注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

XiaoV 2021-12-02

Is there any news? I have been with the editor all along.

观天澜 2021-11-12

This bird journal, not moving at all, is like a turtle. It's really harmful!

观天澜 2021-10-19

What is the name of the editor for viewing?

vitrimers 2021-10-18

The editor of my article is this person, and this person is probably a woman. She is very serious and gave me a good chance to make changes. However, it was not accepted.

观天澜 2021-10-18

How to check the editing name? I sent an email, but there is only a Handling Editor.

Devin灬辉 2021-10-15

How long did it take for you to have it reviewed? My article is also in his hands now, and it's really slow.

北山以北花满山 2021-09-29

Correction: The line spacing requirement is double line spacing.

zhangzeyu 2021-09-29

How long will it take for the editor to respond after the Required Reviews Completed?

roupudu 2021-09-27

Can only say that this magazine is really slow. I suggest everyone be cautious when submitting manuscripts. I submitted mine together with the lab, but it has been three months and I still haven't received any news. It's been almost three months for me as well, and it has been stuck on "under review" the whole time. There has been no response even after I sent a reminder. I suggest being cautious when submitting manuscripts. Previously, I saw some comments saying that it took one month for the review process, which seemed like luck. But now, it seems that the review speed is really slow. I'm thinking of withdrawing my submission.

十月JUN 2021-09-16

It has been almost two months since I submitted it, and I have not received any updates. I don't know why.

anning 2021-09-10

Posted on February 28, 2021, it is still under review. I sent a reminder once, but there was no reply. What should I do? Teachers who have had similar experiences are welcome to share their advice.

生气大王的灭火器 2021-09-08

When uploading the system, do not upload TIF or JPG formats. Upload the PDF version of the image instead, so that the images in the generated PDF final draft will be very clear.

钟钟 2021-09-07

The review speed is fast, the problem-solving efficiency is high, thanks to the reviewing experts and editors.

K先森 2021-09-05

Thanks to Editor Sun for accepting my review article. The initial review process was extremely fast, taking only a few days. However, the second review took two to three months. After the third review, it was accepted half a month later. It was published online within a week, which was quite speedy. It took more than half a year for my first SCI paper to finally be accepted.

zhangzeyu 2021-08-16

Soon after submission, there was a need for revision due to formatting errors. I would like to ask how to make the following modifications: Please remove horizontal formatting lines. Please add a figure's caption after the list of references. I am not quite sure about the meaning of editing.

99楼 2021-08-13

Has your final version been reviewed and sent for approval? Thank you.

十月JUN 2021-08-09

Hello, may I ask, I submitted it on July 27th, how long does it take for the first feedback to come back from you? What direction are you working on?

十月JUN 2021-08-09

A very good journal in Zone 1.

梨花梨花 2021-08-08

Does this editor have knowledge about Wim Thielemans, PhD? I'm really in a hurry.

814589260@qq.com 2021-08-06

The requirements for the journal are relatively high. I got two articles accepted, the first batch was quick, but the second one was slower. When submitting, they require charts and tables to be placed separately in a Word document and numbered.

木易1 2021-08-06

The text "communication qq eight one four five eight nine two six zero" does not appear to be in any particular language. It seems to be a combination of letters and numbers.

anning 2021-08-04

Posted on 2021.02.28, it has been under review since then. I have sent a reminder once, but I haven't received any response.

zhangzhangzhang123 2021-08-02

The first article was submitted to SCI Journal Zone 1 on May 2nd and accepted on July 31st, taking nearly three months. Thank you to the efficient editorial department.

wood 2021-07-30

Hello, can I add a contact to ask a question? Thank you.

木易1 2021-07-30

The formatting requirements are quite strict.

木易1 2021-07-29

Submitted twice and both were accepted. The first submission was accepted after 2 months, and the second submission was accepted after 5 months. It depends on which editor is assigned to handle it. Professor Sun Runcang is very efficient, while foreign editors are very slow.

莉莉酱 2021-07-27

I want to ask about accepting pending receipt for missing items and then clicking on "File Inventory". What should I do? Does anyone know? Urgent!

屁屁猪哈哈哈 2021-07-19

How long does it take for him to enter the review process after changing the format?

wood 2021-07-15

Everyone, how long does it usually take to receive feedback from the editor after submitting to this journal? I hope to communicate with experienced researchers who have been published before. Can I ask for some advice?

纳尼 2021-07-13

Submitted on March 8th, the format was modified three times. The review results were resubmitted on May 18th after making further modifications. The revised manuscript was submitted on June 18th and accepted on July 12th. The stage review results will be provided within approximately one month. The efficiency is excellent! Appreciation to the editorial department for the first article in Area 1.

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