

opd欧派 2021-09-13

I have been with the editor for half a month.

xhcvvvv 2021-09-12

It has been 9 days, and I am still with the editor. How long does this state usually last?

夏天的鱼 2021-09-06

The first review process was very fast, taking only one month. There were four reviewers, two of whom required major revisions, one accepted the manuscript as is, and one requested minor revisions. In the end, major revisions were needed.

The second review process lasted two and a half months. All previous reviewers were satisfied, but an additional reviewer was added, requesting minor revisions.

The third review process was delayed for four months. Another reviewer was added, requesting minor revisions, and the editor also required some polishing. After another month, the acceptance notification was received.

The entire process took one year. It seems that most of the classmates who submitted their work took about a year. For those who urgently need to graduate, it is advisable to proceed with caution.

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